THE U, OF M. DAILY. WE E THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAIN COMPANY. Newc Wareroomtss, Corner of Alain and Liberty Streets. s ill "Open the Ball" by placing fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. 1 PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. TreptiSFrFfyGIt Find =ias~mnrs"Acv cgw STOR, 5 south Fourth Avenue City. - T7ORTTI25 CENTS YOUR GIRL 'Albany Lawy 8chool HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. Wi apprec(te lox o those1105 (00115Kone year. Thlree fu llterms Sce tice Witdow Lisplav. required. 'Icns begiu, September, January anl March. Fine -Chocolct~e3 ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. GO 'o0 Degree o LL. B. Conerred.- For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Qalkin'-s Pharmacy Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Il asilel'XLANG S55EV;IND NSUMMER GOODS is Suinlgs, Trusehm c SikVtngntectyFullesuiusaSpily.Paecllndxmine. Address the Doss or Scotary, TRsY IT. ALBANY, N. Y. No 2 East Washington St., near Main. CIGARS BY THE BOX.BILAPALOI SE LI't'oeily" ISt lia tlong fillet 10 islIox, - b3.60 Eleanttly refitted lru ite pst smme. 3V-J j iY & I°S & S o ,ies 19 tsIlo -CBUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, -- ~~~"Green Seal,5053k AND At."atier" ,o " :. ,1 i STATE STIIEE'I, ANN ABI'h tZ :tT'1"Iot'tles," .0 $17 5ttGTEanfs8 cpplia8, I "Bltl Bov"," so' ' - 1 1.5 eTHE ARUS- ATH'-LETIC e+ lGOODS. 44 Main Street, South. , DEAN & COMPANY. Fle J0 1IR lc AT 1LOWtPRICtES. TYEWIiN. THE CAMPUS. IIKrai lIan- is itisposcd. Alt kittdsor Work n tsie i FIRST NATIONAL BANK k oelst at t ctttetrtees. 1 the toctilig oft helC hotrt l i ^ . . MItan.Cesar, Ilttlet, 0 _ l, i 11tt 11 S gontfi t 0 ONN let I tittit teesy 5v'ttc Ii t.isoot last sight t ettsileraltlc iii C pitittat, Ot tt) 0 .s rpu dtit to tttttt, $Sl01t. I.' ( N GET tidge taut ii it c-i t per tanlit busint ess tias tratnsacted. A ies cuesttv ou, let tes 0 eet tprtored 01J ( 1'E ugeC a pli e tres tete oe ret leks itztesut itutref(tttueck.Il report twill appearttmorr owt. C, . au w-~ i rs.t r.' de, A i re: til otis ia t, itithetPoor ti rll 7n its o hew e .Th il gical Soieity thtad a ________S. ____W. ____Cas_______er. ___ ight, at ITe I lee t C lt sintgs at ILanin g k u _____________________________ Atittiista atiti o+scks befuore it Monday leighitin aitdd Iitiotn Chemical =Physical Apparatus riireiatcig lesiteis tt the regular lproegramitteit iit sis 1 - e, '9i lit, retutrnsetdlast iightt sitountcetd. (tHu O DANCIN ts . P.andccfrt a fcuirtdays' vesit to Ttoleto. IDr. Iatnnio'stiUlectureinthe , it lb. !ar ChemicassmiUrosopcal Supplis 1. I. \ati~leck, '94 dett, as lHistory of oitititLaI aeta IIEIILAC'II & SON. reetrntt co llege afteraps itl cettlprosent qtite interesting, slttatttie!Vo op~ets oteeptiotio uit tls I HV -13 AN illntess, large numibers front the t ltc c ttoc itii _______________________________ S esocsi:e 'ITe Webster pubitliclprotgramtt has juttior classes. VoHIT ti18 RPTAION Yttt beetn posponedetolT 'utesday eveting, Wiltthte tisttrso the late of 1 0 vts' eusus S archt 29. cnitract, IDr.IHattmottd comspleted E si't~t tettihi l 11r, lit 'yd.,islist has tect sen- his series of lectires to the graduate titi7>r&yjlosi y illtithi starclet ccris slosl s autdsetitrautscii' the Iistotr of &Wa (ne 'tC., SI ehnitul i On. eOsit1s0-e. retoterig. tcottitiotilate sesterdays. eor, atieofferii i tg u stit patfertns. It. 1i. 'Vait I ton, Iai'9'J. lias 'hI l e 1cCi ihigate a cottcet last 0 XIDE ~ i~fL'+- 'T Lh beeitsick foe sonte tite, at Itis night at Tledolsto es crowdd'thIote.! te ctl tieo hc siii LittE'''St~SA G home. ittti Ha lsstintgs. After the ccicer, the (lab were $2.00 tot $3,1.00 iftr ff2.ttla ny Ii ynit et' otkise oe sty ofyasiur (C.VW. !oot, '9,3 medic, at benteintereid a recepiotn liy Mrs. K. sltokacastl irite ocidetal Hotel si,mti itll)sitfit ' lss. Alsc oicertien tmt'tintets. YutrWistrety se sickltr te last lotte weeks swihiRodgers,imother of sir Rttgrs of tett. ice i elsekditiie, Sntiays. Speciil h~ipitioia h latt 'ii a) Iile'Ss otl'titiiss h George Ilatees, lair '92, list beenTthIle Reptublicant Club tiets tti regulartprirce of Whichl is fttro ltrced to stopt work fcr a short titie, night. Speechses by Gal braith, by eason of sickntess. ShaweJewell, Slivers atd others, ott 17.00fo $9.00, or'x6.00 a past. Diss. al Stisison sill reader a variotus political topics.tinclitig They ae also offeiti some de voc~al :solo at the-Jeffersotiians society'Isuffrage antd the silver tquestioiisill or tWet etot ins seting, 'lssrsday-eenitig. comipose the programi. ' t ided bargains ii Heavy Under' 1'" f"Il~rd,'92lay, hs ben By a rcetdcisioss of the '_war. At insspefion of goods .LEAVE YOUR ORDERS. unable-,to attesidIis classes for se- co''siti Supreme our, J . ,W. and psies is ivited. --iT ." e ra.days, on accorst of illness. . heoigatdstso IoGveio Begle grad onof E-Gyen P.0. NE S GTA . D Miss Caroline A1. 'Taylor, of Ka- Begole, aind a student of the l'si -eon- 1st ssioo, is visitiing Hiss Mausde ersity comes into possession of a Nvot~upett Magaine, Permdalssine Btartett, '93lit, for several cays, ag rc fpiei icnis }tttufrtctiens.Cigarendttt ) agetako ie nWsos