T. THE U. OF M. DAILY. "'IC o ' T. 1 (1 .Irepresented the OhfiviState Uhae ___ s t !ity inthe Oi saecontest of te CoII e 'FOR THlE SECOITE SEMESTER ii~xxli'x laty i sme crStae I)raoriai ssotaGreek, LatintI, rench, German, and Matheinatitit 'blseBdl Sida xit3s'cepted) xiiii intboll ofii xiii hthe Indiana state assn T i) hoos.New tutu 'eciindhlaid at ticl'iiixxetc . u' ixitioxiforus a tart .MNJiss 1l orhart + HE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ! i i isaeiraoia ots nl+, repiresenitediiithel01o assoiationi at if~~~ ib ilionxixprice $2_50 px' er er, iaseciatity teittr® xx iiii xii ~ \i.~University Bookseilers. - - Statestreent, n ixiiiiix'i' iianileie'xi entsi. tixinaicat ite ntT-tt C tEth ld lxdLst a, ,(inn' 'a wiiii txxii fitr e wxxs stiatnt xi'Iitv; to eka.. 1i'atias. At lxis last viii , nol. siitxceIxxtixxxayxbiilti t atiIi lhe Office xxi tI Ie DALxiV. ittacix oune xtock, ani alicehtaxn. xiatsittcle's, o iithxxxii x fxv the C'om II itnicitonsisould eachtineiofticiiby o'elock 1x1. at.xiitxhyixre ito apxncxctexiext daxy. AWdxiesaxiimattein i cteitedueorixtilicix- 'xiii l to i'the naging Exitoixr. Aullixusixies eomuncatols soud ian xttaxti theBui- no t Nxxxix t' THE U. of M. DAILY, Ane Arbor, Mich. EDITORS. x V. rwtxxi x, '92, AStixgitii Editori. G.t. c t..xNIxas, 'xc?, Assist. MamngEdxcIitorxi. cotest sly 'pamtidxia vxrcciredlitabtle ritnk xr htir statx'., . . Athliec Meeting Entries. 'The folloingxi is the list xii to ulte, xf the 'enxtries iii iiie indxoor athletic imeeting: ! Leavy-iweighxi boxinxip Ritteixper, llovxirey, Ryani, Wrighit andx Abbott. IiMiidle-e'xighxti boxig - WXrighti, ( tt I c' 'ilt nt...,..... oti...nl ~ r~l 91 I4!: Is tiheIFEADING SCHOOLoitBIiNEiiSS. " '°""' Si"xFouridpartmentts-Commercial.xxiNO tecttbook Or manesinptttork-Iixglish. "Shorthandanxd - Iiennxtixshitip. gexgit bildixxig. axgecat _- rtenccltxfxcit intutiortiin orkxthor- o ugh, lxvngciexpenses txitlyIxaxs'5 'xipci tink; stadents assistei in petitxiii For cetalogeioadress P. t. iLEA Slit tics idt, i 1'.,1AEt 1Enl, '93i, Axsint.liBusixnesxn xxxxxr. C'. W. itl ii'.ita, 'xi, Assist. Buxsinesicas xi'ie. t. I' ~. c . :i,'3. 'ni. IINxxxix' 'xii. FC.1. Ml Ixxxxi '2, 1tt. ix .'Ix InvI, 'ti). F. E t tire xteaexi.iii(Aix xotixvethat slfo itxe opirioaxxorstiemnts xxf iltrres-i Wx. C.I'. I11Ire'ikexricpe Ifor liisip- pearanxeIxere 'Tixhuxrsdlay,.April 14, whienx lie xxiii deliverhlxilectutre xii ''lixe Southternx lroleimi"'the iost- poniemxenxt if wiivx ias nxcxessitatexd liy the death nf liis prandxson. [Ixi acils foxi'ttexiIlxxdiloxirr.0tixetix' Enxtertainmiientiwere ixpenxexd Moxndaxy andx the sale if seats is proxpressing faviorably. 'huecnte rtaixtmexit prnox- sexsiii le one if the most initerest- ing oxfthe tear, andh eveiy t'. of XI. stuixexit shoixxlxiavail ihimxse'lfIoxlthe oppxortuit y oxxitiinessinup it. 'huef eaisteirn tripxof thexixlxxixxxilxcqiireix the eienixiitcire o1 a x'onxsiderabxle sxxii xf xxxniy, xxxidxiiithe ioutcomexc xxi this exntetinmxiet dependxs, ini aj degree, thyeviiiccess of this cear's \arsity team.x Ihose ivixix tre to partyipatein xthy dififerenit exibi- iracie 'n rowvdexi hxixse stixixixi greccvtheir' effotxrs, "ridayi isaixiy, ixoxixpsoixix, itau aiitixisix. BUSINESS LOCALS. I ltiepi xxxxpiJl.Ii Notiicsinsted in isclmthert e aaiyadCead.o e e i.xiiieciliaesiaoriongri T L Lgtwih oigHlI-ILK E timexxxand sie x t ies ixicixixixixi yit'peingxi Ii I' cathexexicialt boiixinp-L ewiis anid litai ithecDALY -ii blxxoiii xxindxxiicloiset, it x'educe'd'x xxixes. ;'pring' IIca i'' i xixait irestlintip-Rittip er North al xxis stieet. Iiii WXoodwiiaxd Lenxl'ts Studientls esfesixiiiingWoesc(xfoie'Sxxitixi' ixieet hesof ixxixtsI r iig)Suit ings hl wllcxviltiresti xx xix l iiSandxSummer' xweat' shxoulxminx'xixxe tixi,' 9' at-x] WXodwxardi xxxi lWagnxcu. lnhote x o ld uxcxex1gix.le Dtri'ti, ix- I .ilixt'xxeighit restlimg-Cilelaix ibliiitedxi xt lie ('oti IIoixsx',Tutesdxi a ny Z-tblb-iMarel 22dx. rlixey shoiw' iiiliii'eIxatest Pa taloons, 'T I liiicvDIeryi'h li rtel i anxd IDrake. nove'xltie's illim ipoirte'dicloxths whiichi l~ale-vil rsiiiglxithey maixke to mxeasuxre ill thei tmost icr-1 feeltIliillier xxi iopulaxr prlices. Mr. And anxi It rosvxaxi . I). 1". titles'(oxie of the best cut tel's inii n igh ptkick-tie lxxoii, liiichixaxi, it. stile ae.,) will beion lindxiitoixitake xexsxe.If yxoui wanlt a ixixtlirstilt Aic axxglxlin, Xieutiiire ainxl "asseit. xir' alythxing inititer lie it xciii piany Indxxiaix cluxh nilbitioxn bi Tutrner. >tiktse cxite ifr j xosr'.-Parx o praxil I'igilsse's titi ni- 'uing tpby' IMxiwer aind tGros- x'eI'sity 1,11lttle Iiglitif thle OrxatoxlicxxiVes 'ciati. IC'ontest, Filnier leave santeit Ste-' V sin qs .xt wrdl's ottlice andxireceive large r'ewaxrd. Webster Society Program. WAs 'l'l'ti Agood Sinlge 1rox1,iCll.ci- limt ENGxAi D :six S tJ'x xxMili trally locxated, furtnace or steamii leait. -Addtress M., Lock lbox V. I 'lie fxoilowlig programxixtll Ible JA , \/ S A 0 produlicexiby the (Webster Society G- AI[P OPLR iiOUSE.I1thseeig Dclmio,.V,1 -. ouh'anSre. Scott: essay', J . R. I iixtlicxoi de- AN A.t xiii. 1 bate, xReixil sed, 'lixtit the issue of Tld n ro n ot i192 is greater thiati that xii'Ito," atrC- Saturdlay Evening, March 2,11 oldAn rbrad'ot niatix e, 0. Jones; nepative, J.1. . Michigan Railway. Mu rdixtk. 'lie('hixral i 'iixxinxxii'has 260 ati'v'etiexixbers,xtshixnxi pwvhichi +refleuts xxxhxcixvre'dit xxixtheirxli ret'- tour, Proliessor Sixixi cx. IDexuan1 ixoivitnix urpedithe lawx claisses iitoittenulthe icitre by Roxbii. iPorter, ixeat loitxxxi v enu ing, and heatr lxis uiefense of tile last ceixsxs. I Si Pt xx karvi. :k Y antixe i'coimedyv if the abiove tutu' xviiibie xciiexn lix'h(Irandil iesx Iutse' - - Time Cartinu elo cx t annary'Ax1ix .tn. Jo. C.Mi LLnd Expriitx ess.a1a i Nox3 PserccnnArboir Axixie... ti10no Nix, ;..itail iPassengenr ..............'i'. . Andxi lxis Comxpanuy ouT weny'i etsc hed'xiNix. t Haii Paiscngecr..... ........I ISta.lxx .0I'tilts It)Nix. 4. StallliExprcss.. ........... .... 8 xx .ii.x Nox. xi. Passeciner, 'ToiedoxAxiux ii0x a m 'rins3.iand S(cxixScrunxewenx atiAnn tAror a 'rentratana Tne S . . ENNVEit'. R. S. itiiitkNtviOi). Gten. Pans Agent. icluenut .i IPrices, - :3, 50 aiil 75 , Snit s ae at i'. it. Niwslared.x NO. 12 W. HURON ST. J. ID. STIMSOII & SOIxTb J. H AL L E R, i State Street Grocers. Stuvdents patronage especixllty solicited. Riring,- a 46ctxitv xi.xxi -rMAINSTx. 24 S. STATE STREET. xii da ei Stiux'ritv x''xuixx. 'lhecedxuixxy is "lxx l inif'rtuctsx. the scenies of'wicix are' Comminunicationi. ixid ill andxxiii undxixiNewix' 'u ityls. 'liii'ecntr'alfigure'. of coutrse. is '',Si Fatxiccat'.xx t . DtILYui:i liiltiirti'' itiiytug Yankee' notiont '11-1the issue iii te I ;ai uas fur s I e'e, ivwhihurt i tis okedlmfter lxy ilr, . .Lewis. Somuxe iofthin extedinig Miarthx 2 21xx(1i lielatcxmeax t i mu d hx'xuitr'tce'xsseimtumay hue muentionued. tut AlisN elsicux, oflDe lixuxVitxe' tDoratIPg, aiyungucutrty ixass, lin hiove sviilx Si Fells Schmarntxi, anlinvuent- i'cr'sity , s15the first ladii>.ihoxi has ive hDutchman;xx Robeuurt IDenuy, at bogius ever"vion' aixlioratoricali-ucntest.". .stockixspeciulxtor:Ezxrxi litge. aim ihxuest _uilol'ti'itiei' ss'hoti"does -tot iunlitauti 'I'h'. ftiio'xi~hlgfxct siuoxvs the state-spt'cultiont, Ahoce.sWiItoui, xi Ilebrews ixeixii x oFtti x'isexip m~s uoney lendler timd numuterouis counry fred O h agre iamily. Trie pci'- cxv'a lhis i lihtarirn& VI'. Attiriart iuu'uuxuuce inludxies mauutn secixtties..