'Ij e U'. of LU . Wiaip . ?or,..1.-No. 12. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WFA)NESI), ARCI 2:;, 1892. presidenlt McLaugliin's Message. secures corruption, and, whlile I free list. The tinie seenis to havis lieMok o'ies o sh Inies Sotis woiilvd not hy any word insinuate( conic for a much frer idimittanc e i'po yor asemlingin ece- that the present Congress tias so of mianufa ctuired woolenstint if the lat anmtedt o cran mn iuch as 'fl temp tatioii te tariff swere iiot reiiiiied iiii tie ii i- fnrulativincoiicerning the state oft experience cof governmnts is ii uaiiiriiatcete a ntra ti ln -sseiistim livpast points to the fact that a rout- ran safely aiiiadainstiageousili e nuder tiiistiriitilyutI sisduy fortahle poverty is the tiest assn r- aidmitted. let us coiisiideithis under thiesoto iiuti.Ite un a nce of honesty. propiositon oiiiseverast goiis the plienomienallv prosperiiis imScviooernvryia-sinrnsr..ii is i--si ditioii ifouir ciiiuitry ainilti make i lviirIs the fact the goveriiiieiit is A Nonvei Class-Day Exercise. I various recomiindliationis fiii ails ofIjeiig ifte,is hemnd t he-____ legislatioin, swhich a siirvce} if thy people , froii the positioniiof the Oliy once iniome hu ndreid rear. mli seme t si ii liit ii heiiere creituire of their wishes you isther an olportunsity for the nosel n1diof. \t that tiiii I siigesteid stitiitioiiallv expressedin to soiii- ciass-idav exercises which arc plasnidil thati thyeI iaiscial coisditioisf hethiiiiabniiuriial, psissseiofiisourcs vsliithy hiass of '92 sifthe Norithu- (u i wuivsi such thatit stiii-iii svaith swithi twh ihthey Iiisha veestevnIii tiiivisit- Te sio lvi e ti vagise i itdi ii tn istlsiisutordo iisd oivirswhiuchithey slass of thy N. W.t17sirolsose to ie t.1sggesteud also that in vei -iae n oiitirol.I lies lose sighlt oficvlvesraitv thyeiiisviryofAmicai lain partivilars Ousir ecooiiimi on thelfact thit thyeivivenefaciossfor Iisiiinieitirelys oruigisal sanvd uovel dtou ndisiou r issdustrial sitiiioinswhichi thiey claiiiiiriasivpaid(liior it isimiisier. Eiiriy os the mnsingusof Ner yin issoiiicrespiects so iirtifivialsit thivi rsoswnipisvkvts. I liveiiiblivcviliss viay thirev siiiallshiisriggevd tha si-cakusess existeilweire griissbldingi nieevdless iisil vxterisagaait, iumiiielsteis i aipiiirisachIithe instreniiiii sas iieedieid. Haingwsshich ithey ire sii eager toha iiv hilt,'shilires at1Evaiistuiii ss sinsisediiat that tiiiictinsendin atimustbelid foiilrsiout of thieii owni I icsv shiills, imiitatioiisiif I oiui- antlivr time fuirthuvr ropoiiuoiisiiiiv Ile'iciiiiitIiiiiiiisivtsii nto th iissf 0171 NEWV PIC(E PRICE, THREE CENTS. (OFYOUR SOCIEY BADGE Maiied tn Ynu .- -Through Your C HAPTEIt Upon - -APPLICA TION. 11S ' ONIfIiJ, KAY1, (01 ~i if ituriiiof ine 'sst Plin andiiJeweliedii-ocietlBadgeg. DETROIT, - - MICH. Win youwanisthe Litest MetropolitanStyls nun1irosfssiithi unttc, m tillhiilsolllers stone, aiidlhadiiit suvch 1 ' iiuliicprsiiieiis iiithe class wlli~Ssesi 1 p~}ress iiiire fll-iimy idieas voi thy ia taliIsnuan , it cviiildi nost ichange v of th i l tiitlii iaiaci ty if Columinbiss. pies ed ' Catl-rl p isatiimi iceieil tiurefidvousi intii tiiblic buliigsur oniiti ulniiii- olstnihus siill adsdress" 5t litefiisiigsaviiss P lim labhor ad a tis ria illit tiichiiiiirigi ivesthe iiiider cilassslieul fI.j' Y 1' 1E & titiii th aivccumuli natios. Moneisu deed us vrnmevvwhie comon enseestevei l lioriistory.Intercei ate dingiuts. lu ssis sswitshraisvi 11)1)1the vuii i sicioth i svu ii uvvievsof--;I- - IJ effersonnian Society Programn. tradle indsh vuan he hilt uagaiin is nso ciru! i vfsoriiiof osur tarifflawhsss is ini __,__ ii uatisu crlusby expenusive anshal tl 1peratisvely mnheedssil i casid ex-l v Theiv i tfvisolii Scuieitsyisuilhi B XI (A VES iill he nussde a u v lshiss -iroiituiss hiy animuiatiiinuof thue iiusiitialconi-i nouncruuues thy folloiuns og r ~asi ADG -I il drs. ceg lius olit uriii tit u E us ios o sf sur counutryivwill shisussthinjfoi IThiiilusr eumsdy ening, larh I h i es-i-iltIs Piivefoir thu reliv-iuiu- ius, true Ailiciaissuusill goveruis- I nei.l S-hsa refourm imust bi taissol iii -guitar aisd bn isis iru rsl>ofthu i rgv aui i 7 wuut lit s it svariincewiuths shy is;cautius, gradrual andn ioiusuuhn i sty quirtvttv, F. ich, J. S.IluntI1 ;pa-ternaluism.Siu uvhaiicialvshreuua- Coimplete free trade, evensuwrcivit W.Hains andusil S. t-illow-iy ,lhmond Straight QCut. sionss suichi uiwasvanstved interfeevnve thueorevicallysdesirahble andl the utiiuiiessay, I..:1. liuirclu re-adhingsC. I .ss.1 wiuhi the unatuiral lawvssifcoimmuierveyjihioie of legislations, if it ivere estabh-; Chsasmiaii .Autsobiographyx, R. Ad.I CIGARETTES. is nd msiiust tie uisinwhesosmue iniits l ishedilat oiice svoiildvioleinths- ris- hall; svoral solo,iAl . . harls. LDe- CigrettieSmosshos s~~~. 0fects upininiduuhustry- as it is lssis-iarrangec the idsrlitrial sy'stem.u Abate, "Resolvesd, 'That the Michsigann--Isre slhsn he suicessi trvsus to the prniciplhesof repsubiciain- centasinamuount nsf assnuranuce anudanmetlhodh of chosin~ig presideitial tradIssme Cirgoills. wiifIsi sun whlich soul offer equnal, vch-sces I feeliig of repsose are time prime re- electors should lie adlopted,'" Aff. I.'lite risuim i i to all, aiid assert rather tlhanides- url isites for tih ghstenergy aniA. Smith negatives E. -.larriott, eunSoi. deesy aron-n-sI a frni s right- en sue hamper theisatural dveelopmsentsthest sactivity-.. There is sine coiis- vocal solo, Miss Mahel Stinison. Gnsor Lest n~in 4in Viintia. Tu -teli ot trarde. A plethuoric treasury us sioditi-, hoswever, swhichi can lie )it _- ..,.. n arout tioss~y s,bnd osiyesa t 875 suire to teiipt to extravagance., ii In-juon the free list andsrlvet gi-eiso There will he an hiportaint meet- Thme ALLEN & I rTEE t BranchO515 seed, it makes extravagance a sue shovk to the husiness interests of ;hog o f te etirtielsh IArmanl e ricn Tiehsnondl.Viina time. I-or the r1eseroir bnuStiseeds ! the country. If I at a-lliiunderstandl day etvening at. 7:30 in the law ,lee- bse opeined to let lie floods of nuoney the sitnations no chill siill he g-in lure room.. Good speakers will he J. A::POLHEMUS. back upon the country. whence they to aiiy of the industlries of the in attendance, and all University -Ti _IV m R = '" hasv ecise gathered. Extrasvsgunce {vcontry if rasw sool he put- upon the Democrats are requsested tonattenid ALO'BSH.C AND BAGGAGE LINE 1 Norlb Main Stret.