e . a AX; Wailjj. VOL. 1I.-No. 1'2) Athletic Board Meeting. The Athletic Btoard met Saturdayj mrrning inl AlphainNi. lall. The trreaurer reporteil 53g73-43 oiihand. commliunicatioin friiin1 the 792'S lrISe-ball maunager uwns referred to tIconcseihallicommittee, wiho wiill ((Isdwiithie rMairiers ofithlie cllsta sillregiri t Iiithe sciedli . She Adv lisrt oard wa s tll senl(! iwl.aun thei things,-lthatI rlittiilte shioildibetic 1imeiniitto rvsth ous t tutu ion itnipreseit uwtigof lihe \ssou 1itiot iwhiii irs tle \Auiril -th. him)the J11ituselts sugetoiteit to tleAdi i's one to Iclinter all fin i a l re-u siuuuuusril itin o e sm l oin iit- t iitiiiii ofithe treiaisr.I'orin-ii m e t iiiifo t-ibali iii lii r i maii ash or 'pprO Iitii s wii h r :'l( i i r iiot t ii i( i ii leiii iii I ii t ice ti heo h r ilsofltii'is I ihal h it thu -.iiiii es tile cirreelonuuiutal lundthiiist ,vhoe h sibseiecl Th I' ili i tiit i w iriappiteddiieii atesito UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, MONDAY, MARICH 21, 1892. I cal faculty of Yale University has s. G A. Lecture. inunguratedl a plan getyexteiid- __ m i ost graduate an n ore strictly Dr}E .BonspkinNw EIberryHll centerlinemoing on ii i u n uity ork u inh t instiituion.i BRICEToii sp;CEsNTS. VOF YOUR oIt SOCIETY1 LALGE I t cuE iliis Ilamuhis beell saiscrtionedl li the univ11ersity cdli 101 .tkiiii The feature nwhicmhli st inestth genierail lpublic;1a11 ssiiihi iill be !frill is t e f ll w nihcii e lieved toiiie one ofthtie must inipor taut in llit ts iyet illelii n ll this On aindnaftr Ithe ire xltacadenlicat yeaur liiilist grauante course, swithi the dere ccof doiitiriofipilsoiphy, iwill lie iipeii iiithiiut idistinuctionm if sex. It is niit the dlesignr iii estah- lisp l i nex 11oiliter rval o if the colleges alueady ei ssting for uwomni, liut tiireceiveme iirr i nt esi if the colleges andiiiileiitim a-s gioidrlil- iefonin uoe hries ures foirincresi ngiiiripe I te um bire~fschoila crsipsanii xsh opento ligraduatis fr lii th l - ii lii inreaxiii , itIhstimea nfrtl t' hge lprofessionalisducaion f ulii s areii iiircss if p11111111l Mocnk Seinati gaelw s srpnly ibrogtdw upon stieidliii!I- iVice-l' ii in i duttirig the iweeir, aniithlibsinesss- like air wihiihtiseeimedr toi perei ihe entire tmnidy guile assnurne ihat thec suibji it IX"Why Shoiuld i ii liet be a\Critia?" Mr iBown b le-M ied levers thtiimiiire thaii Ihalf ltti ciiiork NiENV of tli Iiteachriis iiiilttcueirehi p- peri oe hi u its, ii rinii est- ii y rges li-rtiimire of thai otiniiii ei ie h I biUp n fluristian pep rtoii" sy thiat tile reaisoni hyti CisrIia shulnd liec iinthue teaiiher is foii iiiil J61 (lie imotitccs, Ilove fhu mi ty iirii iiii tile dlesire for tile tirtrest g iiood I5I ofue hiis punits, nhiichipriiiil theit eacheIi ii le toi becomuue riteache. ii elec othel es sne d itfai5 c i thiiiii fairh in of C iistiainteacii ngms iiild 1111ha t, l thughilcr1eeus ani catelhismi be lilt: eiitirelyt ift It i ris itucionuthe su t it tie et fhrus C rsin i" ne t ietrei t h c urse 'k o (ihe hei l i La Ii ili'h es it iict $1,11 d itrd extftn j.{ y Jroc\1te Through Your -IAPTE1'k A POLIeCTIN '-wel e r i-lJy liruoer. DIT, - - MIICH. -er ii o til I I isesrrtt iff slnc l i ei Ii u tIt~ ih" h icst rr .,1e t h Ire rertiia rrko th i stri tr on W u t'ree t cr r ste r he ne u siil' der es oer 11. ait Al. ~.txillih I ive I nya h rsuri t f tseca Ieit rSciltrile inthe fur r eqii U. 0" M3. DAI L Y I lii i in-tuern t ul Ilit r1 t ici-u-ltt so ru-rri Fill]hru-n-t fILi l SE I> \IL I MES ill be I Iile a " ( iltit Pri ce oi thtillm ll Yttle 0 reri e GneCursns Oe t It %um'n d n& tr& ,Ihlt ct. Wornen. t ietftire peoutle. N\r Soh~ iro. I Nlutrt it i~itt~tiii t . uturruurt~ ICIGAPIETTES. l't cit.- o falrer ri r li,' th It tlt el i rn I uri tlile lii , I II t( r ,(ier o- lite rrru rrrr iru iul 5 rues I cr a I1edriet lit iof Ediitorsi lire tls ileits i l~ tius llS Ii Tuiliu(Afr tilt r rlerII icdn o thi psr utimme 110 nd I folo ig titus swere thenirnurtroducer d ' o tl I Y7) -i, as reiili t i ii i t rom an- w re \Ill( tthT(Idz)avl t-il I e hue low,-ur toiretellve tile (I- I um and Ir erril to tile prioperIllilillli im. r t srm ihii 51tt 1 o I( ii irteu rureunit I frolnlthtie rinyiur- ( do torof I id a ptees _ illto dmi ['all o sate ' (>'ettll eiC nrinil in ieiiiit. 1i sthn rne (OIl sI I ia rolughtuiout my IS Iil00yu;Inr 175 Iris beenl uaiurer thue ncruli~ys c Imiuiiitodua hll proii nglii'fire iii.ia eini tile senimemnt (If thle ilitors ltmit IBeware uuriimitaionsuu.11111rid beru-u iluitlie ri 1111 hur soumeIllme urilhi s heci ummnt ii imeI eicu i ci tinsIuchluatdiertiseumienmts shuildii nIno TiluetA1L~LEN & GINTR rtlic lrI thusbuceoliu h o1en.0 IIInd to poSvile foir ma 11ost-offfce !IOflie Auuneicuumnl muunc II, liii~~~~~~~~~~ platc timtei ouumcm lI ce ill i collegie p~ ihuicmtium (111lantltmeeeu. - - Itichmondmul. iemuia. iturs is15thucamnucment:i i bumilduringatScrainlon, PennsylvIi a. uI in mamcrniclase uvithlie reuest if I time enutire session svas spirmicedmsi 1mm iilirmuncreed anudithirtyniein re .J. A. POLH EM US a peil uomittee ainitei Inst dicatmig adterminatoilonthic 1101tIsorkuingehoe the Hiarvard -ithletic Ii.. MJ1\7 E i -= Of te seator to ake t a ucces. tam.ALSO 'BSACK AND BAGGAK LINE A5eur for this purp Iosethe Iihiilosiihl ftesntost iteNonsces e11SrthiMaln StreLt