THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAIN COMPANY. New Wvarerorenis, Corner of M11ain and Libertytvstreets. 1 wil 'Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, B3ajos. etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU Three Pairs For Fifty Qentp Find SZSZ.zs 's 1OTT--c Smor.E, 25 SouthFoutth Avenue, City. "Zi7OR.T 3 ' 25 CENM TS A E YOUR GIRL ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. HOSIERY SALE AT NOBLE'S. E~srAnutsuo18e1. Wtouill apporecate a lbox of 1]1(.5x" COtilIShi, one year. Three fll terns See fth, W itdoDisplay. rerloted. Teas begin, Neltenler, January andI Marcci. _______________________________________________ F ri ho oats ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. GLU -O Fl ull1Crps f Iitutosani Lotr rl sys -OI- Degreo L .Cnerd For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. CALKINS' PHARMACY. Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. 1, has tsiLE lAtDING 'ci isIy" ANAo SUMMyER GOOtuS in Sitiog, 'I ro'cings a- Silk 1-soings is thecity. lll Dress Siiga a Secily Please call andeir e Address tlhe Dean or Scrtary, THY IT. ALBANY, N. v. No 2 East Washington St,nar Main. RKM Y C0.iCIASBY THE BOX. BILLIARD FPARLORO l' ittsbirgli Soges, ilt) in Box, - - SItit SELL "Prod ~igy favania log filler liQin i on, -- 91:5 it Elgn ty rettd dsotorg tie pst summer. 'le-Iur.')0'''Nie lbelt counter i conecto. ____________ gttt,"BUTTS &HALEWOOD, AND AL. I Banllte'"il -sI-' STA lTSTREET, ANN ARBOR. f "~ v Toodles,' -llTHE ARGU$1.- A~LTC+:GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. FIEJ1 NI TLwPCS -e 'lIl' lV 1'I]7 '. THE CAM PUS >LtSllCrcrlriei iw'rirrrrairrsrriiriearesri era. N\IebS \iuni( .,\xbtt I ~ FIRST NATIONAL BANK J. 'riioecF, ot. I rrirrlirirlectures xl ondoa} i rir.c I iANN Atntt -' i rsrrrriiiU rir' . Al'r tM. Siiget ltrle'dl Iis r Casses trrrrrt rtrirrIirrira ir-rr-.O lh itcr-lrvrsiin r irerls 5 et' rlcip irinsacsr- iiit et'o rl itirarre i it ecr r 'X () , AN GET y raserolayIrt rle riae Tli Bilo ic l )l rets c n ti('ttoii . 1..Pe r . i.ienit V . i- uIl ac r r''rr ot l t liiltrrier,'ial fiet r . c irrsrB rrrrow Idc s lihi'Sirnday I II hre k i S i. ii.iot_\e'iN irr lBROWNS DRUG STORE Apor treatse grectedi tir tice - Cubat Alilonru at ninht. 'T~erilct toil Iiiunit lilistit amorng G AN E Chemical Phyical AppaCaub I retutrniedlthis mrniiiig it :415 Cile t o'sclo.cnk, i ttrt -The eaninon tis'instthi ieLP f 'iI r silVIe ii earriicnidiShakspeeare Setitarr classsaito. , I\flD BA I\ -iaa C~e~cas. dicosopia! upp~e, son n stcolu~y for stuenits irosingte qli te popucla~it rit ours E [{,StIAC[[ & SON1. irhorwrc c itl itioeerineathre' lais Catijuedege front the numeroar isi - 1tsr N OWtope o ritt irteepitiitn iii lttilrts eae~ ~a tttnatiot. tors attendinig S INIAtLttt tlhe Atiberstelie (led, siill rite Ptoo. hartleloti, the eell Lknownit ots c run ii a roncert here otisAprilqph in ill ii-author arid professor ini thetaieicl O sorti , e l vrsiyrill- nd r the causiis oifiel, is nt orlts' ncdtilwitlins te srrtr " threIflee Cilt. wallstof aci ae asluiscir ii it ithe re-1 A , lP16° & Tl lr. I Ictsis . f S o u th A fr i c a i n- i - stilt o f o re r ws o rk . I W a g ne r c ( 'o r. 31e r c ia til T ail - HI Son. ce aiSeae. tenetking ci reparcrctrcourse- - (f the tets who li etereidlcehetrstre Ofein get5n it pters, tfter wiheiriIrwrill stuty' neirlri relitiitary oratorical contest, setiehn etlit r-re i tii-ii tri 3 at tire t. ott \. were mtmersriothe iteros-Adl- S'ri'iN're' n i~u rit , ti ra gerlas itcii uplithe Scte r- lit- (f Iic four eleot tiorsirsiseel;r38.0Il0 t ,,'15.f00 it 55 if n'il swo''tO e i' ttir antt o r yorayco aftteroon, ol, candl herecfter'- atn appecaredl last nigh t, thr ye r e r lt tcoe ll i-tets. A I, n i- lik n hattl ti iccidentsi tiotelsut Il, i) is xa A o tresOtto tirrroll r to-. You s-illsutoely -eeo witill htoldl i i Saturdlay- eetigafter Aeellali mtmeiar. iI nn150iveio'tlock dofnTr- Sundarituspecthe tates re. tiiiio oilr. iiiitheatdiranicedilaccss. \l. lcreltoatigaie ato interestitn 5 atrso-To srn s h Tio scsio lao las isisslilg talk before the gmnlasiuml classes l regtulatr'1Price of wi-lll is frttr beautiful souenlir of te celebration at .\lciiat alsal yeserday aftrtnootn ~ t .0 o- 1.1 ar ofWashington's birtliday. Thtere explainitig the use of te alalaratls, I Qt J.0frX.0 ar Wilbe a fcsv htndere extra colis and giig thc rtlaoftlie gytonasinta. Tlioy are alsoofeigsmd- and those wh-Io isitay asault-ni- Four classes were fortmed as folows:a 7 rtt.Wet DtriMh.selves. A1 ladis' class witihItdiatn cltbs cided bargains in Heavy Under __________________________ Thie tnity Clttb meets aDlonday fronit-i12, leader Elbert Nichol- wear. An inspctiot of gods LEAVE YOUR ORD3ER+S eeig t stolait coci m. Anster ladies clss with and Fres is invite. -AT-parors swithi a paper 01nFrance by other apparaus, meets froimt5-6 I P. 0. NEWS STAND Air. Monite levi, and oisc on We- Thsursday, Mir. Willimsson leater. -FR- esh5yCollegecbyhMiss Nellie I". Two gentleimeis classes fromst5-6, Netsppoe.' ?agamines, Perindieo:gls Fn - - Coynfetiens. Cigars ad Tbaen. *sdhtat Wednesday and Frita.