THE U. OF M. DAILY. ~ ix~~ 12NEW GOODS! NEW GOODS! -IL 1 ON OR LINE01O )Oir SPtRING' and SI' MMER SI ITING(S are arriviig daly . Weclimt( 1"v tbest SnoletIe ilte l5rela tehWs SP R N - NN c; .11- il 3 ( y\' E \ 7 price". I)<} not bu1a ni, .0. olll, ~rrngOveicoat olilI oave i.'seen11 1ll'1& n. , lI06 u'e Ju rl Iiik sand jtinsts aiwu ivi _ hand at T" -m -FH E TWO SAMS~ ~ABR he J. T. Jacobs Company, ,. ~27 and 2 9 MAIN STREET. TI QT = =Y-=)1=7S=T-72_TIO0N- GEORGE L. MOORE,'(Successor ) + + THE FISj E 1HIuS G NCE . AFoul line of ol('oliege Textt5011ks, icliding Law 111nd1Medical Itoils. by lietak old friends. 1(31o11111emy entire stock at m tore111 1o1nOK. 6 S. MDIIN ST. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. WI-MO. Z.. DO00tRt DO0WN T,[OWN, OPPIOSI[TE (COURT 1OUSE, VV x.iiU] BOOKSTOREI jf 1111 jlst receive1(1a11fll IlineOof 1111 Seon~d Semlester Text-Booliks. 4 1 ~ O hleadglinarl'e1'5 for (xcl'l11nland1111 Ff01011publicationls. Sole lEI.hlI NIIA(A1I IE STATE 0 for tra~ in,, aties, wedIdiliO 110e., 1aget tfor. Whitings 'ille' Stationer' 11nd11hellfell 15501' l41 STjREKETh. Teleplhotie 6. I S. 1 n'Stopt. Po O111011. 4Celebrated 1\I tllIeilaitl InIstrumen101ts. Sporting aus SJNA.Stlto! THE - EXCELI.ROR JH .SI~ - I,AUNI)RYtk S111nk Blooks. (11)10.ilalger. Itas ll theimtproved ttachinery,itdlit ire rpjj WESTERN MICHIGAN( COLLE~iTGE' A A G-RA1 V"D RA PIS. 1TOT10_ I FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, N .cO TED relli ts h t'AI.OT ,litt' 'lt'NsFA0. I'll .t aadeaO1 iiitio13 alie olliege 110100111-! iienchol iltcllEG OI1112. PeuesteIedce'ltI'110I enetettte011MILLINERY AND ART GOODSI thte nont pratica1re sults111. 30 last Huro treet1, I 'or ins NORMAL ANT1)) '1EACIOII5' S'ltWI tl0 I'' _ i R2011.I'T. Special attentio~n givent to1 preparat'tionttftoeexaminatltion tt toi eorline. tire. Comnttreiaillorturned outtmedaty Pricesreattonttblett n ork guaratttted. Nol 201 EsotHturontst. A. 1F. COVET, Piolrietoru 0. M. MARTIN, DEALER IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic AND COMMON COIFFINS, RINSEY & SEABOLT, tloker sttnd dealers in Foe tsl C01L'itEI'AE. AND) iSHORTH''ALNOD P~t11lME; \'1 , te leaditt chlool 10 ofnittiess. RIRT ANi GoerePr$ ovisionsB,Flourand Fee, j,0.the extremtely mowder'ate expentlo1tnlets tatttnditng. Tlteexpetne ac'L'ut ncan lie fig- COAUS. 6 a50000 N. Washington St. t-i lower withlthlatn at tty oltter ednecatiotal intitultiontlitttecoutr Iy, atti at te IT WILL PAY YOUI. Shorthatnd Othont, Newn__ sant ime litl e srl11011comftIortable. Everylting fu lllrnie. - A. E,. VEREX, President, Butildling, 20 South State Street. t 171, _s . Or. IHammond. I etrr r 121t1l l110 INTER-COLLEGIATE. 13001 otii edttl 05ifirst pa.gAet.e Samu~iel Colgate has presenteto llAt'- .)relerS i m tle,lbesides Iris wor1k inl thle o energetic' adm0iistrationthe1L1 w ColgateU'nivecrsitylhis collectiontf) LW, - 3 Mi f schooul Ihls greatly I)rloslerell its S.______acho,_edeier_____bokpa plesanaiu oturses lit leutuures ilt)Ithe 2[niversity hok,)ildlsallnal- ____________________ ctrrcwtiian sstm offntrc sri )srelating tilte history o thle , 1 til 111f (t Iicliguiui [, uiersity of I'1 la ts 10i1111i111itl Iow' ll Bo~tra 011115llgi lli01'~i tsteonu Law ci oltnd\orsit taes1111 110 'l) atIltiopts lo elt t~s ill) larelyInceasds-tes Ior t ltao'$,.t.,u tre le111155111005[ilil tis iSl 0 1i5t il \ 11 i l ,iltg Iuu1.17 )100 I~oit he lie.l dBan it-buinLes. ashier thelolnsln r w ope ae a tfctrn o p n ofrs ilit l bolt II 1,11tlev s i P. I].Ier eretlitoc. the Iwde11101 f0110 Itt 18; l~e tu alsioti 1iiii 111 ;lCli I 0,000 Iworthi of hicycles as15 1101200 i001i2C0l a111111t01112011 a 101igepst. t or the Itlnlg11101 lwii1 301itele ii M op i itnm Ininin Ili ame 1111111 a1101y ctniioiliuitiois tt 1 11txhI01!11100 1111 bet~~l lst e0says on env a se1112 he i t l59 l I I IIO)ihlJil-ll loguli literature0, xritititg re by00rf. GiffitinCom012La 'WORKttLtlI FO andDELIERED too v ariouleal periodlicals 11111 Ialso ;,Gartield [tniveIrsity lIcate to i O K(I :U adIDTT ID till'in and 12iiI licia Ia.,1115lilci911 teSPECIAL RATE'S TO STUDENTS. 100117 ~It Ihas; be'n'uu Itndii necessairy tIll 1867 Ili esctalIisiholthue tWesternI t eti-gludti s lolt ani upper01in tte lihands oi i"l. 1E1-ar Ilanliii-' itfIOffico. - 23 southl Fourth Ave. 1111 ~llile 111 illu~~l61 11u* I illlostoul ivho heinug 100y wealthy, ill- - -_._-- 2100 010- le l tt~li 101to A 2.t l~il~l 11 I.1- ten~ds t1o endow)IVit 2011 111210it2o11110"QK BA B R S O three yer's .11111e1 lir c i o rubt - 1 C 110111hal a dB. 1011- dI f ihe o ireo st ill the 12111. 'I'11lle.R S O Sa de' J tit a , w ih lie w Iel 9, its,w nt lo tril t even- 112111i t uilinIg wh~ichl is 0n 110ly in 1 Iftuili llumsiltl i i eto. ioccii)lu4 while at the [2niviersit fIw, a i_ eanote11110d1y 30111 costt20,00,w 011111l110 1111 wih ~ac111J received xwithigroat tavl)),llothin y inestudenOt's eki ob 101I . Ntls oL.A 71. R. O NWS, tis coluntry 2111d lnglanl, licitng laicedl illthe library lit Newberroy Ft.FR.0ill seil roundlultrill tickets to i 3)1',I. 0 lshantinSt 1-. 1A1n Atb l c 2 1011 from Sir IHenry 71 2yt10tile highe~st 11ha11 for thise IIofiithe liboarians. TIoledodO 11retulrnlfor $2. 50, tile __ . cootlslinient. lie hasaS 15)llso r01021 (1.Wl' eavy,'9r lt.ev110 nisn001111ot the11100 Ctuib's concert 'Ann Arbor Saviings Bank att t)i1)islc~ 2t Oitill f lak hell11 115 10110 ll lo el br he n thlat ciy, :l arch 2211. A spccial Ann Arb~or 211111. 1 eilttal Stock, $10,000, 11000. 'N'ito degree ot L.. II 1D. 121 vck aWrtradtosllo.train ll 011leave Ann Arbor at 41).9. Organizedtne lee eOural 1BattkingtLaws con tredonire by theI o l- Pttateturning at 2)0111 2 05 sells ecneantothe istOijat ities o0 thte coutrreo lintby 110 0 I. rof. Adams couroes in political 'T'hose weho intend to go please n0- United stte. 1irIats cttshed nllon Iroper l~einl 370, as yAies, hseconomiy, Elis semlester,-are attract- tify 14,M.JOY, 35 1.".DiviionOand 51 CttISTIAN INtiti, Pres5.. 1/11 110,1 17. ~ ~ alaycI~tile o at. tldtts 1CSmtl,111Kappa Wos - 0. I).ARIMAN. 1tice Pros.. alyaInte-,in187. pga al e uribr fIaw.swdalts I. . mihPhtKpp liocae., ; CaA.sR.itice. csher