i~.of fU1. Weiitpu. VOL. 1.-NO. 12). Oratorical Contest. UNIVERSITY OF MICHI1GAN~, PFRIDAY, MARCH. 18,1S92. _ - i.__. CONWAY COACHING THEM. Track Athletic Records. 31 i C' ' I l { r. }il 1 l t, Ikhe seconil annuial conitest of thte ;university of Michigan Boys Pro- '!The collegiate and iiitercollegiate' 1 of N. (Ii atorical AssociationIs oaring for the Diamond. rcords as dleterminedl'by the Inter- aes place i15 1 iviersit IHalllthis _e iversity (if Nicigans illegiate Athletic Asslciatiolnare! a -ing '1liesciiiir silltic teanm this year will lie as strong, if sfllss of 7 1 ~i csesitis is henot stronger, than the ounIof189 1. 11 t) it 1001( Krtliern O ratorical I ti' lie coiitest tooooscornk ttl - y 0 aruds dash,10o seconids. lti takes blare it 1Evainstons this o ia icer tl itlt 220 vardlsclash, 21I 4-,i seconds. tag in AMas I lieLeaingu 1 ~ iicrst iri h eiisiiiil 1 20)yards liirille, ti 4-5 seconds. oseilofiObrlin, Noirthwiesteirn sei I c{ianrItlst 220 cards Ilinrillc, 24 4-5 secondis.- 1111 ii sits t .'iii sits f isiconsin01101}440yards riii, - / 4secondls. tceam. It isill lie reiieiiibeircd thai t Nie1" iiiil.,andthe Itnivsisistliprciaisviitiiciiiif1111 HIalf-mille rn, i min ute 5a .'4 sec- so i sry l Ninssoti i11 ie I ship fur the lietroilt Athiletic Cltub ,unvesiy f inestawil e d-froimithe IEastern Associations s l .1lie iiii, .4 minuites 21).4-5 sec-r atitted befietiictheiconiitestso that t iiiiiiier of t890. Petei ron-iiiids. te representaiecaiitaeat in- atewl konpthr as Toml iyle race, iminutes JI(. contest.lieeii engaged to coach theclubii 46 1-5 seconds. A great deal of iinterest his heeii He has aliont sixtsycaniidates sshlo ;Mile wvalk, fi minutes 5(1 4 5 ec- iianifestec as tc) who stillbethcelicareiioss haird it work. Xnother t onch. wininer this evening. Thie scven E asterin trip has beeii acranged 'iiii Broad njuip, 22 feet i i inches. oniestalits repiresent tlirce literaicy thc fol longii games still probably 1-igh jump, 6 feet 4 inches. lasses and ltwvo law classes, soi there be Ilsed:-Unisersitcyiof Pennsyl- INitliiig shot, 40 feet 9 1 inchies. srivartylbetween the udepartmecnts s mmi t IPhiladelphia, NIy 2 t I a- liroswiiigliaimmier, t107 feet5 si-eli is betiween classes. I leTett aIason I , I n2inches. onitest still lbe oiie if the lbest einter- om IIpiisi>.iisiic\ Pole rauilt, 10 feet 94 iinclies.- ainsniets of the year. Thec I esi Ilas 24'Pr1incetoni atIPcinscetolin Ntiii(tOI Ri iElOD li ' iiaii C lte : ihfirltshittIS. 5.11A. NIaso a -3;-orlliiaiiiat New Nfork I iliicli can onily he wade at theitni- neiCitiiiliey 2l;it esI. A se-iatn (itfiddiltiP Ircoiii I egiategangs-).- acket hleres nwill lie iduittiiedionill 00n i' r:kio t to ardls dash,- Ioasecoinds. hiose tickets.i ih- progeram si 5si lrovidecei 1. L,1 NI iiS; I ai iii a22o cards da-shi21 - se-oiius. iliiis : Iat ICambsridgeNiMass. Niyis o 0 aN e ut z1 0 ardhi l, i - i 4--, u osls. iCstelai-, hit I) iiiiii t" a-Nii I len uii P. iiil 22 t 0 1yirids iiiiile, i j'- =j -ieion s.I iison, lawi'3" ti-i Nieis Nork, Jue2.4 40 yardis 1ran, 41(1 scondiis. ' Ilt lNIain i nie tteOsini - liThse iidats inaynot Icome iinthe Haf11Cru,1mnt 1- il owselit. 9'. regular orider is wriitten, as thitfc-I seconds. I le idls-ii iiI itcriatosii i iiltyhasve grasntedi lavie of aliNb-Ilii ii N J.N ;1cIiire, losy 92. seiiceif onliy a sweek. I Tiimore inds. dueation iinilthe S-i tt"-- ' I).F.I i p ran-ns iwvr wl e To-milei cy le r c. 6 inu tes blilox, lit.194. pl aed.-Coiielli ld1 Suiit. 4-Ssecondcs. NI usic-1 1 csliiii iii lce Cliii)_. _.. ._ Nltile swall,7 inun tis -se -A e is N ai al1 iisni ('E.1 hi..ci-. uiversity.In s. PRICE, TB is :ECETS. ~OF YOUR U , SOCIETY BADGE I Mailed to You - Through Your CHAPTERk PRICE APPLICATION. liHIl, Ki1, KAI)k,0 LIST Minnfieioers of Fsnst Psiii {ndJeswellediSoety Badges- - DETROIT, - -- MICH. Er Whentoun waslilme latest Metropoliian Styles in Shoeseat 50c os$la lairlesithan Ann Arbor priesn endifortCatalolt R. H. JFYFE & &S SP~ECIAL SALE ! Clilis. Speller 4kCoi. ire selling it gremitic re- S(l11ced prices, Itheir choice hine of Neckwear, Iaider- Ier idal ll iig 4 i f 1 w 1' R-ob~erts, lair '92. ~- - ' Bro~aid ump, 22 feet Ia y4inchles oi Go aniii nispdcdt goods 'The Relation of the Statlto ic I Ithasrecenitly beeniproiposedl ho Ihighii nip, bfeet. auid pics. Chlrist'"-J.- 13.-J ohnstdon, lit. o3 Id nI nstitute of 'leetimoogy to P'utting sho-t, 40 feel, 9 . iniches. -,lime 't'endhency of Modeirn hI) p thic Chicago hinirersity, anid al- Ihrowcing haiiiiier, 107 feet, 7 >-~ Chas. Speller ( idi--N -A-Cutler, lit. '92 huhtene oeetwl inches. I S STATE STRIEET- NMsic-F'reshmman IGlee Cl.i cause a radical change ini the tphansi Pole cvalt, 0o feet, 9f1I itlies. Rprofnde.Iof the hiniversity it still tery likely R - .- ioh od SragtQ f"- - be tak en, as President harper ant I New Musical Organization. R~-N. I Freshman Banjo Club. others Iotk upon the prjetith ;CIGARETTES, ____ tioet At a mieeting of hbanid Ilei, IheldI - - teCwingnte aymakeittwh Asecond examination of canchi- Ifavor. this addition tins heeii made ''isa giamn adwso- -aretinSokers whattl possible by time co-operation of the Tedyngtanwbnd aso - smore than the price Ehates for the Freshiman banjo culb g - cossig f1 f h etchargedftor the otinar wilb ie nRo 5 audyChicago Electrical Clb the W-est- gliecnitng fi fthret . [ade Cigarettewill fid afernonatt:0ocok It e Society of Engineers, and the muiiL ft.~ct n clee all others. neirt atronatt:ooclc.IisThey havequtacoltin f The Richmond Stra ht Illinois Chapter of the American qieacleto fCur No.1I Cigarettes are made frosm she hight- te thtal'95bajouitar and casclnui udsotrtecie'es most delicately flavored and highest est hope thtal9Gajr lsia msc n ne h ie-(old Leaf grown in 'Virginia. This is the OW anoiplyrwhhaeott.Institute of Architects, which hlave ioofPf.Grl i.Clns arenid Original Brand of Straight Cat Cigarette,. all signified their approval and hare and was hbroght ot by us is the year ist. - readly been examined will present playing some very fine pieces. They Beware oiistations, and observe thah hap themselves. If the club g-ets into promised to raise a laboratory and have contracted music for several The ALLEXN & INTRSBranch apparatus costingovr$5,0, omnt occasions in the future Of the Asassieaa TobacechCo. shape soon, it and the Freshman oe a ~o.prominent~rr, icmnd iri --leclub may make a t th roghm This new department will require and are, open to asq fesgagemnt - } -l.tip ruhthe-r-addition of a head prpfesotod ndrcra l then warm weather -J.A+ ; POLHNM us. Michigan,- stopping at some of the each of the branches represented, cories will give Ohne out-door con- ~ .. larger towns at which the Ulniversitybsdsanmeofsitnso certs. The new band will bf known ~At AQAR£~~ Y-esdeiannmbr fassi t-t0 o-LA - --TV'J