. of , .1. la l . VOL. IL.-No. 117. CLASS BASE-BALL CHAMPION- SHIP. The Schedule and Rulesas Arranged by Ithe Base-Ball Cornmittee. 'The sclicdn1(11Of liamuesfor the (,lasbase-ball (11iam piolislip of the reiIrsi te will he (com1muenedelmi1 W, luesdvr April i . The four iou sll(of the literary iii prlirrlllt th°t Nilde ite li soulio sh t~l te prfessonal epa has(' de-i lilrq iu the IImelis idet ,! ltrak-c 1m 1(1 lia t (illur- Ill I or te lioesIsi Iiion l ri - ((lte iter ar u'dipatmentirill ac- UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Tr1,.SD1).Y, MAR(1h l15, i1892. I~edceslay j e ii tti r chm- esoim7 ions of the Law Classes. ptionipgaine,11(7iflnecessalry. "The selecti(0(1(f lumpti res shiallI lie left toi the captainoustf the 01(1(1(- "PTee shltl be tirio official scorerst(to be selecItell lit-the 1baIse- 1(1(11comi ttee of the Athl etic A550(- 17(1(11011from those recmeiiiidlediible the imaers iofthe class teaoms. Score okswl b ui'iislieilli the Athic Asoiae iehirh sill lie tled «v to the ireiiiis of the Asuso- amsshaill lie plsiiulell ole oni 11r'17i1 ofith0le iiatier, anl the 11lat17of' the postpouied gainieshall 1b1 decide(Il biithe basebai ll 'ommr itte. [signued. ] I1.(si li.ii Iisii e Yale Cannot Come West. Iie fu~i ro esoluttioins on- LI jiceril(liithe lebra-tion (itfIt sltiii- ton's s iiittiil itave lien(ad(ioptedl lii tihe Juniori anh senior-1Lax elasxss TI list uiiit itoitthe l-"l ehuottuet N1W oteU iverityoftilierl Ilt ihs of ithir apptectionofte ii]ecn iiire s1iuis theta b theisit1re1(1 all- dress ofHl.oer Cuiemi ontheis II 1E hutl' irth ir e . 22. sir l desiru to exp resls'to iihinthir(lier e th ank'si Ilr is coiertiortin t liep'titre-.stiliii cI leoeti 1? sWlercasuitn lowtoliheI re m lbrlni s lie ioft heI s i m u I an iotrisys to((itheuif hi s ofthesLsu S i arneit wodsiiilthemad itetilon ington hi (i'iieii'iiiildtim uthiili et irereu- stltainin is u adai restrsl-if tgae great s, frlsson il ur ii lI .t iil l Ii r uaui in th P lll, Titltior CENTS. (OF YOUR SOCIETY PAPGE IMailed to YOU, -: . Through Your c HAPTER I uAP-LIiATION. : ri' l ro rs ofl (siPhi l ii red oich' t(Ise. DETROIT, - MICH. b AIJ Idteed lices, therir 1cho1ice 1ill of Neckseir, hUntder- A io (ireunit i,,s set wi tiiea;do Isv the It. sf. 'fr -l aten tipi iiil flel eulan fthlitic 1('lid)o h he ar sfrte1Y le bIer t in . i i ill b l I Ii cI I lat- thllreias.lii onue ii 1 oftheW arits niw. thealm e~n nho ed ii C. anid thle hcid lio -s i l(ithe caI lirsNAH ae blie is oAllows fotilliiiwing iwill i bo th sshiei- u~c or te gaies o beplaed ini thle 111 P iilhe Vleimoogar elIe dpare iof Vale, butIthat thle 11(111 Ah sli N pii ie series fr h cas hmion-li forisfearthat it woul1(1 iiot-rfere ((ill Itese' I till lileltishitercl t) v tip and th terser'ifeirdiby he111gtelireolstwttterherIluillfor- ' tonepcily(ei'strong andul ly'Iihai fod( Ii itclsotatne:l i ii ~euotr(Imes(l~ (111 ihst'irifS 7 hhto' usiethou' ot~r~ il(((5ttend il henproceeded revealedl .. .im m n by m m n th s trisS1 dlit ftlltice il.{t clitThe Deity C lUb. oolei1 lt iIliIt tiie t~e -which huve won ftor hiittle nmnt ll 1ric'. It redecsitai pl2it (z) '21 Lsf ev'ening a uery r itertil dug of a ieat lecturer audd ilvIiie' I1 .Q I in Iaw, ampu1(115program(1 iias5rendieredI at the I 'lillIttitl(a iiiie wrl1 trainledl, andlIf eh ap. Speller& Ihuursday, Aprhilh(28, ( 1)'yli V lttii 1(1(1 abl y ilear aiid flexilble and ina S. STAITE ST RI I I. 1liIalhlS thin openinhg olhhibtr eulhihed, ; the thtoirest aidm1o5sf car efully se Ihursday, april a5,'4)aIliacsilS tory of a Wahz "wsas given by Ilected xords, sna simllae, truthifuil, ~~r d Srih ct .DetAhei FeldI. 'No. I lr. . F.Weler ad re vssMrin et eloiqueint adcapitin~hg txay h Iieda Lap' Smosithi. This stas followteud with the portrayed the life of the greatest of r. CIGARETTE soes'.h leic, capus5(110 Artis a Dream "by Illsssaesxa res re willing to nay a ittia Thursday, - v (6) sinnlecs - Artby Americanottse ndhreaalito e cthantihe price -,fa a'I Alice Cramer accomipaniedt by .M'issetlaracter without a btemlish, anud a -- charged for the erdtirta o swnesN,)., 3 -mpsIlni evi.verycme"beeI radeOlgrelb.will find 0.ea m 5Iitlr ,OS)S ai etcnefeJ ranwh ws i vrysneTaniesND naperior, to greatusdy, ay (7)wineall uothers. t'lrdy a ,()wnesanus Marct,' by Miss Srnith. 1Prof. of tthe word, great. .Mucht credit is Oaao1T hs.lllchmond straight ro. s winersNo. Athltic "Te Noels ut ol1Cgarettes are made erom the bright- o.4v wlnr No., 5'AtteicWater's paper 0n1 "hte Nov ets of tile the Politicat Science Association eet, meat delicately tiavored and highest eoax Gold Leaf grown in Virgcia. Thisnilathe 01d eld. I Victor Hugo," abolunded inlBcoml for its enterprise ill securing so re- and original Brand of Straight Cite Cigarettes. g and was broaght oat hy as in the year 1876. 'Tuesday, May In, (8) wininers ments and criticisms uo th lat nmas- nowned a' lecturer as Mr. Gladden. Beware af imitations, and ohoerve thti th1k firm nane as below le an every package. o. , 6, vs HighI School, campus. ter of romance. The ALLEN & GINTERI Braneh > rIhiuraday, Junie2 championship - -*-- ' Of the American Tobaecco Cii. 2, -~._,.--- Manufiacturera. . RIichmotnd, Virginia. ries _winners.,No., 7 vs , inners 'Ttie ,Biological:;"Sletsr jiits fB Jy,. resident Cleveland has -aent a _- o., 8. Room B at 6:45 thlis evening witlh a letter to the'Yale Union declining J. A. POLHEik,,%S. Monday, June 6, second chain-paper by H. P~. Crego, 00i Climingthe invitation to speak before that _i8OT'BVBACM ,AQGHLN ospgae.lat.society. Niorth Mir Straat,.