THE U. OF M. DAILY. Y !NEW1 GOODS! NEW GOODS ! yr OPlEN OU:IR of5i0OutlS SIRING' sad S MER SI IIINGoS aelivin1111 daily.1 We (claim1tOIlto ae the lbe''ts('1(40~~I1 ie iithet'markttthelws 5 P R T I~'' (.3- 1>LEE C I-( ' V E .A~ 11 1prics. D1)1)nsot bYaSo if~t iiSigle lPantt, o' Spig fOs C'c't lt 1111 .1. nI loutae seen oalut-ie A larb-e lin o Tuntks and1(]lags ialwys (on hand at The J. T. Jacobs Company, T E T O S MS ANN ARBOR. 27 and 2) MAIN STREET THEBEYTO T KTE= Nzv.1TTONTGEORGE L. MOORE, (Mgsorto ',, ,+ THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. A vallfiacof al College Tet Bok, iactding iLaw and Medical Bonetse x ledi-ls WAIBASIIAVE., ('II('AGO . Chapestpace frteoBoksd( 10ot00'oUitatOaPws ithtscity. Iieshossncgcsowi. osealosos odtriends. I now5 hae my entie stoc atttmystoreon -No. 6 a. M IINS. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. .. D OWN \ fA .'1*NIYER>SITY D SN _ DR 0TIY TOWtiN, 1, w A H R IOOKSTORE, UT1~3PLCOY OPPOSITE Hils just reeived a foill inte of 1111Seond Semnester Text-Blook. ?1 1)=L, SSST(aO''S CO UlIT Ileadqunasters for (terlnan iandchFrencit publications. Sole S.LIVRY, 11ACANt) tl A(;E I l1. N II IS ,l STATE (Ordes otra cis .prties. wedslsl ea, s0 IO'E. agent forWlitiigs ite Stationery1a1101Keoufel e- lsser promplSTREETd.dtro ls I A I N ( e le r a te d l t le lla ti s'1 1 1 In s t r u mi ie n ts . S p o rti t g ( o od s . MON A n .as ( rxtg er. il t e i c lts e d t 1cAe h net s d b e ie. Coteseil wok taredtotl slct s 'hH WLST' N IHI AN COL EG _ Prcesccastooatbl and worttk oTi tPs ted.Nss A T o Iast Iros ct. A 1".'OERT I' in st-. TUECEST rNeredaIdIGcroaN COLLEGE'K A N D AL L - .-MMARIN, EA DEATTS OEFINE PHOTOGRAPHS.tIE11050^ I _oTrED toe its TtRN eArlATOrlY ' 5f 'S. t'ci'pres studcsstsfor aty collegc se sien- CMoth CasktM tli Iteitt(Lleso (itcutry-'. Pscsfef dace ttlats t5 ocsds siscfssMILLINERY AND ART GOODS!1 At kt, .~tii xrrittsasfsssaleosllo.FG;(!U~bF'. Pearsfrhdgesnimth rods clur n A D OSISON COF-INS. 3EstHrnSetVoro its II)IAL AD '1'EACtt10aia' TIlinO f)El.4R1IhMNT7. Special atcstisn giets3nrs 0 tes.RNSEY & SEABOLT, oe iIit= ' 11(.A NI) INE ARIT i)ISPAtCT M NTOO Seon olto Non cie. los't'ied Sal Itn eestanditdSales its sor : t 0 l IIL' TAI. ANI 'flt)ITH 9NT')IIESA /'MEi'', te olingsscoolsf businssc. SHORTu1HA1NTT AKE A I(eorePoiinsF radFe le uthe teestely smtodeatteexpensetossttdentttsttndingi. 'ils ct'pcnssc oceoun t's t cb, i- FC0R..1 I I LGroceri, ndo8vL sinsito andue Feed, sta a n teetlcto lisiuin ntecunrada teg t sam tt' i ss' stelitttd cttstotselte. ISccl thingfnist ttettlt. IT WILL. PAY YOtU. Shotband sctsol, Nes A. 1. VERiEX, Preidenit. Bsildig, 'lo Soths State Stee. Senioe Medics. MMillan Hall Reception. Juntior law5 sittttettic xxwirk 111 on Y v~..QI"~1~ tilsnd111Notes this owek ' tsix s J Afi jl(11 10 spoops ITe sellniertedics atother lai ss '(Itoc eltioa givs-nitbyxthe 1ottg tels ethos oota 1 ii5 meetinig, Saturday itornin1g ap-I'Pepe's Soeiets-sithtie ttestvteiatt tielI ~tit toss0rts t o ~- his yer. ARNOLD'S. - s,6 Main St. pitdacnnitte tSre raelhrto thes'S. C. ., Stuirday urclassh spitres 111111 tol ask tor ev tetitig, was a iery' etjote ae fair. 'u etlttoe i tr' exitibitionol fitwirk. tI 15t sde~e i chIteat tenidainic ws l5verv lige, 111101 otirse wittl he (I ccl hoc I t )rtl t>I Iar' al ' IIaaCB'" al, 'toil1a ctss banqtttl f ors tisdosal~lt s m dtro t ensljoy temtslvcs. (os5 11tl ote I Issitio te.100- ~tttl~tt. t..o(.-t ane fitiime ical faculty itty 1and01 15Aout i ne1(1 'cl ok the aitdientc (t'tlote'leI tostlt'-lteossWIIT1 .'ci nyt l5lteo 0 c ilmmsittee w55115 in~lltell ssitht I. "T. 5was rcalledlto oder ana s o r ttt i t po . S jut 't sre-. P. 1. B lta , I. 'tsit-c t rand chat~irman.os - It wstdseidleitgrammelti' sssrendtereo, sswhich sttste sn'F sis-nlitI isst 'o hostd s-t-ss tay e,eecises iaiol Iatttteciitteth by ll.t he ' ls s atI s pr Iers Vn so u leph ais ippointedc1A l ht i ln n Inn-- itisssittcee of aiarlemtent t s s Ittastrhtllx- dec-oratedh sithlyellowso-andl lyI loiAltt '5 1 00515 1ccti II U t LD I l r plh lJ pintled. The 11a111uet swilllprob- lur. A tooot elvess o'ct-ok the le t a.clssisss1e'sm5en1t of o e trs s aititsbelield11 i Nickels'HIt all1001lights osere turnedh ot 111101the guestsPorca0011110forte (tsrpt~ilosotaiding jWORK CAILD FOR ro DLEIIVRRED, revosito.. class ohy exertises. eated for(toe ilr respectiveIhoms. the 9lt bhae-)tll learni ly0t, sSPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS trcto hal -tiiitinn I L N1 Stntley, i. iR. LIt( S..1 C(hissesti sas secretary tro tet's. * - man R \NI INit soials, \INI -Klt. Office. - 23 Suts Furtth Ave. lie class is shtointg muchlorte e0lcit Weseyset Guild Lectcse. Ni sses C.s(Nolc I. Adtersont, AIt j husisiassisalso1class spirit t tsnaniy hey. lie Studole',Iaioir Ipstor { R t Ci icus i Work, N. N. QO.K. BARBER SHO 'eo lass in the ho1edi-calin y lidepart- tosssiltoyges ofeittilonseNI.-l-. s locit, d les-reel last toeti nltistiteein5 solit Il lsoisstolt' I sil'I'lltOO i retfrso e timte. n ightotos a 1lsge audllience the seconcd orer 11) epecite catters. J. RJ1O5 Wsebster C'. IDill, said to be a NSale ii te csee os -elyi ihl -- ~xtto'tt t Aso too Nss so enhretlp~ lectutres.Prof. tariart is.toduicedth.No scsi's. 'hue thickborI muse son .eathtiate, l~~r. Stiuley, swhososke a sotne Repre sestatives xiiled I'oesda AnAbrSvnsBn Neiv N orbc on a charge of grandsrinnArbr a -i larceny for stealing jeswery at a heigtt (il -''ile Srihtcrl toice- eoeniog tt 0iithiqk Itictisr~ltnlada .tiontsof Co.'' T'le next spealke in IW. Rsiitix, Speaker. AstsAsrsi 5ltl )t O.'ts tok t Priceo t rcetin ad t t.Oc tot sosousder te Genersca IBa kig Laos the course cannot yet be Oanouicfd NuiropAll candidates fr '-0 0otO this7stc tee Fs t epssitp byasd ((orge's litel, Nest York. bitt Prf. Carhart 1prnsmises that baseball ninec haidltheir nanes eej tO e ss5tstv5. ,ciatsrced , ot rpee -- both lecturer and subject swill le-of orce to I-ugo Pam, msanager, z 7 ]Ofssi' eii ssPes., Gladden, to-night. epcainrstto cleePol.To snstreet. W. t" A5OsMAN, 5'ice Sce. eseiliteet cleg1epe TsmsnCtAR. I4. RsoeKaeisliee