'Ije IV.of ~n. Wail p. VOL. 1.-No. li6. The Contest Debate. j The ilelsate-Saturday evening be- tween the gntlemen representing Prof. Trueblood 's senior and junior law classes in Elocution and OIra- toreysvas a most interesting one. The lecture room was confortably siled andth le eiitlhusiastic audience cxcelied the Philadelphia Clover Cultb in interpolating bright tliotights, sit and raillery istso the: eloquent UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, MIARCH 14, 1892. in the rocks; H-erschel in the skies, and it can be no better learned than in works of art. Mr. Davis made the closing speeds for the negative. Ilie declared our governmsent the la- test and largest growvth of christiain civilization. Sabbath was msade for mane, but it was not right for man to make of it a cnrse. The Berlin and Italian conference had declared in favor of Sunday rest. The voice to give a bounty to the "msen who tried to destroy the g, overnment.", MN1r. M1,ears attacked the bill in one OUR of the msost effective speeches of the session. Claiming that this bill seas not in the spirit of psroncI incdepend-NE ence, whirls sas so characteristic ofNE the old south and thsousghst it sothing less thsasn offering a. premsiumifor traitors. Othser speakers for the PRICE bill svere Messrs. Tichnior, Loeh, PRICE, THREE' ENTS. (OFYOUJR SOCIETY BADGE IMailied toYou e-- Through Your SCHAPTEI{ Upon : APNLICATION. misat spies coc its opeiiiii gis thatc of martins .anai is it-sissagainstso it, liglsts of the siseakers.ec The si n- fIliILlt h sssneessfthsletoce-manmmni. Whseneversee make a M~essrs. Jeswell, Iudge and Whitely, Almoumnllfgrntwepctre11111 V~itet he clldIora ot LS sate: '"Ressolced, that the World's uoimn fGatw scaeliu r iin hncle o oeMausfa cersi nf inest Plain Farsalb pndo udy"seated ois a hsorse; when see nake on thse bill, whelichs resulted us its iiid.Jewrelied Society Badges. oair shloeoesdnSisa, f Liscoln we picture hini with passage by tlse small majority ofK DETROIT, MICH. lsrsn li ot M Jffes f tsejunorthe emsaincipatioin proclanmatio is three. A motion to reconsider seas clssias leadeci ciithe affirmiatise. his hand. What better, swhat niore lost, antIanidst thse greatcst excite- ,\le. Jeffers held it shosulcdbe opciiecl isstha itwoud biis pepleoutfitting mnumesnit could see make fisrnient that dignifiedl hodly sas seen fro des f vce an tht ne a-God thsansthsat we keep sacreidthse for several years, a isotioni to ad- frsssshad'us uigsticeaictat oiscisay- Sabbath in our Colunibian land ? journ prevailed. ~ ~ sutshilus igttoditteli ixsMr. Jeffers sumnned ip the argument --- ++ six. HeIc declared thsereswere iiot rlssrhe esoigi ei te sepl tatanil the debate seas closedl. 'hise Athietic Board Meeting. ouisl thseisle ini Chscago. Iflscnc- uges sdecidecd in faevsr if the nega-- w ti.'[lie Athletic bosardluct last Sal- it s-assbelie scrssveIfromiiits seing --.a..si rdasy msorining in Alpha Nucihall. svien you swantlthe Latest Metropioitan Styles ()]),tid, ily los it 1I1. J ffes .isoes at 5ilo istin a irlessthasns AnnisArbiss sss'sd ssi cfiM n ea -After the transsaction uof rouitisne pr-iiceed foi Cataloguess was fsolloswedi lb 't I JoisitnofsM ck enaeIbsinuiess, the ]lasse-lball1cosititee "t estri s iiilii. \s-s ieysslssee i~set haindledlini a reposrt fasvoring tse ,] 'O~ F X ( eloqusesstiysi-icfesncIedt-e Sabbatisi nIsg flst thesdok Senate wsi-ishieldi LRJ. H. Lil Ourfistdityistooi],Go . .li ,Saurayevnig.asisissions if the It igls Scho inssi sto liilsisst sI s 0 ~ iss xeess ' 'lstrurssss ithtIl '1,tsI,1 thisnIteriassi leasgue, sissi cembodisy- ________________________________ "1011i rocskedi lt-e is ilit-ofiibesits . lt-ee ee t ipensuisi I)III sould isn a scedusle of tlse clisss t-s 11)O sithusest-rs ans trsit-s theite esss sslesit sss sssssieI the foots-blssl I ssssssssgr wsix rui st(u -I It 3J jjJ J1 A I 1)100(1-stainec ros ewi lal) e eys nators tso Ise iin tisi plt-ie, tts tss-at-inisdths s is-i st slitsestit lilt-Ill'sthe onsiss I Itt-csosnististlt sitortics(Ilicniteiwsiec sli- a t-e olss hat l i 's's h d in 1dicar ftso derthst esst alst rs ere