THE U. OF M. DAILY THE TWO M1MSONE S -AGENTS FO - _____________S_ ° YOIJMANS" AND KNOX HATS. c+-- The J. T. Jacobs Co., The J. T. Jacobs Co., Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnishisgs. The J. T. Jacobs Co., Call and see us. 27 AND 29 MAIN ST., ANN ARBOR. r.flLA'T'z. N. B-We still have a ice assortment of Light Weight Overcoats to e closed out at Greatly Reduced Prices. Mll lor' tem nii Lgfly, CO0A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (Moo",-ssot to+ WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Futl Line of al Cleg Text Bosk, inlding Lax ad,.Iedias ca, hr b the stars CALL aN' Cheapest pincestr Nt Rookls acd Fsuntais ess in the city. veshaolcrowd-m in. Cmes lng SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. M_ STZ, TiE sod friends. Inow have cy entie sioc at my sirosa1-N. 6 S. M IIN ST4. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASHNGwTON iS.TREE.Z D^sO. ... 2.LO - WAH' BOOK STORE, DOWN TOWN BSNS DRCOY EeyStudent will save money y buying University Text-Books and all supplies at IHeadquartrs. We, allowI Orders vfr t ai ai , Artecdiigst. special discount on5 LAW BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS inisliort every Book usedl is te paomply aterdI d to. University. 5,000 Blank Books at lowest pricesTlephne c. 21 N. alain'tS.. opp. Pst COlle. ~ W I~rnMISS JUDITH GRAVES, -PIANIST- LEADING BOOK STORE N TILE CITY. Highst Grades Taght. Apply at Wilsey Msi Stre. ich nd .ta htQcaf. I THE FIRST GAME. AN ADVENT BOARDING PLACE. Hs al the hpavednmacinry, and is pe. _________paed ts trn st fistclasstaork n shrt as. lN. Cstiud ro irttie.Csomerial srk tarned st saae day. CIA ETS Cnindta ctpage.)1 The Adventist students in tieUnil- Prcisecasonabe and actrk cuaanteec.Etc. Cigrete mnkrn haDo Pont as full-hack has some very versity are rapidly gaiing in nunber. 2 atH ns l R.5cd,_t Care Soewilling. M. MARTIN ae illngtpay a litte pronounced faults that can be easily Tlis year they have a oarding house DEALER IN hebdgfon thea P6 remedied. When hcking through of their own. It is cknown as the Cloth Caskets, Metallic rad Cigaretes, wilad~tladu Battle Creek Sanitarium Home and is AND CIOMMON COFFS. THSBnAD nuperir t the middle instead of ducking his betdonteeonro Jfeso-n 1.A OLE- S als ther. -lctdo h onro efro n .A OHMS CutNo ICiarttsaemdfmthe brgt n seihmnd Straight head he jumps in the air and nmakes Thmponsrets maaedby " JI E I e, mst deicately Slavored and highest Cost an easy mark for a tackler. He Mr. Hubbard, a medieal student. It ALSO 'BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE- LINE. Gond Lent grawn in i ginia. Thinithe Old and Original Brand of tn htCt Cgarettes, should patc the long low punt has already twenty-five boarders. The Narm ain stee. and was brught ut by us sa the year 175 ha a heBpracticeIN E &SE O T Beware or imitatins, and oserve that the and be able to place it out of the menu isha givenatheBtlCrk RISY&EA LT frnaeas below is an every pseage. Sntru n oto h odi aesaddaesi The ALLEN,& GINTER Branch reach of the opposing full-back. SGnitrimesilmossoth fod s akea nd deleor inded Of the American Tobacco Co.prepared in Battle Creek. Board is $1 aur nder E. Wahiston St.ornueu Sanatactarers. - Rihmond irgna. Loomis, half-back, is hardly quick a week, but no meats, tea, offee o pi n S aham t I h enough on a start or in dodging. is allowed. The bread is the elebrated J. H A L L E R , U U1t 1 liil #a.He makes a stronger "buck" throsgh Swabuk, baked several liurs, and w Lm CapitaL OaSE. Srpig ndt Prailt, $000. the line. He should not be used for looks as if toasted lear through. Our eairing aspecialty. 40 OaTHMAIN 5r. DosagnrlBnigboiness. Pays n- informant sampled the food and speaks .D- TMQ ).SN teret on Saving Depoit. Rssft n rnig odn needs consid- fin high terms of raise of it. Th 1 Depoit usxci or et. -p . KEMPF, Pres. °F H. BEI.5E, Cashier. erable practice in passing. Hit attdents who0 patroniz1e the hous5e hold StMate Street Grocers. Bank osenstaay evening, passing to the backs was very much servies in the house every Saturday, Students patrinage especially solicited. Ann Arbor Savings Bank below the average. He blocks well. whieh is the Sabbath of tie Adventists. ' d4. STATE STEET. Ann Aro-ih C tck __________ l.tuk1 - - o0 Berry a new man, will make a ood The establishment of the home will ____-. - Organized unader the General Banking Lawshaeatnnctoiraste u- oh this state. BRelves Deposits, bys and centre. He is slow and a trifle awk-Isvatednyoiersehelu- sells exchange on the principa1 cities at the ers of the advent students. t'- United Sttes. Datssed upon proper ward. Thomas blocks well but does ________ identiicatin. Officers:ntflowterne CRSIAN MACK, Pres.,noflowternr quick enough. We should like to call the aten--A D '. D. HAsasnAN, Vice Pres., guad, lio-o CHxAS. .HSCOCK,. Cashier. 'Tupper, the other gad lets histino the Freshman Class o the You Probably have some Broken Arti- man through too qky rght, annual election of the board of- edtLA SE c of tackle, is guilty of the same fault to tors, which takes place next May. COVER GL S E JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT a greater degree. Pierson is prob- There are generally two or three OF REPAIR, ably the most skillful player on the men from the Freshman Class nomi- WM. ARNOLD. 3OMAIN STEEET, eleven. He is quick on his feet, nated by the editors for election, -T Is the Pace to go. gets through quickly, and on Satur- but those men are the ones that dsydidver fie wrk locingforhave been Contributing articles and A N Di Ar in ok lcin o college notes to the Pennsylvanian1 ( L kI2' Phdrmd m SAD A he runners. The two ends, Dygert during the yer, and have proven I~l ________________ and Sherman, are good tacklers but themselves capable of doing the FINE PHOTOGRAPHS.' they do not block as well as Pierson work. Now is the time for such ______________ MILLINERY ANDl ART GOODS ! and Holden, although that is what mna eiet aetenx 31 board, to begin work. You will fid 30 ast HaronStreit, they are supposed to do. Dygert the cosspetition is geat, but ontin- ,._: Qtackles "too mus t arm's length. , ~ ~~w~ hti s~ {CORS w ~yo. ~ There are very fewcorrettcklersreuiedand.apreiaedCllg 4lg.5otij eaQtti;?t'*5. Ioackle ighr isteatf ow. - I syvanan. -itoi'St.. Ws. - O1.ifots.