THE U. OF M. DAILY. . 3.rS' J 2Z ..Ti", Z 2 RC 12 THE GREAT ONE -FOURTH -WE OPtEN OURiLtINE OF+ Is still raiging at the J. 1T. Jacobs Coml On Children's Suits. EVERYTII IN(-) goes until March 1. Come and avail yourself of thisgolden, oppo7 ttioi if. SPRING NECKWEAR OFF For' your inspectiont. Ascots, Chantillies and lot' iin tds SALE -" : THE TWO0 SAMS.~~ TI ANN ARBOR Lie J. T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. SHE KE~Y TO TS-IE STUATIO11T. GEORGE L. MVOORE, (Moorcessorto) +) THE FISK TEACH ERS' .AGEINCIES. A FullLline of all College Text Books, tncludmig Law anot Medicatl, Boosbfl tack 106-108 WABASH AVE.,. CICtAGO. Cheapeet plae fo Not Book ad Fouiain Pensinte city. Feeshmen'crowd in. Contecalong. old friends. I now have my entire tock at my 0to0e000 NO. 6 44. M AIN ST. SEND FOR OUR MANUAL, GA.1Z. 21O0131. DOWN TOWN, XA[ATZ-I'~ ~ UNIVERSITY' TTi I VIW..LIHRL i OOSTOR E, SNJEUSDIRECTORY. OP3POSITE H~Ias just retce~ive'dit fulil line of'still Second Semlester' Text-Books.Ij 20 COURT Headquarters folhrtlelman and Frlencllh lhnlicationas. Sole S. IVERSY, HACK ANLDstBAG(1AI5E INI TTIIOS ., . ~I STATE Ocjolect for trains, parties, Sswetdddioo, ?,et. 11 S a, itGenttfotr Whltinlg's Fine Stationer'y'1111d ee 4, vose l Ii STREIETl. rce rom~tly'Satitedtot. Ps 10 MA IN i Celebrated .Mliiath lrll tiat ntrumeiints. Sporting goods. I IINA (ILE.Tl xL'n --AJIR STREET. Blank Books. miaapr a nteipoe rachney, atndtiopre ________________________________________________________________parelto turn outttirstelasswork on sthoritno- tice. Commercial work tucned out samoe day u~ [ lT M CHI AN ) f j j( ) j ---:- _ _ Prces reasonable anorok toacantcedil io HUE 1WE STERN I11ttHI~fiALN CV' J'!-I ' '~ IN ''A4as at Faconet. A .".ovx'rs,irs~iti (Chartereid and tncorpocated.) .IR A N D AL""' . (.OM.MARTIN, C-A -2 A-P=DS. PMTCH- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. HEALEtR IN ,%O r,nD tor tt'.PR1EPARIAT'ORIYlCOUR'SS. Pteparc 'tutdetnts fcritty college or scien- Cloth Caskes M tali titte sctool i the country. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS t eali For its COLEGE O5URISS.tPrptaces t'ot the degtees andtims a at the boadest cultttce and it AND COMMON COIFiFINS. the moot pra citi caresultsa. I - Focrits NOiMAL AND TEACHERS' TR'INING JDEPARTMtENT1. Special attentiont givenl 30 East HuonoStroot, ( RINSEY & SEABOLT, to peetrationtfoc eaomiation antdtteitohitte. adetc For its MUStI' ANDt) FiNE ART' DEtPART'MEN'TS, Secitti to Nitie ini teUitetdt Stittei AE j Bkr addaesi For ts CMMERIALAND HOR71AN DEPRTMETSthe eadig scoolof bsines.Groceries PrAKE IfiroceiesProisiorsanduraFeedd F, rihe extemelymoiideate expenseetoiistdetsitteningo.The eopettns ecioutttcatthtitg- , jJ C I18fan8E.W sigo St gamtim ite live well otid eotmfortabile. fi evtit funiheolii. tT WttILPAY YOU. Shorthan od l, N w0--- tti:.5 0. tiPe~toihittBuitong H AI.VE XIriet. tiida, 20 Soith state Strecet. 1,- THE CAMPUS. O V PI so p 'li otek eiste islil a ileti lcircls, iiadeilths'stateiment r'cenotly ile nc tht D.Whldteill,ofthe tU11~I : ~ o~ 't'emc aeh olds ei hithl o I. sao olirs mierici'oAnheoloejeal fchoot a Ii ittels'hil' Osll~ auistle httee're- isy l't rsstelisii~~s ARNOLD'S. _ 36 Main St. tc ni t 'o t e lw diiiroo , a ; ;o theo r'l's t Ills ' iii I er, fot his on's' 'lesese niil o iate uits t h is! toe)is its) sits Ii ititei l aii ers.1 ' lestrits ii b-itsfire 4291,.1. - ast he' ii a ma litsenate ulcers' this Ihe nkto ('Il])sl s s N nod to1 emisalis of a seioiid tesopie cI ootsis' C' i e i'e sillt 11(31 lll us % j0 tiss. i( i1:slt0si s(3'uti's iists' el'1 'i il..lisisi,.r'ii tl 'stirt l t~ttis i i i' t'N 'ss'ilti'rIlad nanusd l ilIth lsh011 l 11ihiai sssll l . rro the nseFcav iio ti' e, A an e t t t txla vrin. 1 t 'rof. S11o111111-'I I II IlSIll ls Ir oi I'el il'at 7:30 liltol)117,11th "'lstalt n till Il . 1, lll' Tl as api nt _ a i i 111111111\iisii Iing n\ l(r}h l.ii teil IOlo I i a53 ii11111 itis) 2to 1111. 1151 11111 e pes '1c y f Iaa (tto ,a d alt m lh luc'I'llclay asse sent eIt iccls "Aetsstraict 'l ilii ion UO IL llil it 111li~ i l sii es cait(a. 1 or1 thS 1 )1 )oc fai l" ti' i -st'' ros i church favovi theII IIIi- S~~~him n si..'l.sSSetnorsy, kile liio. ii lis Ilillt'all ttehislo rsiniofg11111 Illa n,11111 I /Weidenman,' jl' . M,1 1lii, The re iefore theaivliliralimictre Assoritioo haeitnily c l putiili 0 h oliolililyl te l isS iIC. t oho 2110 an e lesel titW 5 lth soileat pubocs aiis' in'o hs nsiili at 7 0;c I renrr00111hai, at t ij' rok halls, 0,'h' octiycveo.Ittg io rk, A .vle I. cahct''ahn toerosiltti he 1word,111 t s oyi T eoils s hgaoibatioesilvet c V li Ilytheoek'' IIogr a ced'o .roitoi iatooi, huoil ttt istlhnjitsu i \hriitt lncon.''Aoisson dil d aIno,8ratebttIt on, disi te osmsitte J osna'os ihetin ilth frea~tngal rc o lte.asarmcyonhrms peios-t STORK (CA 111771 (R1nstill DELIVEIRED, SiPEIS~AL RATES 3TO STUDENTS. Office 2, ' Osstis Fourthi Ave. o. K. BARBER SHOP' I ;ti , t tn ir~t>>n~ttict . Pr~< itinI'l . lt'iirsSi'iisil' w111 ll eetTustday ev ni ioat; 'c I.-J p o ssto iealser. Ni vi 'P li t'Sllttlts fior- '92 haoehall in111h1a1111thei r namtes a- Its/lit' to I1tiooPam, tilattager, 27f -.'honiiott street.