-' ( of Tarty$?. ~marks on the examination alone, Collge 'T FOE. TTTH SECNDmi\TB E
XXJJI =J Taty?. eathistsrctor be requiretd to rer- ------------------
Pablished tDaily (Sndays excepted) duringtainr rmtietotmbymas f! Greek, Latin, French, German, and Mathematicali
the Cotege yeae.,Iby written exercises, reports, essas, or e~ + (ooks, New and Seonhand at
sucti other nmetthodlas may commsend l ." +
THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONj itself to him, the suaity of tie work +x A N s
tionie by tie member of his course, Pa
subsadsiateiiies.pe3rec nts.Onriatela ani that no setsber be excused oo University Booksellers, - - State Street.
Shethan's ano ost Orrice news nstad at I2I froiss the ork so assigned, except
o'ctock, noon. Sttbcriptions may e eft at_
the oftrce of theODAILY, Opera Soanse hok, at by perttission of tie instructor. mc
Sheehan's, at Stoftet's, or swith anty of tieA i
edtors. A ss-cales Cotnversational cit _otuiain hol ec h-GIcb
aoctorkSP.r. si.Sheyoare to appear the next Ias beets orgatniredi at Norhrsesern
day. Adtressn att matter inended for pahttca- _h-scet !se
tien o the Maaging Editor. Atlbiessn teri o ek
cominut iatitan shorutd e sent o the uSan- anti spends the evening its socil
nestsManarer.toIsthe LEADINGttSCHOOL ot BSISS.o
, its Fretnch. Snredepameis-CmmeciatNo tetabok
THE U. of X. DAILY, remanosrrperorl-Engtrls.Sorthand and
Ann Arbor.XKi. 'Penmanhp Fegnt hatdingage to-
Rhea. endaceefficient onsettr, okhot-
EDITORS.ogbh living epeneseremey ow at.5 io
5.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~$ 50.Crtio,'1 MogtcCitr a rtt hewts itiiet r n spe eek;mstdent asitet o poition.
S. W CC~is, '2, Mnagng ditr. Madme hea whse iteliget d~a-For catalooe, address P. t. CLEARY, President.
G. L. CiiAPMAN, '2, Assist. Maaging Editor. i tieretltrds aind refited peroniality
are obtainted for her ntumterous ad LstAb c iglsiste iri
w. E. Mr'itoer, 'C3 t.n. Maiagig Editor. ttirers here, is to produee Sribeset stst ack EngMaishter Fnd TTT TT
s.C. Tn 'tai, , ,Bsinesa Manager. pay. 'La Caritna, Empress of ]Russi'~ u rtur1to30 aynrd.U LLL 1 Ly t
P.E..1suto, 93 tie perriitouse, ott Friday everitgS tudtents resiig to setrie of tie I
C... 'tcone-, '54 Asist.BusinesStoollge. iMaer Sr'av set ii lagest lites of WVooleirsfoa Spring
iportryattof tie first Empress of tie f tmletma iord xitietr
itaPrpiet, 'c93- 9.I.AN;Li.,s hdIrenchr duritig e former engageeentstie o tie Gotldenr Eagle, Detroit, ex- Spring
F,.1Mctsrr F . 1CA. nt.'5 tthIirtouse, thart it is bu aua irbted at tie Cok ttouse rdyS rn
5'ltrxtva nraNteam w.IttititiNY,'a to ook forwardritciotsiderable n_ arh,1t. They siow all tie latest
5' . ioleers>. E LUeCIA KvEtoIr. terest to her swork ir anotler iistoi- novelties its imnported lots wirieli n
e rl1earrirap~artietularly tostie far tiff- fury miake to mersure ithtie most per- tt
f re nt rote of tie fanstha(rtrinrt feet nltuniiier at popilar prices. Mr.e
r..... ".. "°" frtry afford ee evern greater histrionicieP). I Foitley (one of tie best uttes ir
theEdiorsdo ot oldthesevesreson-scoo tan uithtof tie tunfortutate tie state,) will lbe ott iad to trke 1 t
sberthe oitorso mitemeles oreps-r.Jsephe.trr"sldWilli artsHarris, air ex-nmeasres. If yout wait a hobby si anslit Pantahipndnsapern n h ALYp incdatrwl ak ear yutooon htte ofr t ila
partaind it is sunderstosod that thte s ysutpe-s it ie ofr
Atceetteoulomo asr-~~~ payswilt ave contgenifal n
Atpeetteotokfr u-Iocpto.i cessfsrl entertainmreint ott March 25 GRAIT P CERA I{0USE. - -
s very bright. Entries are slowly Reduced Rates. "ljietti a. a c
cotmring in. Tihus far twelve-iave Tile .,A. A. & N. l. R'y nill sell Bry
entered the boxing, ine thre rest- exeursiotn tiekets at tie rte sf one adEengMrh1
ling th feninc an thre te tetiird fare for tie folowng: Saturday
log, htreetirefencig aPsiohibeettren State Cniventot, at
highs kick. those conmpetitioni ('riti Raipidis, Mairt17th ansI 18t. lieptilsar CaracateeCo'einia
Tiekets ott srie 6thr aiteS77th, limitedi FittintENLANIANti SOTLAND sst
mrakes a successfulh cosntest, andilthe for retirnr to Marer ]9th.
entries ought to be doubledh at least. State onventions of Xosttg epiise '5 I) N A 7.ST FFO
1 t s anotceabe; actthatmos ofCiristir Bitteavor Soefeti s,"t fGranrt
the costestanits are frosthesesiter olsal arh2ntri lsh lisiteid to reurn u i . I ..,M T F O
Iti isaiotcatl at la oots 31isss tareIrthSaird Iftir. Ti--e
departlsttI.m.entss- iist. NNo. 59 Sosthr MtinStreet.
departmients of the t niersily. 'lI Agent
its oulght t ltto let tie lawsvsasd ii- __CAM(i'I (NO'F h-'\Et]
mtedics otdio thteti, rsle liry sitice UtNS OCL. JXVIL'/'Fk. 1r.A Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
.Nostice,, insesredt in thi crsimiiatiitesrar
ttteir c se'cis tull fiiir sears l tng 1iof1u0crti, perrrlie. peeuti rt esrler so er 15 1,15~Michigan Railway.
a itd experienice -ain edth li iist il Iiss' aL ~i r.t tO ac~i aafriet Jis lty i4, 1ti.
tie f itsalitaslie stI ic inconiiit- (oi histhe Oten hIotusN'is ideiiot Sn--ss-by'I i CompaissifisscsptittatrforsihsiN.-i.IWrldiN. 05 ittios and Situ .Sittt_
sc r. Ih. t-i 1a.its luie N r i .5.----- sth titilliessiRTH._
lneeui c u o siise r i- t l ady~e' ----- tsuglnnc -hansN.1 isl n xpe"....
iii tcrt is-i- A ltsi s gost Otiss-1--htiNo i. I tutu thuAtns lilt" ct. . . eiio.
tie tune aniiid i is Iered that isitisdube sttitntd fastensedt ittoiis- i-tsp gf'tctb r itc O t tslt diss ail t'a-'-crsigsdsr Sci-c... l i.,-v
innser plitsesireturtnt to s8 .1iefli-s asierso..n1I
lie as u ur S .
this evinciii isl. ii s tn eii I tmci'youissusicptitsuIfir Ietiti -Pries, - 50, 73'arr ill.QD N.) sis i Shutrtsis-a. . su pn
'tis-ag,\ev os , Nst- Cit incinti , a tdN.i..1is ctu-eu ', T'tseotiAcsssss a.iim
that i -' ssiii i shit to c tr ul Ti-idois ap is rot te Opeai'ti llsusi' C,. so -sind 6as I. ii. Nt-it - -situii
tiniestantii'rtic ditted fre it s iditpot.
to Stessrs. (rutlosi, Iarrini, t1i \ ] ir.IKnlit-sandit e ti e betitr i' Silvei- ~5esPt tr.stit5---
ter, Robinsosn, (II ft, or dii- mei- nrinsit}[lit t t o att is. li'ts'thonsi
bt sit tile Atthlei titardh. N listt Nits t the . of I. I. tsnd '
an cnsis I b is te hiast ia t iltsra ous
osinatBoi, NiewIDept.tNO. 42 W IIURON ST. j
'hue folowitg is a tiove it i tak -b ,(lii 'thisthi-e Kinley full, Itle Iltpe-
thte facultyiof hrowns-ti- iii rst i: I is l riltsh obeeo andh (g utte (i. UJ. H A LL. E R, (odnadgr)hvebnfrcdr xr
r. - That for the retti titir iii tin tolioenlitr triheitiiitheir- himssitis xllpritt s o cialy Ottso0UT M INtsr
yearrno rccord be kept if thec aten-l this country. atd tne hIpe rItlhLgyp-________________________
ance of sesiors ott the otinitary reci- imptoiirtedh tobaees, tarr iowv le hioghthAnn Arbor Savings Bank
tailors, or of teir preparatisn of for ive andre tel ents uer pnackage aninth AssnAbor Mih, Cn7rtalStok, $50,00, ________
tpwads. Surplus, hiW.000.
the corr1eslit was prosxSeptliseri lit Organiedunder the GeneralSaking LawsQ_
h vork, exceit icieshfos r e Nasitetlnaw Timtes of hin state. tRecivsrDIeeosits, bys and -r -n N CX iO~
td It of Sl. ID. at F. Stofles, 12 Nasetascexchange ona the pricial citis of the JjJSQS
MaiCarnted States. Drata cased upn properO
sThtioretoaodteidetificatin. OfficersState Street Groocers.
-' Tht ir ordr toscoth Beee"'lne'si Blade, (Toleedo) at 12 CasRaS TIAN eAC, Pes.
mtanifest in jostice of basing thvidtt N. Alaif St. W. D. SlaraRIAti Vice Peca, Students patronage espeialyoiite.
1 gteCAS. . Sdaseoe, Cashier, 24 S. STAT STREET.