NOW of VOL.. ItI-No. I115. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIIGAN, SATURDAY, MARICR 12, 1892. Glee and Banjo Club Concert.I A University of Michigan Camera ___Club. The Inlander. A very smnalaudience greeted the i nw;it1ot o TihicNfarchIn81nlandler was 1111onciii j it ,Ice and Batnjo CluhiilaIst evening, Asaoeietle this mtorning, at the hook-stores oil the occasion of thlir irsit appearo-' Cnii and at thie.Uiversity. It is oiie of apa-Such organizations flourish in the ailve iniAnn Xirboir. lie music on te brighitest tif ittthye t nimbers so the whole iris rerr oootland tdeservel eseit1r Stestilty fnis a0 r issued. '1tie first arileltis enititled NEX'TV triter --~-*- ----.reasonswhiy ithey should: nit ivee if I tiRiti It ttl SiegeI~ip1 nti roperly nianaged. Iliiigenal :iietratys tyttne llplot iof the acvnstomiedl vigor biti iiihis ins owig I ie fty tniei iiioi-tte storyis goodad thy chirtieirs parciytoto helo absence if M M c-X i o ii ro o fi s I s Ince well ticselotied. It is writiticniisome- I~~~~~~~~~ ~ ivia si si i tXiX il I-scertatined, is thatiialleergeticI ni'tertesycifCliitIh-n lie lievof Anin Arbor, admirably fileil vcannera clibiwouili e a'ireatiblie oec i s. Thlie txiis Iiipre ssiiiis his pt ic I lv I i ii i u i vi nl fit tin itsmieitiiers. I liv m ist ilatis- litHarvard.i"i It wa s wniiititi lib LI gexerons iiiaicc ofi thy iplpiiise. s iiii1 v iv n_ ir iti i iiist ste ii a It showtt!eviileiiies ofiveic reficul clibis itt meetiiigs sliould elvdnt M\icig anistandxrpit T e ie- ra i11l l<4 Th tbsititind titost piri- tnrice a1 tonitli itat rlihich papers santI s ity ttl 11irid l tiniai ii ii iii oris i 1 -t'rii\ alers talks istiuldnbeliv eniviiby the nmembers pioiierIty Ivilts ii in f viof 'i lii W iand 'ii pliistos liesvels." Sexvirat on phiotogrpici stibtects. Xe such gan. I s i eyaly wriitten ait ii ___ ni thy itheris rmci vedcencr. he Iomeetiigs neir itethiods iiiidlformuilas clve tnd everyiistiidlntiishli reaivdiiit. latmm er M ntelsP tol a, coulId liv disciisseid. IPhotograplhs I livhe fiiirtii is ta ciioiem cl inn-ver ic i Ii s is ph i lanit daioithir Ipriiidicts of thye Itphrto- Ciiio n'i"ci Is i~l listan titi edlvirist tindlpiettiest paI rt b"CoiieilbeSettlements"l int «-is lefitiotilie heI nsti es s uii tngsywite asth r om n ti xi~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~vr islbilnenlvietlvifie s tiiainth iliriiintrodc i ew hirut iolfIUitnitee ( iiii ti the glre cliibi sliiisai iinprii meiti icv linlvaai"i iii im tn isriio Im i sittileiirents i)ve hseo >eioiis iv , i ta m rvm tos mlfuth r, intheii amic 'ities, v iili aiire forthe IIWhen So ''teiui t Iti~i~ i f a sufiienitly lirge imtiiiir if ctiiie oh i t t ' i'iin 4i i PIeCE,, TimflE CENTS. ( OF YOURt-- SOCIETY BADGE Matted to You - Throuigh Your IC±HAPTER~ APPLICATION. 1SI)tout i uo itn ltest Plint andsjeee ietyiteiBaidges. DETROIT, - - MICH. towitt e LtaterIstlt toilat Stler at t0 to BF I Iit" st ii i A i s teir atsen ' d cied ]iti was neilirs coiiiuldibe votn ed t II cr h liiilsss inltvs fo ~i~ e ifo aloet itll ~lit Sisoi l uolors if°t t an tid ti-as b rit Iii s t ." t tii nih lmedaI Io 0 Apr (In ia1S ra it. ~ titt etells il of, titii not'ii i as ft nitit 5 i ituntii ithsticintuis 1__-___evils______istinill__th<___tcminti-__._ ! lcis' it to lii li i '1eI l t t ta ii ttc o -i dt o tn ty i t h eI i w h icA J a mA brEf!td c i i-tm Itet'Iii ni wilt tiiiiiinidiaiittiiiti it o in i 'i' Ins us i is' vst t ji ti lt clb. t inI it! iiiii tiit i li i' slt i' t -o le i' lif l it t ttn 'Ii[ y~ ' t t {d a I ll. oflost sti si t i itt f" ' i' 'it Ililco iS PiC A'LtttL- ins ~ u c s litt'ione'elit'l isthied ii' a otilt heart uc ar- ran ;cnteas tttvov etiiioats to Meet' a l er t i wi th it ttic i;ice ii(liiicittli:In _________atest it it'l-tit mmn'dethatt'eatilitienthusiaiisItiicI:st p Ist ttitlin iii ( lii{i' c {', hli utiv itiht 111111 liiv i t' 11s iii iii It itstli Ires1u 111111cI'fheher Iii-c- 'l -tn t" t sitth e i twioIt v ia}b t~lftie p rlitclicr se rhti i lxitin Itlviiw it ile1('1 i : arhih tlci ti'tif treiua t r Qit ' t.t I ~~~~aiatill I '' - CGRETS Sile t nlmp' ttihil I -icinit l c t'1 toiiifiiltasi steiiaiesttiixs'clia iis ieti c.d w p ie ,t ir ho e Tii inlnde Przos sie o to 'mmrcii O ttiiim -i thy s h1los' wre aiiii xxasd ecxeie( sl inr i l i vi olmxx 5 a r 'c ys.ann alin myt lc senixir t'-ii ' / IeitGt'teti ii chum re a cri te itble lneforiina1ioe i-o s 'P . .-o , ------- ani hanquoll I to i pi re yte opmt- rx"ni.niali irru nt mgm tn tilt ils.'su nt ulndofwti taincbril A ebl e n' tiril l t e ll c'nesn te caio epuboit.layli rl mcicane andMe0t.g i o u a ld ? tsmtlmict ii artire. if ythe l former yteaor. 'lists was lillaire rooiltnamig t be aireeu tt nanh contes apkcniixi. 'li e a s m utainsnel byre umC i mlimitnto its.lehta lyes hitch siGadi- thenceberso r of el. Thehnlood's ic hb law b~lstom etan ever bo re as nier emk n }t a sries t old sots vc}' cltyOf theffArericante Tnbandsita c; . I 0.eotin. 'isoetcioet case selcto. 'I uj ciandayresimleitiiurke isiakverery Mafatue rsw ;I, - ttchmuuu. iri lloovr tak e tplae r chI % w1i ilin ;at or will obe, Shall Cit W ol m'ar be efotwitob ncikeit the tileusthof)a 'f ledto}Mar'spgealuinviisa n c tlsed on Sday? 'Iande2,s.0ior'atioenacrfon ltlegeralaeAlilapib-1 J. h1a.d StrL ghMUS, irloa rt Ann "TArbor, lth on il tr.i a litrsrha thceoaf lln tv'amid tin e parlic nsansaugd toe atte t feoee- E. Io7.."' i beinp '1.95. jun 1rii ft~rcirs lihe eatitre. h ~lu tn- eo iiainsalot tevn AO'BSMCIN GA'TLIE " s s " '' aclB M Ia Sot' t i.f''