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March 10, 1892 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-03-10

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N ew Warcrioi N oConie of Alain and Li bert c Streets.

I will 'Open the Ball'" by placiing a fine s/tk of Guitars, Baitns, etc.
Find SZ'= w' ms's Mv~o SzoRE,
25SthSn kFnurth Avinine, City.


NN'iil I iiliiii~itt( ii 1511of 'IM
Fine ehocolates



tI{Ile\Cobl e,


I ES'iABII~t5Hl1851~.
COOI/E, nne year. Three tall termis
requniredf. 'l e tis begin. Si'pteiiilii'i,
I January iiidlMar-el.
uU Corso ns f o I rand ootnrore (fl

OK =--V

T g
T TT Tf TT fN T i CC' T 1 TT frT TTr


Degree of LL. B. Conferred. --Fr HI1GH CLASS TAILtORINGb.
C ALKINS' PHA M C .FlTemo 182Bgn Set13 Ilhath ,AI6 A 1)SM E ;})SiSutns 1ruensai:ARMACY. FalTrSfi82BgnsSp.1. l; eti n thIG ey ul I. AN I) tMME iaISpeiaty. lea s iccalndeaine. i
Address the Dean or Secretary,
TRY I'1T. ALBANY, N. No. 2 East Washzington St., near Main.
iitbigiStogies, 100 in Ihox, - - - $111 tsratin
'i.odg'Elaeiiigagnl nefie r in ntepatiseri .
SE~J6L LYI oig60Ia C IGARS;BY iTH erOX. ii I ox, - - -s 3Ei LLLI . PAROP
S.&S.Bn(ut," :I < - - $3.;50 BUTTS &. HAZLEWOJOD,
ANDA ,yI"lanea" ,1At$.1 STA STREET, ANN ARBIORs.
\71 111 l I ES "T e ns" hi)" '- $3.12
Gt E PP' 'oolyha," 50 -'- -51.5 -tTHE ARCUS, -
_ _te'sC f DIE ''Sipper.' Litt'," 50 S1 55Au
Lev resfral"kpe'">l" " - - $.5ATHLETIC ± GOODS. 44 M ain Street, South. DEAN & , COM PANY. I pIM.ArLWt H C M .Iie e't aiiae matr ti F R T N TO A A
A aiii'ii iiiiniia i ii ideilsiiedcii heI/cfaist liasses.aiiilSec.I Or ANN ARBiORi.
acrB. IIcDiEinii, The c ii ciiliiitieW bster ocil Ian cill,()S is iiicI a oi1 _'Iii n (i. iiii , ii iiitOt~). Sai ls an cm i ic',
.iiii/ \ _ - < i /cd l p/u i i cirsstill ie lie/l i 'I''aisa s al, genraiibanikiin i'ini.:
1A l T lsi/c/islrSatcicy oiriniing at 5oi -liii l<iiis cs=i".1 iC ell~ niesod, leiiers ioireitc cc iii
U/ slli.instru/cio li i thi/ecir aris In lilllla- . 1 ICe IINI ON Pe."irisCI V '
Filemedcalst _dens h ve len I .f . il CitON . terSN lP e. )u
rrill de plefot si- i iiiicoiilege for failiirec 11)
Asitn Po.U '1 S I) RU STOLRE.iwirk. 'Tw ilr eiiio liaili . Asiai/ icI. Ilricll nis sii/ .".,'- ,s
--_____________________(elly ical/led iirim his 3 io'clioc cliss'N C
Chemcal ' Physical Apparatus Sr I K ~sir ici/iiifIinc ii oe/leslrlisc/rca 'ic
scisior ph/armlacy c/ass, has uren informedciifithI/i i/a/cth fhis fa//ther. fl l FP l ~iFT~
@' C.P an < cal/eud/ioiie Iby I/icseriuis ilhuess of Ic annoucueid thatlie nwouildnotlbe O uflU UL PU . hJs\ mothIr.
Cie ,a 1 il,,ocopical Supplies, isti/ic.able In cccl li/s classes dcli g tIli
111E, II AC1 & SON. c11,is/li/c' of i/ic iarkniess ii/cinaenx/t week ocrltwu. ( Netsofpen fior ecep~tiioinii ifuils.
iii. yisteeday fternooni, a/il I/ic Piesicden/ RI iii/sas ht's i/il leflce
HAVE ERNE ANsit ii /tha/ could lie aec'udiiiinicelId akotc/e i ~/iIrc
iHceai n ireroRsillY//iof loor lcriro. aiiil laclss/onr's uC iieintaries tsill
icYOUii I 'iuTsrRDlllADEuucuru be rcqi/rcd fur ec/ranice /to /tic lair
E niCiitin Scrics iof lectures /ii t/icjuiio cr and schoouul . 'f/is is a rcfoiriiit/hat iimi t
Ap sir en ciiir lait-c/asses /o-clay on Ii itahaeacou/ o/iicl i /i Vgmc 'i M i lmi/'i
o' ccs s',c S/hic if leg al hi/liogra plic-. I ~ ~ i / icm
a iii'.su tieHoiie.o bii inve51/ uofni/ uii-a// ---iis-

1"1avi," if .riiiiire linkingfoar any or yutr
frieids,, iiiii ia ihair in the Ocidiental Hoatel
ithne for cionmits.'vauttwiltiioiily tie
thieim. Fice 'iiiuk dinine,Sundtays. Special
71 Fort St., West, Detroit, Mich-.-
P , 0"'NEWfS -STAN D
Newger, gzie, ..Pe5fld" +44i

I/ic cii ii//airciat Johsi/isH op/sinus
IS 505f, cifstmii c 29 ace graulu
stlicis, 1,8 mnatriccilates aiiilli8
noin-imaricclates. 'I/ic acadim he
staff nibers 66 teaichiers.
Next '1ucesdayeening aiicfat
ecery regular rehearsal, the gentle-
mni trill plrase conie to the chapel
at 7 o'clock, for practice on the
male choruses fn the iDamnnatioin of
Trho lovers of athletics at Al bion
miet and formed themr selves into an
association last Saturday. A short
fighat. for offices occurred between
rtse fraternitlies and independents.
With but one exceptioni the latter
were sVictorious.

'tl'he1,f'M.iiSI Pi/hiloloigiicalSiocice
isill mi i/uths eteiningathI l-psth igl ~ at'price of srhtimh is fi'iii
set-cu sliacli, ini Ruoam 1, t' nicersiti' $2. 00to 3.()fr12)0
1I lall. 'he lollotviiigliapers twill besutmae pfrtcls. lo
read: N orecussIEssat , C 'i/itr die tP n~d i at hs.As
Spi-iier/euigh'cFit," by-.trot. 'Iliounias; 130 Ipa~tte of Trotuseritigs, the
Blernardl tentinus, inin iemioriani, regular ptrice 'of wltielt is fromu
by Prof. Heetili.
Prof. Kelsey is sttintg C. M. Lowe, $7.00 to $9.00 , for X6h.0() a pair.
of the Heidelberg Utniversity of Thtey are also offering sonme de-
Ohio, and Prof. John 'Ir. Ewitng, of cided bargains i Heavy Undetr-
Almta College, Michuigan, for alleged
infringement of copyright on his wear. An inspection of goods-
"Caesar's Gallic War." Judgeanpresisnit.
Blodgett, of. the Chicago courts,
has issued a temporary injunction
against Publishers Adelbert Scott cg
'Co., in behalf of Pbrofess or Kelsey.

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