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March 10, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-03-10

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-~j~ ~f -~~ ~j~ will be open to Vale men only, but
,"l f * 1the ev ents ot the setondl wiiIli e
open ito aU colleeathlete'. The
r'tiblibed Dibly (Sonans (ecpt) d nringt;he amies will lie held in the Ne-n
iiiavenPol Rik inteaid ot the
THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ; icoiiilRegimie'it :armoiy ainfor-
rmu cite -'I'll(,eprincipal i-angeiil
Su- ia~in piei.5iprieai -ariariabn en i ll 811betlie initiodnictieiiiof
S1'( 18';nii neOSL 1inewsaintandni i fning iand toxing nmatcesnfor all
fleiffceoft eALeraittin ous enblock, at weights, aiiilof the' runiitingthigh
iheals t Stttii'i't, oneWthiiany ot theJue to ipthi iriy'yartdidashi, aetrope
Ecntuncainsshul eaci'hitheolnitecby il; iii iiig. 'The lbayoiiet aiiiptato
o'clock I'. ,t. ite'y are in appeae the nent' raices swilI le abolished.
diay. Abdresa all matter antendted torpiubliica-
tiiia to the Managinig idtiotr. Aulbusinesst PelmnraCnet
eonmite iaiptii ashnnlbesenit toth le Btii- r mnayCnet
THE U. of M. DAILY, ' At a mneetinig of the Northierni
Ann Arbor. Xich.~ Oratorical association, tact Moniday,
EDITORS. it was dlecidedeitol told tine pretinii-
9. in. C ciTen n, '92t, tManaging Editoe. tiary contestanits March ill. Tuenday
G. L. CintAPIN,'a " Assist. Managinig Editor. Ittne conteslants drewa for pnoitions on
it. E. MCECcitt, 'El, Asst. Mangiag Editoe. the program withnttne fottowling re-
J. C. Tint is, '92, Biniess Manager. sts: lcKnHattte-
F' sls BukKoHtilE. .tANct'Ea, '93, AastaailaineAana itatiagee.
C. W'.lInCacETs, '94, Assist. Business Mac'ge. town, Niasotn and Echii. 'The U.
NI. P liciae, 'tO .I It. AttEnaIt '93in, of.. A. also tnotds her preliminary oti
F. J. MtiEEe ,'92. CHiAS. BAIan, '95. ? acti8 otcetr Worlit.
RAN Nla 9inac, '9;. 'V. t tL ANNY, '92. ~Tl S-otwsentoii
iW.H tDatl,E.. (,'..'S2 ilasienTi a iR CK. '94.;-- " -
F.E. ___________LCI KEV,'). 1 Harvard favorn the suhstitiition at
TH5ARY." USISHIO Mue. ttie inter-collegiate gatmes of a safety
The Editora do nat hal theimielvea reajihiti- icycle race for the ordinary one,
aibie tee the opiaiona or tatements at cirres- itthe adititioii of a thiree-milte rninning
paondeata, appeariitg in the DAIiY.
race, ainethtte abolitiotn of the tug-
Icr in early yet to decide for niire, o-wcar.
it-netiertti Cieiat iuln tm o PrensitenttHarner nayn that the
canitnot ge tot Chicago itng So ;fatulty of the Ctiicago ntiiversity
fac no obntac-les have beeti imet withi. ' will be Aniericati, an there are tin be
Suuct n undniertakinug,lhowve-r. istjoiilyralbiit six it oite tiiindeidiof tte
ine attenede byeli fitculty.- it the teatchters fromt abroad, atidlthiev willI
firsttpace it is iiottprtobabnle tat a betne glishnscholars.
full chiorusc nill go. Ini the' text, it I-* -
tmay ititerfere nwithtscclool wocrk. itieiiaratati niiaa(tert
Thtic can Ite arcaiigeelfor. 'ThenI attiesinseredw iteiioumattrate
titae, aad ectra lien tarnishedl by applyiag at
after Cthicago in reacthed, it nill lne the DAneYatliec.l
iifficult to hiolidtie Chiorusc together iLOiSr - Atladys gitlidneek-ehinii;
anil tontaiittaiin attenneaunce at ye- " indiherntleas fatunto2l8Jenfnersan
tearsals. 'lhe mnatter of expetne ins and reeeiv'e rewardi.
also a factor in the question. Spring HattsatEthie1Twso Samsn. Opetn-
lnggdity, Marchi mt. Mi-. Yonmans,
It seemts an if thne cwhole mnatter Mr. Knox atnd the celebrateil Silver-
rented ont the willilngnessoctecloc maun Hat tnt the TineStuns. Teleinhone
ruin to exeycise a little self-denilal Something to thalnlk McKinley for.
'The coct of tlhi expneditiont, thne sill-I Owing to tine McKinlley bill, the Imnpe-
ritl Turkish Tobacco anti Cigarette Co.
inginecc to go anid regular attendtance (Londiolnend('airo) have heen forced
at rehearsals, niay perhiaps call for (tii open a braineli of their bintesa in
nacrlic, bt ie tink jugieg fin this eountry, and the Imperiai Egyp-
sacrfic, bt w thik, udgng rom titcn(Cigarettes, matte of the finest
wh'lat han beetn accotmpilishnedinititine impiortedl tobacein, eanl now me boulght
itaetint inecbric c-il b ale it -for ive aid tan cents per paekage ttid
past tht th chrus illbe ale n pwsardsa.

aree, Latin, 1-ench, (ermn i, andulMtleuiaticeu
Text,- BooikNew'and Secondhllaudat
j o k a Unverity Baasllers, - - State Ste
1i leae et-Cnaiiittnl
Istae iLEDIeteSCtOLactfstDUaItathSt
$2 5O patrteek; tudentsasasite tn pstitns.
Fr atalge, addreaa P. R. CLEA RY, Preidet
Imrn tinE nnglishn etter. Fnd- TT"' T---- T TT
fi eturnilto 30 MaynIad U LL Lii'1\I
Stndents deiig io see one of the -
largest-ltinsof Wooletn fr Sprng Ilr
an~d lummer wear iould exanie the -
ine of tie Golden Eagle, Detroit, ex-
hibhitedl at tile Cook Itonie, Frieday. Sp ring
Marrin 11th. Th'iey showe all tiel ti ta
novelties ill importedel cotliswhichin
thney make to measure in tie monttir-SUid;-n'-n 3
feet mnanner tt popular prnces. M. , -i
1. F. Foiley (one of tie etteitteirsin
tine state,) will he in ndiiltin take
measuresIf youwan a obbysuit Pantaloons,
youI to see whlat they And
''litijin ttll ct-i .' Fancy
Saturday Evening, March 12 V sig
Ihie Popuiin larracter e dunt
Feist ni I 553iANDScO'ii uuil ui
-IN- No. th9 Sunt Main Street.
SAMIL OF POSEN' Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
THE COMMERCIAL. IiEMMER, Michigan Railway.
Tie'urd ttI. effetaaruiny i, In2
Stutlutrteti byit nCiumipnny no ' Eceiptianii' Atrivat o Iateinat Anin Aiibaraniy.
N. 1. Mail ad Epeaa -_.... U^27a.inii
Iteninbnl'Only One Nightt Na . Pasge, An Abr Acan It in ain'n
b N. . MilPassenger- --........4'5-,m
N. 2. Mail Passnegr. -......1110s aim
lanceS, - 50, 75 and $1.00 No. 4 Mail Expesn..- - -......4p m.
N.6PasneTled Aca... 7t 00 a. ri
Teains3tand 6lrun betweeni Atm Abrantd
ats n niSalenatIP. i. Ses Standi. 'Tledo nnly.
Centa Standard Time.
All Tain Dalyacept Snday.
Gen. Pa. Agent, Lcal Ageat-
Rearn poat. 69uf lt TAnn Arbor Savings BankAnAroMihCatlSoc,$00,
An Arpiuh, Stack,01Yn.eS
Oganized under the Genera Banking Law
athin ntate. ReennvenDeposit, bua and'SN
cells exchatnge an nte tePrincipan citieasat theJ1 DSI ON sr
United States. Draftn canhd upon pophre
dentifcation. officera: State Street Grocers.
eHSTI, D. RMauN, Vice Pre., Students patronage especially solicited.
CHAS. . HIhCOC, Cacker. - 24 S. STATE STREET. -

willing tin ti its stuart in mnaking thue
festival a succcss.'Tine l).nm1i isiles
tine chorus to go, for we know it,
swounld be a decidedly plteasant expe-
ritence for them, andl whit is better,
it wottld reflect honor on ,tlinttnter-
prise anud ability pf tineir alna Inater.
Yale Indoor Games.
l"tjaruges wuifltbe madle tinis year ill
theti ~n.;and place V~ ale's. annal
indoo r' aunesand a-Iso nih the'eivents.
'he coputtstt 1l occupy. taoeen
iPSt for' :t'w'Srst "; A anti 'will
jnroia ly occur Mflh Oand Apirll
z. Kkie~v s 4Ltl f}et neet ng

On .Friday, Martin 18, at tine Opera
1Douise, thnat diviune artist, Rhiea, will
preseint mar tiew plany of "La Czarina"
in wiih sine will impersoniate Catha-
rine L.., Emspress of Russia, wcife of thnat
most remarkable of rulers, Peter tine
Great. Thnis play will serve to ilins-
rate the extranordinlary powcer of dra-
matie instinet possesned by Rhnea; also
givitng Mr. William Ha~rris a hart simi-
lanr to his Napoleoni of last seanson in
tine character. of Peter the Great.
Rhmea xwilinring a magnificeet tcom-
pany of ladies acnd gelntlennen withn her
-whno sill fit the different parts asffgined
to them ini a capable and perfee main-
ner, 'Fie )iosfumes cnd stage -attes-
sclies will-he tine .most :,teatifuit ever
shss'ui* in this tity, at the same tinne
being nistoricaily coi'rect


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