-~l C if 2V, Ctj Progress on the Athletic Field. i/{ "
-The grand stand has been roofed, 3YSel "
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the seats laid anti the dressing rooms eo Q., gtfae 8f.,
the Coee year, by I partially completed. The field pre-
THE 1U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION ;genta a very rough appearasce, the have received for te opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second
_____hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books,
Sscriptiss price $2.50 per year, invariably track is overgrown with weeds, and which they will sell at Greatly Reduced Prices.
in advance Single espies 3 cents. on eats at not a stroke of work has been done Mathematical tnstruments and Laboratory supplies. See our Note Books
Sernan 6 and Pst Offie newt stand at 12 for 1891-2.
o'clock, noon. Subcriptissmay be left at in the grading since the University -____________________________________
the officce ftch DALY, Opera House block, at opened. 'i here is one very serious ..eoc-"-
Sheeha's, at Stoffetas, or with any of the .,r - .
editors defect in the construction of the -_-'_
Communicatios should resehthte office by grand] stand. The railing along the lyS oL
70o'clock P.ot, if they are to appear the net foneetnvte ows.rw.fset
day. Address all matter intended for public- fotblwtelws o fsase
ion to te Maaing Editor. All bunes is so high that it obstructs almost
communicatons should be sent to t1he Husi-
oes Manager.I completely the view of the track.
TH .O .DIY The fonisth of all the races (with tie- Is teLEADlsO SCHOOL of ntSN.ESS
TH T fM AL,- Fu departmns-Cmmercal No textook
Ann Arbor, Hah xepinof 20 andI 220, whch are- or manucrpt wrk-&nglsh Sosthand and
___ xcpio--- Penanshe .Elesant building large a-
run on the 220 straight on the oppo- touac toecteistrc tormsywowk 2510
EDITORS. uliigepneexrmllo,$.5t
RALHuSOn,'2, Mnaging Edtor. site ide of the trac), is imumediate- R25 per wek stdent assse is poilons. adrsP.R LAYreint
S. W. CUvTISS, '2, Assist. Mangig Editor. ly]vi front of the sta nd and about-MIH G N /
G. L. CuA, '91 , As ssist. aMuaetger.Editor. o h vot fteX~~' 1
J. C. Tnais9o 12, Busns aae. three-quarters s.x1l of te wdthof he Ik±Z11
W. P. PAout, '10 Assit usesso Ison c. track is stut froni view unless the "The 2Vriura Fll Rute
C. v.Riaico, 54 Asis. ass n asr.spectators rise as te contestants lSM TFOD
H. . JEWEsm. P. G. w.H.OtsELoNEAC,'sITS TAF1D
F. D. OssEo,'92. F. E. itGGesos, '92. approach the finish. This can be ) TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE, 2, 182.
F. . JAssETTvs'. 1 J . R. AssNEoss.,'(1.3JA1 SAFODI CETALSANAD-IE
G. . yert. 3. C (. . wELoc, '5. renmedied either by cutting the rail-JM.SAoRI CN ALTND DTME
ing down to aboult two feet or by FII1 heLadi EASTWARD.
taking it dowin entirely and substi- Sli All ONS055Hail By SrjN V Nit All. Rat
inFsn i n Op OLi Ep.x. Raxp Ace.
WE xiii publish a complete lit of tuting a single rail.
the. dental and pharmacy students iV]n l7{ l tettiant tTail- "hie M , v.) 01 "Mto 10It9251010 55
to-morrow. Order copies early. gole-otbl addtsfr~A ~''@I~l . Fie : at1551 09
'94's elevcn must come out for daily Dextetr..... lA- --. _... ..545It7250
Dhno elilIils... 4d31..i- - - -I . It3
Te'3dents are the first ones to practice on1 the campus at } p. m. \ln f leCe AN ABO.. 442 925 621( 45 051 4509
Thy ')3Ypsat.a..5 sssb40... . 9 oss23 o 0 151
elect a foot-ball captain this year, W. DREW, Capt. 773 (G;, oodS to Select (44aye Jsc 57..0 .. ....04 83.1050
and 'plit has followeed clone in their NOTICE-The book in which the frotm. Call for eroiAr 0164514711 MM1. 9j..I i 25
steps. It in time that the ret of the freshmen registered, in the young a4fne fiti f alo......-ssr 400 721 15a ei05_ 1P
classes which intend to enter teams ladies' waiting room in the nain -i.-- WESTWARD.
in the inter-class league, elect their hall, is missing. The finder is r- suitvo oe i. Ch. Eh
captains and managers and get their quested to return it as soon as pos- 19 S. MAIN ST., No. 19 - Ep ap Sp tp. Lim SoE. A.
men into training. The '93 lits ible. {s. .A..A.l .azzP .M....
latyaan;- -s-----. ANN ABO. MIne' S. MLan Street. Rno,....... 1 30 940 3' 15560
won the championship -atyaadA .AM P.M. P.M.PM S, . M
BUSI NESS LOCALS. IOsDtoit, Lv... 820 7110 120 l45 95 915 44d5
they were successful bcasVterIanstie.a00...t. 82547-l ll954 5
wok (Notices inserted in this column at the rate 9 22 8A 1IR2.055 839 210.S t 15la 50
captainkp his men at hard wr of 10 cents per line. Special raso for longer Delhi Mill.. 9434- ...:..... 15....
time, and extra lines furnished br applying at D__________________ eater.ils- 9 ... .-0103 .... 6 G7
before the series was commenced. the DALY ofice.] 5,yam Cheea....1010- - - --9 9 .... 610
The p lit team will undoubtedly "Michigan" atd "Ann Arbor" sou- Yl Jacks.11t00925 14 10 2 11 15 1141 5
ve9rsp3i a ats,1Y5 anP.M:. M.P.M.t.Mu.. M.A. . n
make hard fight for the honor this street.spLEAVEt YOUR',ORDERSainticao, Ar.. 75a 355 900 6W501O80511155
year. A large majority of their Lover of minstrelsy anticipate and -AT- tnally. nSunday eceped.
eeehaertreand have been will enjoya minstrel treat when Gr- F. T NESS SCfTANDoT O.NMOLS .W.HYS
eeehaertremans' Minstrels appear The company eO. W.- sliGlGl A. h Hcag . AtAn Abo
training with the 'Varsity candidates. is the strongest in every way that has . . ASI~G. P.&T.A.Ciao gtnArr
Other classes may take a hint from ever appeared here, and their perform--FR
Y ane is entirely ew, novel and refined, Newppers, Magazines. Periodicals, Fle Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
this. The eleven xwhich represented discarding all wos out converational Confections, Cigaro and Tobacco.
'9 i atya a htgahdideas. Their departures sre noted for Michigan Railway.
p3 lt lst earwas hotgraheduniqeoriginality. Assiduous workers
with the handsome championship in the realms of novelt, they are this Time Table going it ffect Septembe 13, 191.
E <t- lArivl oftrin tAnAbor.
banner in the background. It be- sheaso presenting prodctions which _
hooves the rest of the classes to get heretofore presented by them. GO00NG60NO0T1.
their elevens into the field.IHave you placed your subscription uu' V i-u r. .No. . TruhMi n xrs..74 .m
for Detroit or Chicago papers? Go toPiOAL.L No. 0. Cluesr & Passenger.- co:50p..
"" F. Stofflet, Opera ouse Block, wheClre NO. 12 W. HURON ST. GO90INGtSrnT.
Athletic Diretors Meetng. you get prompt and careful attento. N .Caen~laACm..17a
Student wanted as agent for our GRAND OPERA yrHOUSE No. 3. Through Mail- --...90pm.
The first meeting of the board of hlouse; junior preferred. Address L. LI-.No. AnAbr&Tld oeoAc com.. 10a.m.
drcosothAtlciAsoi-Dreka, Stationary Engraving House,H Traiss4 nd 5 ra between Ann Asor snd
drcosothAhiciAsoi-1121 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Told ol.ai
-ion of this college ear, a held in A-okt-ru-iorlnewl-cnic Centraitadad Time.
Y t as Aloo thrughour ino illconvnceAl Trains sDaily except Sunday.
Newberry Hall, Saturday evening, you that we are the house to purchase EvnnOWbr1. w.A. BENNET, . . GREENWOOD,
your Clothing, FurnishingGodan Monday Eeig coe 2
The entire meeting was taken up lits of. Call and see them. The eeG mAen t. oca Agnt
with a ditcussion of plans to Two Sams. - x
chec thesecetar andtresure in Ask last year's students where they "tae.l ilsy tteToSm.T h aeo ikt. omte ehv h oete o o.TeDSM S R L
was appointed to prepare a plan and TwoSas.
submt i totheboar. Te bard We call stuents' attention to the UNDER THE MANAGME T OF
meets this evening at 6:30 o'clock Opera H"ouse. News Depot. All sbs WM. IVERSOLE.
hil hntesbetsibr n utttr fhave the ti'
in Alpha ~ ai;we te tbetscies ancutmrofreus oother 3papes, of whih he-
of a coach will be discused. haodles agrat v e1ty prices, $1 .00,75,. 80 r
* ~Hot atd, WeNlelbtba 10 cents, at Post
Subscribe for the U. of i. DAILaY. Office Barber Shop. Seats n Sale tP. O. NesISad