TE U. OF M. DAILY. SPRING HATS at The Two Sams. Open jHE GREAT ing day March i. Mr. Youmans, Mr.;ONE -FOURTH OFF Knox and the Celebrated Silverman Hat. SL Telephone 99. AT THE Two SAMS. The J. ANN ARBOR01. Is still ra1ging at the J. T. Jacobs Corn- p~n. ONE ~-rWITIRJD O:'F 0i) Children's Suits. EVERYTHING goes until March 1. Come land avail yourself of this golden opp o cuil i. T. Jacobs Company, 27 and 291 MAIN STRIEET. MAll ArbIor 8tGamLbglldry, COAL. GEORGE L. 1MOORE,(Mosle & Tar. + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fell Lineof all College Text Books, ineluding Law at ed~ical Bookibtheit lie (All, oN Cheapest place fote Note Bweos and Fountlain Pen in the city. e eth leet eeeetie. (tee along. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. \/- r old felendx. I nwhae my entireestehkatny stetn No. C65. M AIN ST. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. 11 Witer W tIIINToN Sramocr. =0.. NOONON. r I))VN IWNN T A 141 UN IVER.S IYBTUSITESS IIEOTOLY. TOWN, V £ i 1 OO S ITE f IbI s list receivetld full line of all Second Seccior lcext-Biiik.. 'PO ,GI, SOO 't COUT HeI adquiarters for (Germant and1111rench 1liblicatijtt S.e LIVreIII',nIramsItpar t is dAI.I.At Ii NIc rt (gout01 t lln111115 I1110te S ttilon ry 11d111 l011110 « E "'sI 1'Atl j lI l. Irttelephone . 1 itti, l t., tl (.1Po1 c . Ceolebraited M Itith ll ital Intrumenitt s. Sitortinog (_Itoil x. i -- MlA IN BIit oks r)i 11 111;'HE IXCi.IOR IAUIR _______________ l____________________________________________________ (ale all te mteet machintl eryttti ttlisttre TIW E V FRNTMlICIIIGAN C i LGE' K _ A _-N-D- A_-- L EERAZND APJD -OT FINE PHOTOGRAPHS. -N0'IDfrits (Itt 1111 Y let.Peaessudns 'r n olee fscel MILLINERY AND A T G O I Fo t i tt1 1 111 1 1 3' Itepreiltt te , degrees I~t a ndtt i ns ttltt i ithe tttt ti ut ure tttI anid liii s .O11bRIt 1 1N)111 ittitlWAltNIt t ittitettteed ing Ischool PAYYbusihness.tttT l TKElttt ANt A. ID. VE EX Ireident. Stilitt, 20itStat Stee llt. TIIz TFn5 STQ WII zWIO _TO.0K. BARBER SHOP THE FISK TEACHERS ' AGENCIES. Bt1 ~>n nenieto, cr ltr''rs 0. SI MARTIN, DEiALERI IN Cloth Caskets, Metallic ANDI 1O1MO05 COFF~INS. RINSEY & SEABOLT, Batters a1111 tealees ill Groceries, ProvisionsFiour and Feed, 6aindI8 E. Waslhingtonte1. ~OdM~I~ :SPOOpS ..-I' ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St. lii-i; Os \AIBASHIAVIE., CICAG(). SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. J.I. IROjA:N0WSKI, INTERCOLLEGIATE. koclhestier liivi tiy recently rc- for lte111on11btse-ithl riclice iiovlitle11 eti 11I littttcit lulilt~t. 111139iI ceivetl3,000 torom t theTrexvtic itolenlgtheniedi. I (11I" I111 Iit ItCi ortenet Ir it.rowtxvth11s becti eatlted $ 0,0ooesitte, Imalkin~g ata11f1 ii oj0,000 li) the UniltdCettes 111(11maii n Mm11< itttltSti ttlaseening. to tie Medil Co(tllege o1 lIlarxvardlfromtis iteestate. about112,100ltakes a1 college talottlarse Ietll"Cicg and his 1rvate lilbraryto ltecollege. A illattcithas ibeentarrangedl le- ilScotlandl1 1110 it 6iin ill blltoI;e lr} iiwthChiag Accorditng to (hauntcey Mi. Depetteen the V11al tiln I Ilrtlart tricket Iltantlone in 2I13;atndhin lit 1, tUnv111Eixtfal acollege edti~onl add11115300 ier Ocllbs, lt lake itiace lcan II llieS ottly tite litabot o502. N UrCr;-AILY BOARD. cent. to a 111an's producttive 1Powers. IFieldl, Catmtbridige, Jutne 4111. Thie $1 25,000 receixved by Sentator hItetCe xiilb ~pi 1111tt mieeting Atmtherst ihasn appoitledl men frioml 'the Wexeleyaii foot-tall Illtnaige- Stattfordl for tx oeAithi, tilevc eitig at 730sharp. lxi - 1 p Nouit I.-1heItoregitittr Ilitlly ch eclass frotto1370 toiiS131 1totialltmeti hax jstittatle ixsreport,xwhich bIe entdixided tho1101 -lots, ilhl]lie vaxs thteir classex for the new tgyti-xstoxvx t teficit of 51100. Thle total poor stutdensewto desireto1)go1l Ittetlittiof Ite Athletic Itoard ilxii ltaxltlnlamtoutireceivetd xxas 311103. thriogh thee Stantford Uiiersity. he a.cni, in pia acTll.i 2 tt ly order of the Italialt govertn- Itt Waxhitngtot and1(1LeetUniversity , 'TtelFaculty of the Columnbia Law C. . B llxA. nitent Englishe is to he added to thee ymnatisiumtI work countis four piolinsSchtool has estabalishtetl a price into N111 Itresilleai titc cnrriculttm of thlecolleges n iltat toxwarilte degree itt Bacheelor of ship of $5 100, 1(3 be awarded for ltd mteetling of lt h emtcratic Soci- country. Arts. The work in elective, general excellence of terne work atd eiylhlirsiiay evetnitng at 7:30 ie the Since Lehoigh isnon loeget a free 'Thee Yale k~ion loan extenided an greatest success at exanminatios. hosawlectue oomta. All demtocratic l stutdenxts in the tllitersity are ear- ntitution, Stanfordl Univernity in invitation to ex-Prenidenet Cleveland Last Fritday, at 3 a. mn., ex-Ptresit-tittprset thee only American college in which to delivter a lecture before thee liti- dent Noah Porter of Yale died at S .lyICtil (tr is, tuition is free. versity 01 on oe ciic stubject. hin home on Hilhounse Avenue, afterI President. The natatorium, which will be At a mass meeting atCPrincetoa, it an ilness which lead confined hinm tot; o llcnidtsfor9 built on the new memorial field at was5 votetd to petitiotn the facolty to heis house for tihe pant three monthsbasb' II It lladthirames at'9 Princeton, will leave a swimming change the hoar of Dooing chapel State University of Iowa is al-tacet to .Hugo Pam, manager, 27 tank 30x60 feet. from 8:15 to 8 o'clock, tihat thee time ready talking about a game of fopt 'rhonuiason shreet.