THE U. OF M. DAILY. '11JU. f c j Rc- n week of 1892. 1Each college oill lbe of 1 ""i"J representecd by a team of three meni, eacht of wvhorn is to play with the Plished Daily Isltetays excepted) daring nine Men not Of ttis own cotlege. the Colegetear, bc The team making tite hightest score THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION sewill receive silver medals and the -challenige cap that year. Severalf tirriptiopricee$2.510 petr year, ittcariaby(estd oftecppeesumte nadx-timt- gingie cesir3:1cente. on stile ieigat o hecp;vreshmte ittocatm tn ost tftice ntetrs stand at 12 to the chess clubls tof the fottrcol- o'lcno.Sutbscriptions may tie leftsattlge.Al eei aoro h n he office oftie tIe LY, O (pentitotuse bleek, at lgs l or nfvro h n siteehati's, at.Stoftttet'sor twiith antiofsthCe lpreseintedl livTiffany, aintd te cup is citoro. io iit tae iwl tfu Cotimtitcations shaolt reach the tofficerb hr bigin~e t ilcotfu o'clockhi>. tt. it they are ta appeatr the tiext huntdredl dollars. oureliundrfcd of lay. addrtest ali matter intenited Cite pablica- wihwssbcie yM.CS ion to thte Managing Editor. Alt bsaittestwihs a tiorhe s .Gs comneitiaatiottiud ito teatt the nitsi- well, a gradtiate of Yale, and the tir IIs iter. THE U. nf M. DAILY, rest was collected from the grado- Ann Arbor, Xteta.; ates oif the cithter colleges. 'Ise EDITORS. culp is tti le coittested for dluriiig ivW. c tot so, 'ii, Mattaging tEdtittr. fryecitnsectitive years, the college CollegJe + FOR THlE SECOND SEMESTER ~8Greek, Ltttitt, Fretich, Germiant, atd Mathemtaaical T xt, + Books, New aid Secondhtand at 00 University Boaksellera, - - State Street. tsgthetLEAtING S CHOOL, otflit OIN F oar depattmenti-Comtmercttt, No test-bo - r maeusc~tnsotti-t'glS Sorthanasti -_ - tnmanshit.Flegantilttditiginac iat ___ edit, ceffinten ttittucttr,ortt, i ough, ttvingexpesoesaetatirelioto 2.2t 50 iiper-eeck, students asstoted to posttions. var catalogue, addrecos P. St SLEtAtR Presidet. Gi. t..CSEt, rices, 'it, Assist. Managitng Editor. W. . ii. Sit tottE, '9i, Asst. Manoaginig Edtor. F.. EiAttie, '9, tttsiestt.Iiee.Mna tC. 1V.tItCKTmiTA, '55, Assist. ittoicto 'ttttt'er.j Ft tJ. I i~ct wtt:, tit. toIltotte.IR, '9; Siinstg it the greatest numtaser of tinmes receiviag it as its ownt. Baseball. Friomt the piresenit otitloock Corniellf ill sendiliout a teato whlichi soill lie fully the equial cif the old-tinme ! nites is-len our coach Taylor stood INTER-COLLEGIATE. P-U",-~TT T1NT biehinil the hat. Among the tirty- ''rte Editoris dtinotttuldtlitetitelves ecoiti onrue tmenti oitn itrainintg caii le olile Citerteointieosotieatttewnts muf etceo-j tistdetion tts peaitemtvittthe tDAtIY. fouindl excellettiaerial for aniy 150 sititonts the dliamotid, and vl ery- Ti Intdoor Gaines or Athletic thtitng itniicates ai prospserouts seasotn Conlest ivill take place March 2 yth Iifur the carneliatn andi white. Olue without fail. The ninte lias need if feature piarticuilarly favoreable is that a great ileal msore mtontey toitayiit s a great tiany oif the meit have had expenises anid every effoirt iwill lie actual experience oni the college mtadle to tmake this entetnalinmsent aI teams, whlichi gives thenm great nil- success, fintancially ant tiliherivise. v antage leer the tiew canidvates. Qutie a good tiatty entries tavec A v igorotis gamle of hatidoall andc betenimadle, hut mtattynmore ouitigi to general gymnsiasiutmiwsyrc, tiogethier lie miade. 't'iere is ampille titielior wihiplractice iof catching atidlbat- everybtody to get itt goodl hug itn the cage, tmakes iup the geti- Blesitles hoxinig, wvrestlintg ,and fenic- c ral exercise. 'lie msent are fast lie- tug there iwililibe a runtest lis the cotiinig tariletiecl to the ivork, and ruitntg-high-kick, prnsitdeid a sitfil.mnihtint tore cctnscienstiouts tralininig is 'Tle IHlrvartd tinie lasyedl ,ut a doiors last :Montlay for the inst titme. r -its I Luther (try whio is nioti liviutg inii ficago, hsolils tivelve chiamipionisiu5Jp Sp 1in9 recordls.I ie tiiersity of ltenitiylvatiia Suitinqs, hasi lately ce ited gifts amontingtip to $2 ,o 00. P ntlo n (Caruthiers, the lBrooklynliitchterP nal s has lbcen engaged to tcoachi Ite___ Ptritcetoin iie. And At a recent athletic meeting ait' Willisamts the records for the high Fa kick andi high jumiit sere hrokens. Fa c '' The catididates for a haccalaureat degree at Cornell, who have present-\estincts ed thesis siuhjects, tiumbher ahout n a o 1