THE U. OF M. DAILY: WE A RE .THDE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY.- News Wareroote, (Cornier of Main and( Liberty Streets. 1 Will "Open the:BaOP by placing a line stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find 1=zs ~'a 1 /vsxc STORE, S25..out Fourth Avenue, City. YOUJR GIRL ALBANY LAWY SCHOOL. ESTIABISTHEI) 1851. Woculi l apic iitf Ia liox of 'tlint' COURCSE, one year. Three full termes reqtuired. Termes begin, September, January 1and(1March. F ins Ch ooacteS ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. ____Full11Corps of stotrs an4 Lootuors Degree oc LL. B. Conferred. CALKINS ' PHR AY Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Address the De)an or Secretary, 1M T. !ALBANY, N . CIGARS BY THE BON H , JOLL Y:&' u Pittsburgh Stogies, 100 in Box, "EL 9j "Psodigy" Havana lee tfiller", 1 lt+"ie u' "GeenlsSeal,' AND ALL " Banner,". 05f udmfnps aRpfl 8, 1 "Bully Boy,' Leave Orders fnesti _ '"Skilper,' ATH+LETIC + GOODS. 41 Main Street, South. le t"lifitIistoij," HAT$ NOBLAF;'. (T0-TO '------Fr HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Ice lias the L.EADING3 SPIlNG AND) SUMMER 6001)S in Snlillgs, 'renasriegs an Silk V eslings in tile city. Fall D~ress Suiting's a Specialty. Please call and exasmine. No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. i TdYP E W~ING'11t. All kinds of Workhnestle, lldone at reasonahle prices. '3955o1uthivers ity A vc. YOU (JAN GET V/udlyr,?clvad, 41(ieu /FPlist /il it ri'l/I, att BROWN'S DRUG STORE. Chemnical t Phsysical Apparatus QC.P. and t' Rarse COleri cals Microscopical Supplies, EI1ELCIACLI & SON. 'l S 5IIAVEsEANED'itAN 11111I" 13518 0s.S STUDENTS' i5EADQC'ARtTNI5. "Bolys," f you',are tooking Tioe sny cf yotur tridtakelite chair itt.the IOccidenal lintel tfite fr artell mntes. Youtrill sorely 'see thtett. IFive tiottk inner, Sandays. Special 71 Fort St., West,. Detroit, Michi. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS P. 0. NET~8S TA--+ND Neirepa ii, Magazines, Periodican, AIssu Cenfections, Cigars and Tobkeeei. THE CAMPUS. lDr. J.,N.ilartiti sill reatd a paper lbefore the I' aitlsu'hltthis eveinig. 'fur Mock H'oiuse of Reprcesentat- ices will mccl this eivening itt Alpha Na hail at 7 o'clock shtarp. I:. E. Taylor will riot lease collcgc as ices stated int the I )x v liut wxiii remn thescseconid seimcster. Pro~f. Andrcw C. iMcI~aughliuniill adtlrcss te tiock Ilouse of Repre- scutatives at 7 sharp, iti Alphla Nit tall . 151 . Weller H. Bot, Deciii'91 htas been aboutite caitpus ihe last fcw days.Itlie itis owclocateil at Plainficldl Mich. IVstlerdais' 11o1nintg beitig the reg- iiir irissioniary mornintg Proif. Scott I liii not deliser his lecturc. lie scill idclicer it test 'Stunday. 11.I11.tWalker , 'g lit, gate a vecty interestiag sketch of the life of .\lissionari rnt uat te S. C. A. mseetig Sutnday nmorning. Tw ivmiemhers of (lie Miission Bad condutcted te chsapel exercises yes- terday. imornsing. IProf. Scott'swll read his paper otn "Christiatnity and the Newspaper,'' next Sunday moring. D)r. C.' A. Decker '91r was mar- nied' to. Miss Adeline Peavey of Baftle Cjeck on tlit 2nd inst. in San :Francisco,. where he holds the position of assistant surgeon. in the 1.5. S. Marine hospital. . BILLIARD PARLORS 0in Box, - - - $3.60 Elegantly refitted daring the east sumer i- . ,$.i Nice lnech counter in connectiont. 5' - - - $3.50 BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, 0"" 1 i - -$3.12 STATE STREET, ANN ARCBOR. 0" - - $31. ( " - - - $1.55 --5THE ARCUS- DEAN & COMPANY. rII J4I@ ________________________AT low PRICES. Ahout $1;oo seas cleared at te FIRST NATIONAL BANK baseball etitertaliniet 'lTursiday Or ANN ARB~OR. eveningCepital, $5151,Ottl Sturplus unit Prrfits, 1$30,W). b Taig rasacts a senersahleekitibstiess, flii ''NeighborliiiiilPrayerlectigs'' eeitn exchaitesoid, letters cicredtit trocurec' Coretraielers sabttad. are being hielil at the roomns (if sev- C. . ICHMOND. Prers. P. BIACH, V. arcy. eral of te stiidetls, bth yountg men 5. W. ciatastir., Cashier. and yoilng wsomen, every aftertnootn at 5 :ta5. R NG- 'Phe glee club at Rutlgers has dis- cariled dress suits, and will htereafter SJ1'ftF at its concerts app~ear tn gownss aind 8SCHOO LFO imortar-boardtl alls, Englishsstudent fashtioti. Nestopeis totreceptioni oi Pupils. Frankk Slartits. 92 lase, wvnttto __________________________ Hamburg, Satuirday ottbhlaf of the Deriocratic Club, Co secure (Got'. Winans to delileer aii address on Jeffersoti's lbirthdays. John A. heatitng, a formier 94 ( Wagnter & C'i., Mer-chaii ll lit, is tast attending Leland Stats- i C' jt'i ford Jr. C'tilversity, ('alifornsia, it n tAC binig tiecessary fur imi to go wvcst the rcgtilair price of which is frout on accoit'tof Isis health. ;25.0o C 35.00i fotr f25.00 a 11. B1. Aarotn, '9 lit, gave a hune' siitcetplrtcas i spread at his roots4t .Vasisteiass, md pfrtcas lc last Saturday evening, comsmnenmor- 150 pastter'ns of Trotuseritigs, Cthe atinig thte birthday itt his chutm151 r. regsular price of which is froit Beaunmont H. Kaigist '94 Detit. Dr. Osler, of Johns Hopkins. is $70 $.00, for $0:.00 a pair. the author of .a new text book on They are also offering somne de- Theory and :Practice. IC is the hat- cddh ne' est' work on this subject and can iddbrgains in Heay Ud only he obtained by subscription, wear. An inspection of goods The March number, of 0cc/lu- is and prices is invited. up to the usual high stansdard of the publication.- The Status of' the. American Turf. if one of te leading articles and is well worth reading.