liekh tO~fA . alj VOL. 1I.-No. 109. UNIVERSITY OF.MICIGAN, SAT-RDAY, MARCHIL5, 1892.-PsI'Ec, Tnrisi CENTS. Excursion to Detroit te theis being nmostly those alleged slightest little silk skull cap tat ittad r O .F YOUR 20 ietaoth fhunorous selections whiiih a'te al-hium lie a bald head bt over his bos { dearlyzostdnsabu$o£j this wili and storms-tossed bag boiletl Qpp SOCETY BADGE iwhich were '"co-eds'"a suosnpder0 o nthdese.Iup in the most iwonderful priousionoei, B onlr Tis he work of the crib was cxceiing antd swayed to and frii like aibsicio ]aiSouei n teso he£clbnl fperonage of 'Mesdanies Siiidr l creritable, as was also that of the straw-coloredl asparagus gne to sed. Mailed to You- u-il Sobananerjftho'cilI club. Vie latter riieir1 "After looking himi over Irdecireil Through You is ladies, went "cloivn to lDetiroil, eaF1 1ajaro \alles anid elsii iot to pilt the welfare of iiiir repiitlic. N I' ' yesterdlay afternoon on the iregilar I to s Revel, in IPst I, with ine i i ad. 7t ' . ~4, train. It arriveil at lDetroit in his description of the ti of1. *> -A TE- spoity anIteci irs~it antI both iere heartily' el- Istudent lhc met tn thi. train, Bllupon a ho n tiiiiay e, aiedtCraw- orrl has, with his usual acutnss, seizedlII~L -. P-IAIN fostclrautvrep "iire c h" trav hi ss Ilenfey's slctiiiis swere uipon one of the most striking ch ar- - frrr'scechatul''laryliisliopen to criticisiss loth lecase rf atr htifs h cleeclsus j'1 kVI roosi, ivhere arrangements arI been their us some crses searisoiie aWers tae stthe oleiigecapise j-l~ 6u1 1 h111 1 . UJO iiiaie fo oliaiiing Sis ~ lengtiy hianud their very limiitedl range su~eti ered the rnut soiic ienuuiscbefoir.e yl.Al xcthh cei e sudntin iqtestot ingciisto e Maini tieei s f'Finest Plin 'clokadsaethmevse ofsye Alexettesneb out of place iii a University like newc -ityags -iocoaiiscldtimcvs//tivccn the Bishop and jean aljean ti.Oewudntb upie DETROIT,-- MICH. nus in l the part if the housi. re-' is - tiewilr1oi srist sreulfor thieiis. tost wsore the ,sMscalsitioiivs 1 see sus a specimnesp'ailding the - ccl riivaiiil ii nisre v tustionably her strongst piece of cmu fsm atiniotg~ Iiisiciiils woik, werc of thic dialectic order, If Bill hail renainedl here longrile coniculie forn.The boys seenedlsil laatr fiul h ais ol aebe bet sae' sirrugs he iilieic, uuaus i hchrctrso mcher ssamiie bte td fti isai i i t bescatterced pretty generlly type tlroughout. e ac1 iewul iebenalrt aea throgh te auienc, maing on-inmpersoations svre geierally effect- bte td fti aaav;h sider-ably less shioiw. Theriewas in t, like the rest, lackedI variety. woiild have clothetd this iois-atlletc asiiple tume to aidnire *the patrioici 'hi. users of the younig ladies froiii eriae etlmnin't sie'ter dscuratiouns rof the rink, ishlichi aild s ol' shopoulctin st a cigarette in his mouth, aid'tu lsceeuu left up froiii the re.publcn I ttuvich lirsMrs. leifes' as at rne affectedl draiwili-I Iis speech lie ilenyuwstllieLatst Mtolitaniiuiistu. hlsuet, hiefore the programmes wsas 1time coniected. 'wouldl theiiave coiveyedl a clearer, i liiioes tietis ic piissihas Au iAk oened. The aiitience, isiiiberinig 'h pca euntai ecii but inone the less true ie of a er- li'05culiCsii.iiI g h seia etr tan echdtain class of iiiuliiss that sre R HF Y'E & ' ,iiiiit1.b0, iiaiifetedl its iiil5't AissArbor about H.tileuitii ere Bensie by retieated clappiiss'iiiti! t .5 BFtLlerat'd hett. i:1 itiusepalel luttiisgi That Chryanthemum Bang. Brecensridge CanItCone I____________________ shie fault if the iealers, theii.anoai Bads not et arived. It itas ltwei.ty 1dil Nye, wshiiivisiteid Anni Arbor 'tefhovn~lte vi i S PECIAL SALE m5 isiutes of nine b hefore liii.opening ;.ashort tulme ' ite ausiices 'suber isas rendered by thii.banto f tie IecitIrn.Association miuae tHisiiSE 5111-I" tcr I'. IX'. t s. is pelrl o lub. 'ilsc prosgramiu as iiven uad thi. foloswiisg reiiarks ii a ltter tii WASHINGTONsDsC.,iiig titre. lithle icoiimion wiithi the prograiii thii.Newv \o0k World, aboiu the 115y- ii nun Si r-- y rdaughter's l pr licTates, tyii'reiii fs priutdis point either of sub stiideints:only (111111 didili)-y'house la'st dtucdpietirCoe ,lansce ir f arrangeiient.I It was We'issited Aliii Aibor sutlhug ag. iigt andr I mst accoiiipaiy her im's f Neckwsear, Under' reiudereid as followcs: 'lets i isil tics andhge 'trIIis bury to L exiiigtoiutohigsshih weir.u'anid tll Furnuising PAR 1 Tle citizes es c uiemoaiiileserceail hsriicdieis it ampossible ftaeiito w'nr I sithiulii .i h llt'Isii uir, s i' thiey IUIsissi I_ i'i5si' iilPtu -itle --------- ---S ith e sateisuig tiisee iwhist the siiide its I he iiin uiin Xir iiii on the nth. I h -snoClb tilessnne _.. sses aei'i ol < iwiiiii ro scxt Iassoiaionsdsuciries I iill go.) st smiii.Goi, a ll iilsrcl uoil iaiet r l oe _s ..sli'h 't'le cllege I ibeliese to liie iut f 11 l ter ay. iiih hpri ts. ieludsitis , sisi lseictaCasi s .usI the lumist hroglessve aniidradil to se izeiWM. tC. lhscii'iiiI ll ::u Ass .-i'ie., u'eusssu ii L,. iuponiltihe Pompadiuriil u'topkint o iii huhap.cSpellr- - < buelcin rm ilonteiios - an ethe hiust onthe grssudihot )cry in A nsiulilc sI be sate sGog ut um cuitrhuy. The ,tuulenti -ii'hs 1S STTAE- - ~ l Mlliissussi lisn'. i soespecimuenussofyit Y iiI" 51'i'i''iianiong tie l ni oiiiiisfInceon tis I 1,nV'twutetr 5± rF~ QCl. a.illisievl ---.-Bnjil dIubs i hoodsi, uitithe lawideprt imeti hi-s raise ananua~ l u nd fl-Ileanhi alumnus 15 IC'-'' g- l.AlI'i'long stoiiih well ups t thetopinlithe o subsiribe hcat he canu eachu year. Ns i-Uld elos iu-;."-aceeaan~hbI judgmnmtt be juits. sit counutig 'lihe imdoney islto giltisisaris the - CIGAR ETTES iuioes--_s(a) Godil-ye Hoiey-, mys.el. I-n eds of t' coleg. .' ' i... -' CigiusIetto Smokeurswio (b) Lulilaby- I we isiteud the ). K. E. leuursiur- ''se( isvrsttfiuiuuylaion, ' '- luenii Sih t' hu'priceu Ic'rne tlilslusp-inomssuliuMieaenitss- Hugo tenston a couple of ihoiurs iii the ecem- TeUnvrit f'enylaiai . lhedoCitetius. ill Ii')~ng S~s iye a uesyuc-esn Ihewherese swere maeisnw selome ( sieli fixed now in the matter nf atha '''- Tm BRANDisup erise ta AdmBd .. ... .E i t iti sn.eIsiui mi slr rises'unsr - -'5 allo tes. Mis enety wihcollege sn n aa n f,!lettic es.Wills eoge a 'lrTie iicmondsulSraigs 3. The hantom and ..---- Gle club malade. I shadiionbNo 5e Ciguum-eturiesCmuteeegarci ,.esiasuetde liom t reb gigh - 9 rs ~cin ie le'iimld.1sisiln eeibrori charge of track sports; Woodruff, et, msadslicatey fatsred ansi iigiesttes Encores lieu Cigareites, (b)5Hutaing evensing there isosolig the fttrejudges tefmu 'aeorGa h edod easown ~a~I~-iin 'iginia. Tisi is tie ol Clou-rn olHsl - andrtphysiciasanihd governors uf the adws anuh otb s itghtedcyiar le,. Uynion-the young men he whose hnds rwngadiotram atniwnte ansebeloian5euvmeryearck5ge. It will be seen from thse foregoing Mr. llatnee sd I will soon hamve to professional, for base-bal, the ah hi ALEm INE Bac 0f le American Tbaccou du. programi that the Glee Club was pluses he swelfare of our comimone cousrt- letic authorities have certainly done Manuactren. - Ricmsoee, il igina. eithusiastically received, heng re - try. all in their power to train and evel- called again and again- 't'heir first(" the otrilensaah hrsmidntihei op available mateial among the J .. A. P~OLHEMIJS. somber, "Dearest, -,Awake," was ang that I ever meat. Hils heair else- undergraduates. Woodruff is not' to IEi~ l.. ALSO 'BUS RACK AND BAGGAGE LN their roost ambitionis performance, wher iwas short and is wors this take full charge tilh net fall.. North Man Ste-sr.