THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAIN COMPANY. Nen' Wareror' as, (Cornieraof Main and(1Liberty Streets. I will 'Open the Bal" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, Banjos, etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU- 'P1e u1tp"AT ind 2LS 'YS M'O'CTS STOX-,, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. SALBANY LAW SCHOOL. ue ErWtfIHEfua. l t I OI< AT N Pures I GOUE oe ea. Thefull terms Ki.e'ol, Fresh requireid. Terms b)egn, Septtembler, Janarr mNTANC sAtMarch. - Clean ENTRNCE0AANYTERM. GOT and other thisoequalsly grod. Degree of LL. B. Conferred. = :For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Spt 13. lie Ics hell FADING SPRINt. AN1) SU'rl K tGODS is Siig, rn rings an'a Sill Veeings in the ciy, lll Dres Siings a Specialy. Please al al examie, CALKNS' HARMCY.Address the Dean or Secretary, JALBANY, N. Y. No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. R, E. R LY& CIO.," CIGARS BY THE BOX. BLIR ALR Pttsurghs Stogies. 10011ini Box, -X1,110i ILI.P £.A.LOI a~rPoigy' his ev n onry illeir 1100 isso , Eegnty reited dringsethe poe ast s ar' iS s.., ice oh eouneerinconetio. 15)iiilit o"" -i BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, (GIeea ISeal,- 5s"$8)1 ANO ALL Banner,'d.i0" " - ;I SATEiS'ITEET, ANN ABOR.i 5udkn s' cI ias, "Toodles" 5 17 Oreser"Bally Boy,'50'i~l -tTHE ARUSJt " AT LTC+GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY 11iiV' J Isr 11Vw AT 101 PIWPS5 THE CAMPUS.or n IN,_ f. Randsolphs 'iomedc is uise FIRST NATIONAL BANK rone ai r esonabiesseicee. Sick . 0'ANati~ . 5 IDosECOs, E.. \1.lass, '-,fimeic, g a OF ANN A'l s rss'si IlRBRsse'irsses 3!: _____ 55Srs toi e ier'it Aecs. S rc'sl to a ferrt sitf iis Ifriendsilaist 'ii iis' ,si i i' rs lea a cis (li.t Siirl asassrl l'iili', tor- sri l" °m ® ateriroors a l ocid sk .i. oesne i 5505'r in. letersorrP ersit rsesrr'sr Y()U CAN' GE'T cgri t. forreer rreir~ i ir u ir e''ers slr ad. I Ssr'iiiAtsacricens risi' ' sri theire ' C. It. RIIHMONS)I l''s' P1. 1511, '. Pr-. l4'hian ba ,rrt r' i l heliiPIric il1, T e sii}o 're" will be C h 'iiiiurt, iCarles Ke. Fr'rcrlmsrssrSW. (i..siis C.ssiisiie. right, sri lI e ' ism theine a lihe N. 1. > . church next Sunda w~~~sas crsaimourrsl ' scrsen iii Iur CINSDIU ;T) +y onn.s, -1 - ) UG ST R . ien estSrilayscsi ill eet sntiteliret n riss L i e riiC s iS Th ngirs' V ir''ssiee Chemical ' Physical Apparatus tliseing.ePrigfsir.iels' sailor sicel DNCN w lrec'esaipg personI'im.e'tanlr ieed ises ZP C.P adinlrer arisrsci'Pase isl INTERCOLLEGIATE S~ d IA5L~f15~.( II & SON. 'lie Atsletie ssoafios, lesses this nes' N'le sgx nassr ssstcs o 'reltis itlsli w snek fir heoss. Ie si1I reurn i lr rrrrsi g r;e flceIile S H A ssmaN.os sesTai.rhiekr a lhli lelur' Assisfthiesiicrr -l H scEAB E c t.fl.sole itsihssc 'ss ito Dl H rn I*s ~o i 'tirf e .snepsrstssllae swil eel tisit ake is1ae in N e'l lori.05nayr-,S. l'i'esssssi esensing. Amonscsg ochr ll is, onie 'tr sscecsci I siri Ssslo l ccc.r'css itic e lire chrease ofC uba.rrirsr s her E A , sierses.ksises rs rs Y ha e cegsnizied al n-r'sr~ \'rgsem' &i ('i. , 'Iesrut ai'i- A, D ilr & e iscuse"epess uroelediesexc rly fer lie Op,-r,~s. T eA elh uLteayS e i s ie taStnes rco ress. sor s ' a fre .oifiring 'ill Siit liierns wsilihldic arcliimrortanrtur businrss 7 } il Du .I~l I~m sseisg(rskce ring silhis'last scholrastiscr year't1lire icgularm'prce'e ssic h isivfrmi Lalfall, S o'ec sr. in '3,7oo puilsisattesdedstlie ciiileges ~" .0ii~ lsUt ts fdih e l t'lln yadlycees maintained by thelstatei.00Ito iJ,0ccfshriek.00-' 'sr ict ses' char iisishe (secie 505 cr .sote ta. Ssire loIr 'rea o Iiiand ly e7rs seto rrsi csIis lre s ui t, m de 11sfrt cls.e "lusrc' ssilcecesna iar "liceo r isi nc ssres. Ysscue5Wis'rseeii'see ve r sg, icr atesrdl ccormaters aasgoe rsrsiof, mrile ms rt sns. A s hcm ireo'scoickinneirose, Sndays. Smisientrdsciarsseatl' sAmnan rss'e ree irss bre uc - .50 t ( 'site'mnms eof Tm'uesrimuses. lr rats snetedcth hedein'et f uscs of the Worrd's Fair. essfrliy gowrni rnider glass atltfireglrpieoWihisfm The DemocraticeSociiety will ' glveeBIiological Seool of teine resiy s a large banquet on Jefferson's brt- of Pemnsylvania. Alllreiorus at- $7.00. to $+9.00, fer $0.00( a pair. (\, / t ,f-;'j day at whichs several Democratic tmsPtst liaeti reialr They ae also offerig sommussd- speakers of natiomnal famme ar ex-United States have failed. 71FrttWet ptot eihtcted to be present. John Dillomn, LL.D,., exJrudge of tidedl bargainsa1mineav' Uder- ___________________________ Prof. Morley is going to complete the United States Circuit Court, as wear. An inspection of oods LEAVE YOUR ORDERS tbe oork onl te map of the Grand been delivering a series of' lectures amipie siiiei ( -AT- River survey, ini Detroit. He wilt in the Storrs course at Yale. Te PL. 0. iNETS ST1A.ND-be accompanied by Messrs. God lectures included a reviewv of the -sts- dar d Stierle, o h Grand law's structure front the eary R- Newspattper. Ma,tuine, 8rtodteati'. Wipe Rpd iiier'sof .mn.ov t iepeetdy Cnrseetiets, igara and Tobact. RaisEgne'ofi.mnsdwtohepsntay