THE U. OF M. DAILY. THE Is still raging at the J. T. Jacobs Coin- Special GREAT ONE -FOURTH Underwear Sale O FF On Childrens Suits. EVEIIYTIINI 7 goes until Ma rch 1 . Comte and avail S ALE yourself of this ocdiii ojp1oif an i/). AT THE TWO SAMS. The J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN AIO1t. 27 and 29 MAIN STREET. AlArdor Steal La bgllllry, CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (moo re Tr) + + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Fl Line of il College Tet Boos, incloding Lawe atd Medial If3oos;bo'-thtoteloe. CAt. ox Cheapest place o Note Hooks anoo Founztain Pets in the ciy. Feehtencosd in. totealog SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. j old friends. M S A SI now5have my entie stook at my stoe n 10O. 6S..MAINST. office, - 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. 11 WtESTa WAStHINGOrN SRsErT. O-O5. TOO3 TOWN W A H RNVR oonith _ N DIRECTORY. OPP~OSTE Il at jttt received it full linie of ll Secotd Setteser'lext-Bouks. °I) G-ILI SSvOVT'S COURIT 2HIeadoquarters tot' (-ermantttand F retch ptblcattotts. Sole S. Orders forhCKarriestAedddinsttere. 11 E u tfrWhitit's FneSttonery nd r..oa-s .sser STATE pomptyattended to. 'seet toz, tosoottj ctooi & lseeTelephone U5.it1N. Mist St., ope.PotollItice. MIAIN ICelebrated Maitismtatical Intstrumntttts. Sporting (unotos. S-ttts, T X~E~O --"__JNJR STREET. Blantk Books. J tN M antage. 1Hoa llnheo po o i e pacl ttt tanouotttftst ctstt wek o short o. - ____________________________lice. tomomeeial wokturnced otoam day THE +'WESTERN MICHIGAN CO LLEGE 'A DA L Sc tos t.n . omqI~t _ ItoAetNcotAttLso tncecpostoHtermOtMARTN-e N CRA A7R'ID.S. S/SCTO K7 thAt tIN [IES totel 'istF9tt3L-tlt Oli Sliti.53 . Petpaec tuttento ortacolyetoooro scio- FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, ClothCaktM ali -tits itLol t, the tiutt3O.Peoocttelt t"e.oto ootoa t tooso tioe tMILLINERY AND ART GOODS 1-- AN) CItO ON COIFIN. 01e0mst ltactle ult s ti . 30 Eas urnSI tretRINSEY &SEABOLT, toutst Ntilt t. .tea lTi Atttt50i l 11\Ti.t\tf ( lle1i'tslT.3 ;. Sp.NteiatI lattntiontogit c-t ___________________________ totoopeaaotootott ooottttstot ltoalon and toote ttoc a es stodtdees in oitslte(to.') l11t t CiTtll tf.-t/O ui Mt o eF pat to lIrrtinte Itootloter cotatotTAKott lototitto-es. ?TnIS ~tmTTA1Y anTAKEeA loot tot UN1 IEK1.A FtNl HRJi 1it II 't~IMX3.octlto Ntosithlt t drioo l oY otte HOR HAroceru i E rshonsoand Feed otire lowoetoit th tit any t ot neoot educotttat ot colrtuoloo itttotti' h o ty, ad to th eITo VW ILL PYYSOU .Stortha ctt h~ ool, Nso same time lit e we 00000 ttn o o ~loir. 1 t'i-ttloi tsoc I A. I.1 VRE;X, IYrei(eIi,tBtioldng 25 SootStte Stoeet. p I0 i r==E ~IT 0TT== s 9TNT==TIOTT O0K BARBER SHOP '[pJlI ':' SPO~pS THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES) ARNOLD'S. - 36 Main St.;t,: 110(1 1(1' WABAS1II AVIE. CIICAGO. s.R. TROJANOuwsKO, I SEND FOR OUR NAN UAL.011.tttltoOtot..00ootttttlttt hI I tn an t1I fIF I0(to ilool. $O,ot. Vet)tttSoENDttFOR lOURolMAfiUAoot INTER-COLLEGIATE. Fle sixtctetaonnoialocii oventno ai ltonIi 101 col e e s edololptdlite oe t 050tal otkl togtotitoec. tooys ito - -ot e A llha D el to lhioifIrternitly wi11l ot-Icw lan of toaoving .\oni ayotaoetc e to til Bootoe's o-sot. tot}t. C1 ti7 , Pic 1. H. Ititslt; tI Cstioe. Tle youongest Staote 001300 dily is toohelt inil Ctile, -eoaythianditht i. holiday isiotoleod f SelluraiesBan),ltaoatltotto 5tltot oo-enoolog. ,Motanao, i.sltatistic s shot hatict Connilecticout (onsidierabioe 0 o is 0re porttell 1 eocoI tsI-lyriotbo eo Thereete sec-nc-to oe graduottes )1 onoa tore tol lege stootensin tpopIt-ttootave begollo anion"thtie Amlherst looiiiolooto. tile faculty of the cccw Chiocagot Ltni- ionto 0 5 Iits ola~ittietanoany oter 'stodethcota gintompuootlsory ottenod- irocoeoo eoeoo ci le 0 bronradiPiyctoStol me.o cesoocette ate at toroening players, adetooIctiloc. hiam001 ond o t ist t Iilt et Eleve eoillrecidololarsehasbesleeno lwenoty jouniors ino tie acle loss-chuorcho twcice 003 Sotndaey pledged tothoc baese tol teamo oa oocioe toilgfrioiiolOtl lcSaelos ollolg-tieoping. (batmuth.ofh500ditoitlibtard at thtYale Law boosrrotgedtw vo gooses switthe 000 tE ATHLETIC BOARD! Bitotiotn Leagoue team, to ake loce te ci i bolottto.. t t a oat lI lolkins, 295i re pruig otres Ay oewt-c001,0kooonttastho C olonoi al 013 th ie1ledchApril Atiandotio h01. - 1t 0a. 00. ,tikAloca Nu HaIll.I as grodttotes. clubthaslocentletoformtedh by-a0( '. SBIotito, lPre. Athletics at Cortnell coot in00,740-ouolerrettyb Achoooyoooeteigttooto OLIISeurlA'Iieil- has, numbr of unios andsophoorespet ioo the atters iocin the cage at Ceewl b ImeigStra }1 lot year- Teascaio a tPrinceto. Iforcarcd00sot he Ipitch~eOlttersotog lintooot A, ot 00 a. 00., at oleit of $907. At a recent tmaostmeeinigat Co- ktow better wherecto blt te 1ball. l tite tc0051d to n tholti csh There cre 35Jtuotocents atttetnditng) lctnia, itswas tunniousolyvoted to Fle Vle basebalitianagementtI0constideed. IBy odeoeof tile lresi- te Cotttluba 1.0w Sctoool, of chotn tuppIort a baoe 1)011 teoam odtrigthtoe boo received a callenge to play a elot ro r clee rdats omn at Chicago against a picket lorIC erccill he a mtetitg D~r. Sargent thao presented to) Tufts Each class at Columbia aill enter teams of college graduates, among of the tmocotk setnate at 4 oclcock 0n College gymnsiunm a chart shoocing{ a crecv at the spring regatta, and the their nttumer beitng Calhoun andFinday, nt~ohoc qutiz rooton. A full thoe relative standitng of (he strotngest ccinning boat will probably be en- Poole, of ale; and Ames, of Prince tutedtnceosoodes ratsateei men of Tufts and hlartarc. tered at the Harlem regatta. to.impot V. b sines rnsaictre