THE U. OF M. DAILY. SWE ARE THE PEOPLE. , - ANN ARBOT ORGAN COMPANY, Formerly Allmendinger Piano and Organ Company. ANw Waeroomas, - - - - - - - - -. - Corner of M iao and Liberty Streets. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fine stock of Guitars, BIanjos, etc. W DB 00D Rown,----- PRICES THAT WILL. ASTONISH YOU. Find i7~aLs Ys \/ smc SToE, 25 South Fourth Avenue, City. Oewing-to the Expiration of Patents, we are selling Nickel Plated Centre Draft Lamps at greatly Reduced Prices. $1 50 will go as far this year asS$2 50 would last year. "RED STAR" OIL SAFEST AND BEST in Earket, Delivered in our owl] Cats to Customers in any part of the City at 10 cents per gallon. OIL CANS of all sizes and at Lowest Price. Shoe Brushes, lacting and Toilet Articles at One-Third less than usual Prices. EA-n+ & + OrnPAI2Y. 44:SOUTH MAIN STREET, - - - ANAR ARBOR, MICH. THE NEW SHADE IN SUITS, AT " THE STAR." -flOBLC'$. GO TO - For HIGHEST CLASS TAILORING. New Goods, new Fall Goods. new Winter Goods, Full Dress Suitings, Silk Vestings, Overcoatings, London Suitings. Trouserings a specialty. Largest and most complete stock in the city, at the lowest prices. Please call and examine. NO. 2 EAST WASHINGTON ST., near Main. . . . DON'T FORGET .TO .O T R, E J[LLY [.. . ,FOR . . THEXCAMPUS. Harvard has a tackling machine. Harvard defeated Exeter on Wed- nesday 17 to o. The Chronicle-Argonaut will not appear this week. Cornell's new library was dedi- cated last Monday. Adelphi to-night. Special pro- gram. In room 24. There are 1,262 students at Yale; an increase of 134 over last year. Subscribe for the DAILY. W. J. Green, dent. '9i, is practic- ing at Brookfield, Mo. His brother, F. A. Green, D. D. S., pharmic '9i is with him. Murphy, '93, a brother of "Mike" Murphy, trainer of D. A. C., has been elected captain of the Yale base ball team. A small sized rush between about 20 men on each side occurred be- tween Sophomores and Freshmen after the S. C. A. social last evening. Quizzes to senior medics were be- Chemical Physical Apparatus SC. P. anad X Rare Clemicals. Microscopical Supples, EBERBACH & SON. --eTH E ARGUS,2-- F+INE JO fJINf IN@, AT LOW PRICES. FIRST NATIONAL BANK oF ANN ARBOR. Capital, $100,0000. Surplus and Profits, $30,000. Transaets a general banking business, for- eign exchange sold, letters of credit procured for travelersaabroad. CH.RICHTNIOND. Pres.P. BCH. V. Pres. ANO ALL Ice Cream, Soda Water, and FLESH LUNCHES, ETC. We keep the very best line of In the City. Leave Orders for all ATHLETIC + GOODS. 00IDEPT7L "+"rOTEL STUDENTS' HEADQUARTERS. t.Boys,"it you are looking tar any ot yoor friends, tate ac rhai in the Occidental otel offce for ten minutes. You wilt surely see them. Five ocloek dinner, Sundays. Special rates. Q^HAVE EARNED AN EvPUTATION -FOR US FOR 18 YRS,. YOUR TRADE SOLICITED )A. D.SEYLER & S() Opp.CourtHouse', J. B. MIDDLECOFF, Type-Writing. Short-Hanoid and Mimeographing, Theses, Cor respondence, Lectures, also Proofs far so Publcafonof a nds. Univ.Ave. BILLTARD PARLORS Elegantly reltlall during the pant summer Nice lune dountrinconnection. BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD,f STATE STREET, ARIi4ARBO . 7 The classes in Psychology will be gun yestetday by Dr. Darling, which Cashier subject to written tquizzes monthly. proved to be a pleasant talk on the m -- ----- ---- __ The junior law class contains one coming year's work in the hospital. GRANGER co-ed. Her name is Mary E. Bentley. The Geological Society, at its Yale's new gymnasium will be meeting yesterday afternoon,changed ready for use by the first of Febru- the time of its regular meeting from 81HtJay5-L.F.RiItoA-i.JNG ary. 3-6 p. m. Friday to 7 p. m. Thurs- Miss Mattie Schlenker, of Toledo, day. Now open for reception of Pupils. is visiting her brother, Carl Schlenk- The U. of M. is one of four er, '92. American universities possessing a M. M. Smith, of last year's junior Christian Association building. The A I\ER l UU01 medic class, is at the Detroit medi- others are Yale, John Hopkins and cal this year. Cornell. The Yale Glee Club will make a The date of the foot-ball contests tour of the West and South during between the Michigan colleges and ]a lors and *+* the holidays, the University, which is to be held A fine clock is to be given to at Jackson, has been changed from . . 7ur nil hee Newberry Hall by one of the down October 3 to November 7. t town nmerchants. Provost Pepper, of the University_____ Mr. Holden, '94 lit, is attending of Pennsylvania, has announced the Leland Stanford, Jr., Unin that the medical course connected 21 S. MAIN STREET, sity for his health, with that institution has been changed from a three years' to a four years Capt. McClung, of Yale, has over- course. The change goes into effect A Large Stock of trained and has stopped playing with in 1893- tlhe eleven for the present. Prof. Paul Haupt, the distin- SEASONABLE WOOLENS. Out of the 22 candidates for ad- guished Assyriological scholar and mission into the '95 medical class the head of the Semitic Seminary of All the Novelties in on examination, zn failed to pass. the Johns Hopkins University, is MEN'S FINE FURNISHINGS. C. Warren, lit '9, was in the city now at work on translation of . yesterday. He is going to 'study the Bible, to be comprised. within law in Don M. Dickenson's office in six volumes, and to taq.,three years:~. Detroit. - in writing. We have the Best Steam Laundry 6 L .