THE U. OF M. DAILY. SPRING HATES + + + THE -AT THE TWO SAMS. GREAT ONE-FOURTH Is still ratgin~ at the J. T. Jacobs Coin- pangy. Ott Children's Suits. E VEIIYTI IING goes until March 1 . ('nie and avail Yourself of this qn/clt'n oppol'tlll i//y. OPENING DAY MARCH 1st. OFF Mr. YOUMAN'S, Mr. KNOX and the Celebrated SALE SILVERMAN HAT. -T TIl TT =O Jv== TELEPHONE 99 -1 The J. T. Jacobs Company, ANN ARBiORt. 27 and01)2 MAIN STIEET. AWl Ar Stu1 ILabullily, I CO( A L. GEORGE L. MOORE, (MoScesorer) + + WORKOCALLEDFOR and DELIVERED FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL.,~ liict((lee'etinh nldn a s chllct~l.~tc (Arll nN Cheapest place for Note Botots and 'Fountain 110ns in -the caty. ieshmcencnssd in. 'occc aicec SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. oldfiends. F now lhave my entireestockat my=ctor oil PNO. 6 9...MAINST1. Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave.I No. 11 WEST WAnailNoGTos STREET. CO.I- 2Moog _ . NRNfA IJlN I VELIS ITY 331TLS DIEECTORY. TOWVN "jIlOOKSTORZE1 s w O~aPSII~ ijiHas just received ai fall lute of all Secontl Semester Text-Books. 20IL (lVEtY AtE ANt])iBAGG1AGEP i INi COITIPI' Headquarters for (Gltrian aind French publications. So~le OrGders frtie ens, partet'.s,'twedllin(p. (Etc., 110 VSF igil fr ltiiaslile1ainrv l eaSTATE (promeplyattended to. doen f0' llllnoS IIn8 t~t~n(l< nd 811Iel Ilnoer i , SIREET. (eS-ph (t((l S. 21 N. StileSt., cpp. lt O MIN Celebrated l' at1 lolItic al Inlstl'um~ent~s. Sportinlg Go(((1. A. S itt' TME- EXCISIfOR - I,AI'N)RV STREET. +Blank Books. Miae. a l h imp(('d i(nci(i- and ispr tice. Comm~ercial wktned onnutsameday Preie easnab(((lle nd wr i((elt( at ee . N(( rTHEpiWI~STERFN lMĀ°TIIHIGAN COL1AjEGE'~ FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, >11.(.l0(o isI L;('(t(' ,X.11c)rscnt'It>1(l((Prepars st-d entsI f1 rimyet ue((llcceit'a( MILLINERY AND ART GOODSl Fo tNR A, A N CIt 1111 l'((RI NI 1( DI1-1 ( t'l 7;'iI . (1wI e cai (((Ila ttetnett c 1Uf.L 1A to preparationnIt (' tttot P (Il' ir (Sit. AY OLrindnllttd rlcchinge (cc~ tmelirte'(Wel'landcmfortcble'. i~vthi('(ll(((( A.1';. VI-REMX, 1desideit. Bulngs.205SouthlStale Street. TKI i s=T TII~ v~z Tzo -h 0. K. BARBER SHOP THE FISK TEACHERS' AGENCIES. 1ll3tl tt tl((t i((t'(((tt(ttt((. l EtĀ° ttttrtiit til; ls WII.S~l.\\L. ~l~A~t.. r. TRJANOWl iSKI, 0. M.MARTIN, Cloth Caskets, Metallic RINSEY & SEAROLT. Groceries, ProvisionsFilour and Feed, ARNOLD'S, - 36 Main St" (I'r tlt -i~t~r. u71 t~ '" ie gt,~1 SEND FOR OUR MANUAL. THE CAMPUS. :i0 h, Washin-toll St., Ami Arbor. 3lichir:111. I c haperoII the irls on the Detroit landing; a foot-hall in the haskets. tlVrlirSini7 to ll}E'nihrr ill it tlclcot'; he hall 1S batted with the haled or iIttv Ih st t It tttl ils I h C t I i t ttsI d VC 11111 Arbor L ItI L tI L Jru., '- itri lt' - oa 1 ill,11,,111. 1 .:1 tJ1' tColIt l is tt)10 , h re 'or l Is orle otnl t ilaitesitare111to1 Ibe st'o le-throw elbt sma inot he Nalc a tv r. -tt t Itr2 I t t Ii'Irt eci - Iro isI tlttor eof lll-oel ic e (I ticjta e - % i1 h ld e ' ea in, N a y o th m -al lla lr ca leteso V e n , h s e n(01-r o i rt II lhe r ntse t oti Jg 'al work1111 t01 ise. el ltt~ I 11 1h -I t 1lo s ('lass sihsrrirebl.em io a t o hlot'corsii e goall Ie s~ll t iI~Y ro tatrllg tc e sae.( ' Nec 'II(the clsuli LA, ts' l lemsl' erit ltt lC l tok toh lla ert very ot nit'rri, 113 w il tlyelic oFr~tc, ahIliid'rttoiI i lt '1 I l l 21ii .S T hel 'sae he ";lty illItalelihr G ' 'iar i - 'r l eb ildd I sp eice h tLea d Sa - Ojec t t i Rtl t~o li c a, i hO11 arr ,at ma y. ~ Th~oeTiltotho-ileoly i totreatIrsinfgro .)I-t U h e sitractell nesp eay is ~l '1)111 Oi~ tlei ths s~ etyer ayd soainyte utin r- goodsitnc nafw er. le or1r. w Lbay vl tlllgftrtheeibarollteraein IR LanLEGIA T. ll hetrl ieso 'munoiac haisi t re l liyf i(ftho le s es i-h ia1 utsie wok wil bealloted. I a reatinstttttmi. ashitr pans re sid(olhav bee l ii (1 nt ; nerloahndedivoealns N'-hve fialydeieentturhae asI too erwills rleailting ac T'ey' etion of Cotaken. a stntemr. r ttle aforeatfo o- l to' ' I Norit'ascale the nesvhnsetfortheof.oiverniy, the' ofthlery fc Sl th oert ha'lckhill Mendanen Ilsteyl~e PoteSu- Ihas bn f t cirnepull.cAtban-trace t uad etinten alorganide tuth emitothe ciirlace. Afl drad nipoueoih seease i u~ned ateitertntofhhe kmadmmstrda ottndaees lesired, . anthere i othrsof t oe ampy ie s, for illbegmnoid, and wgosallreme a y.therlins acoi nd oth strees. I O'urtiC t- iess totra'sact ng t