THE U. OF M. DAILY. r.a W at'(noon. the first squsad from 3 to04, + O ~E SCODSM SE l~(.o ~~.'~~ti~ and the secondI fronm 4 to .'The Qoll ege FRTH EON -V'LJ~ teams for thte spring games will beGreLtnFrchGrmad ateaicl ?z s it oD aly (Sundays excepted) daring seecedfron thtose who are GekrLttteEeteGimmladraten w the Co e ea~r sy Texrgia t" I K+ooks, -New andSi eeoncthtaxdlat in attendlance.,Ji+ THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION I .1'. -:. R\on n , i+ Captain. O P subscription pricer 2".;(1 per year, intvariably B + University Bookseetlers, - - State street. inavneSnl ope3cns nsl t The Choral Union at Chicago. ________________________________ -sneenro s a nSL Office news stand at 1t'5 f) T L t-1 C, r, 'he olicerosithesIte LYt, Opiera lhottseStock, at At iiivitatiott fr'oit the Wor'ld'9E 'hen s, s aot Stcrit' il withacy o teat-! ~ heetiseittStcter, esitt a~r t IseFat-iri USial commtiittee has heeti tttmuieatiotns shoittlreachthsitoffice byr;received liy Itrof. Stanltey, forth = - occkPH.iteyaeoap ar henx-L JaytiAddesslm a t tearson aene for ptbltextIChoiral Union to sssist iti a gratdtil- '' "" ott to the Ma nagissg Editor. Alt buintesnimisical testisval to he held in Chsicag oitticttonsshsotiild tie test to tie B(Si- tsth 8 AIG CHOLo'1rtI) eraite.U f AL. sonme tinse in May, 1c. nTesday ; FlesMnaes s ; ordeaetiLFsCommerHctiotli c t 15.t. tH .o .DIY ight the society (eided by a major ,4 t- orsonuscmok-I~nsh.rt i itIat li Ann Arbor. Mink. t1garIenenrsts Flrtant.tttildingsolai ____to ity providing satisfactory ______ tt da et efficert instrtrstolk0. coTR .ra ne t Oililbe tiaite. Suittitar '.er rktlihvtstg expetises exttemnely o tie C t r igei,!s,0epitwek;students assstedl to peito nt lge dresI.I. I .',Peiet s. Ws ir. r sso, ':i, tttantagitigEdiitor. oriianizations fromtt CinscinnatiFo aaote drs .5 ~tFesus U.. 1.. (u Itexa, '?(, Assist.StMteaging Editor. Clevelatti, tDetriiit atitnd Itivwauket.t)te isoo o-t20 ir. F NSti tCtttau.'Sit, Asst. Mttnagitng Editor. Ifittds t h m un fX ,0 - IT 2..'ais -n hiirs agr ae beeni invite. The cossoid- 000 teldiig ati anutintcoite of I '- -(T i. Wr. ItrarTSu, 'C, Assist. Busissess Mat'gr.I great titusical ccviii, andISte festivsat bentefit of deservinin studetits at liar- 1.AtRaERi, '93i. I1. tt. AusNEIsa..'e3. swill show the advancemsenst of the saiissttnc satdsri-etS rn 1 c. tii'ht ,osl . 1 I tAS. . A 's . aou ic l lie. h c.dOax.rR ~ TNntca.st1()tNtcir 1,G ccs. 'd.west tiiclliie. in fellosisusschtolatrships, anid ). it*(5.5 Chts5m s. soral I tisots is tos Ie cotngratulateud.utefcai ooe F. H ft~i~rES'92 LUIA ~t V,''5 bnefiiar moey.Suitin Js, I t Tke Editoirs do not.uhldtihiemselvres respott-j siite tiir te opintinstir stitetmints oifcores- psondents, apea~rtuinite DAItY. I'r is too hail that such a clisse, econiiomical poulicy nisti le puirsuedt tii regarid ti the genseralilirary. Tlo lie sure, acuisitiouis arec onstanutly binog ceceivcidiiiutritenii compuiaredl truth iiur ctitaltneedls aiiil usLi bra- Ties if other insstitutionus, slier arc prac tocally insugto becast. Tlibruary is the seri bear) anti ietiter aroiundu wriichi the life if thii I iiiter-sily mosves, andilits restrictious mesanssa hindrlaince tii progress.\Asustans- The Freshman Glee Club. The lFreshmassntiGlee Cluthis comt- poscrd of the filloswing stirdeists First Itinors--A. H.I--doer 99W.9W. lteiiilc, R. L.. Clute, W. S.Slotte. Secisis)'ti-usors-L. C ':Mttine1.I:. WVatsoni, I). AV. tarkssR.bF. Flint- c rmiaus. FirstdBassos--Fank Iris- ic, IW. IH.- IerkusisI. T.Nighlten- g0le, IW.-A. S1iuiilerSeioid] Iss sits- Mb 9. Weiseleiats,lR.IW. tD111s1i, W. I W. Woodiberry, C. l". taliicr. 'Tlierwi il sinig twos selesctionis at tii nigh~lt' s-ntertainmencst. INTER-COLLEGIATE. BUSINESS LOCALS. Pan taloons, -I i tis) lirrcenciiilsie ii t atthe fices- eiit t ue'siouldl be r-scivedswithi joyr sis issnstos iincease the Iman ,sls itoiithat 5caussedl liyithe-IWatermuanis 151 5conistsiinsitthe Gil us Athletic suilscriisioi is lie Cs I 11111. ;\ssoiionshtsciculairs ihise !Cesenit' - , --toi Alumnssiiask~ingtllsiis to jsoiinthe Base BalilNotice. Asssciaionis Defcieci n if reshmicisgyrtsiss- Tlie flloinsg tnotice- hiss bectsuntiwor isi sii le coitu tas i cuts- !)lacedin ite rinikI, fist the sase-hasll ilitions at !W ilsiamis, aisi the iletii candcidlates: )ito sits nwill be cciequirecldiioliiocextra N("isi il VTec andidiates Ifircthewtrk nist ternsi. f;: iisstt iiinesarsicot- isiS gissustf li sIecsissitcit asi- t 7 Il emnuiest ictil attenitothde riniklpraictice.ileit's smastricilisons card shiielids 'Tlie attendanisce is tiot regular t im fromi arrest, aditsis huts at half eiioiughi. Thcniine this year trill lieplice to the thteatert, aiii takes hiimi selected fromstithose wvho train rcgi tfree to airt gallecries. larly andi coniscieintioutsly in the risk At the Columnbian Extpositions to psrepare thecmsselv es for Isartd sork IBrownis tiiersits trill lie represenst- sipontshGe camtpus. Michtigani sill ed by specimenss of wrorkshtop and mxeet the strongest college teanmt in laboratory wrork, in connection with the -counttry duriisgthse season, andI Rhlode Island educational exhibit. tlhe sninetrill be selected front those Vale tat contracted withi Waters, whlo Ihave trained faithfully in the the psapser boat builder of Try for rinik. a newsh ~ell of the same dimensions Te candidates will be divided in- as last year's boat-So feet long, 24 to tsvo squads next week, and regu- inches wide. and nine inchles deep. lar work will be assigned. Attendl- The same builder is also making a ance sill he reqluiredl every after- newv boat for Harvard. Notices iserted in thtis columtnta the ite -I 1.v it 10 centstprline. Speciatirates tor ltnger tirnie, and extra uses cfrnished ticatlpyig itt; tte DAtLY ofliees. And Lost- - A laduys gold steck-chltits dIOitule straundu fastsened ittlote clasp. liindler pleasse retrit to 8 .heffersonut amdiu recessverewat-i. Fancy 'duttethig to thianik Mc~ileyfr.ii4 Ontig to the Mcbiniley lull the ltttt i viud Turkish l oluact's k Cigiarette (Cii Vestln 4i t 1oio'teita baitili if thirlibsintess iits this c-unutry,staid t Iertiiietal 1bp- FUN)sAssEu. t1A).ssussNi ii it],su Itl'l'l 'grreuels d fth mo tebcct, canitn iusble boiut ifi"Fh for li be til t tin -ots lit. liiiatkage adtu ,YsulF 7 ;slititnsgII sitt lhu' ''oSil. SOtuen- Nit. 1'9 SouthllA1,011tiStrtI. ill~ udasluMarchi1st. :1It. 9Yuuiittitis Ci No. i i99 t''i. i suii Itlthsus Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Stuents uisde u s i-i'toSeeoneIf stlthu Michigan Railway. lautgust. lt' i tes of sool siorSlin5i atilt 'utitnti it'al'shlutilud exuttniuti e li Timte i-tti5 itteffci st, sinuiry :it iS. l sinttuGoudeniE'''aglei-. 'l, ris-stoftrtins as tInn rbriol sxhibiuteudit Slit'I Cuokllinse 91 cits ___ thy itidtIhsuirsu luy. It~irelinduit it(ut tt>d.v 'They Shiows sll thla it-st novteltes inNo 1. ;tailaloo xpestios . .i liportted i-hit his whtichthey maisito lii P a5.tssgtr, Anun Arbot- At-es it tuu i,1001 mtsorte itsllteimost let-feetItmannter sit Nou. 5. Mtt Pasetnger............ . titularItt-i'es. Air. I). lF. Foley Toiu'1 uc1SuOUooTt. if thur best rutters its the statle)triltlhue Nti.. MilPassungur_ ......1ItStoi. i usit hand stolitako eitesurtes. If yu iioSit. Stoit hitxpct-s.. ...........Cii11ii.aili. uyln antbtoisiuly suit orthy thintg iti their Nuu. 0.P'ssengeiol 'uedo Aecut tsui. o . l tine it sri ltlupay yonuto uusee sthiat St'ey Traens.35esd 6 rimitteenetisntsAirioi nd sffer. CentrtailStatndaurd Tisme. I All Trains Dily erootpt S iutuy. W.H. IiSNNS5'T. I5. S. GREENWOOD, Ges. Pats. Acent. tiucol Agenti NO. 12 W. HURON ST. J. HALLER, ea~v liepairintg a specialty. dt OToHALUMST.n Ann Arbor Savings Bank A 1 Ann Arher Sick. Capital Stock, $555,000,_____ 'Surplus, $11100.000.________________ Organized under the General Banking Laws Q atthis state.SecenivensIlp uyls, nnand ss sells exchange on the principal eitiens o the D.STMON -O~ United Stares. Draftnase upon proper SteSret rces identification. Officern:SaeSretl~es CHISIA D. HARRIMAN, Vine Fees.. Students patronage espeeisoi ied CHAS. It. HISCnea, Cashier. 24 5. STLATE STREET.