e i. of Am,1 m1Il Ip VOL. II.-No. 1017. U. A ciollede Education Attacked From a Business Po nt of View. NLVERSITY OF MlIHIGAN, THIURSDAY, MARIII , 1S92. Damacratic Society. Base Ball. IAn enthusiastic meeting of the At a special nmeetiug, Tuesday, in II .A boy is not educateil when he D emsocratic society was hield last Ial pha Ni hall, the Athletic B3oard leaves college aec more thain a eveniug in the lawe lecture coons. disiussedl several psropositionss to vikec tias wcon a race after a morn-/fl In the absence of 'st r. Harvey, Mr.I formi base hall leagues withs neigih- PRICE, TinmeLEN'TS. ~OF YOUR -"- SOCIETY BADGE IMailed to You- Through Your Q 'HAPTETR iractic.willhrvlyvbyeNIcI ucroc was chsosein secretarytpro sai hiiweer ,thi't iii tisoijookey tvrn. Brilliant stpeeches snerev maide 1111I iho is faiimiliairiith the stasbiv, by several of the nivimbeirspresent, Undestail'd s in iptition of thy sand the hiilliosi ngofificersswvere chios- ha1 ns and asihaiiixpeimnta t iciito cdirecclthy itfairs of thy sii ety oppohriltunity ofi speediing his nag, duingu thyesprvsvnt scnmesteri S. . ill not haisviailetterchanice, the Cutis, Pesiidenit; A. Xl vutisoi ts lie-s bviii veiuail, of isinning a "ice Pe.; t .i'1a n , ra iiie ihn oneswho is ununipped Jaones Bodesux, Cor. e:';N al un in foirmid1is to thy iiackiadlMiickleiv s vvSCi Y animal. It sve iis to iiiv this iwholy NA sootion pieviliid tliatithy soc1 iiisc ision liirns'. upolliithy oine clueis- eta veivbrate Jeffersosiriitiidasy by1 tll: W at kiniii ofii success is g iiga a niq uetiaidi thl flii ini Icc lt? aNiNe fork'a.c1115 lvi osoin1ittees sieve apitoiiitedIiiio loo Nv~e. Iblieve vtiiat b yh o , iliiI iaflvithy rii i naii iryarrangemients' ifo afewyeas o csmoitscool Ct ic tteel tots Nlvass iih lsDe iii isliv tiviaaiihe NI istiiI11oI c~ratl stude ts-_ Issr. in itI h l tinto) i tori or office is letter ndl We t~vis h lviii Nllliiniil Isiorl ill latkNIginn ;:: Whc) at the ge of bing it5 I i tton elii n M n y rtlatiiroi olegios ii iii.I 11ohrmeigo h oi { )I~niiii iile in iiiriiiiinds lie taeli I Mcivvies a iotilgliathy en ioiiilicvlias toithevspvi mlii Assdesciadedieeiiovs ieil lasii thy iiivksio siiipmmi N s l iiiv made ln inti nvlv f viche laimi-iiiiiiscts \Mslistildisilil-,ianidivit uiirvitiii til Ifov- t ieiseclndIsemelviiiitseil ly~ Tiso Shan theauestn Aeas o weiv purpse thu a iunb aivimo inimai t boirlig coslleg;es. The Ciierstc of NEW~s NWiscosnsin andvlnorthwsesterinivitedl I MNivchig'snstoIjoisniwestern leaguies prooi seythsosveivvsteriniiin ivri- ties. IThe osse 5propiosvdl lythe I fii .N wia iiIsiiiii NNincu a c llsigi aiiro\m i Miig,sIi n toiis iS onis ainiicd v1"ieilfoini I.popsl nasv fCoin iv ndi iiNIhiiigan ,mnd aminlg 1i th'i.o M osildsdelegates iii Buisffsiii to iii et thye eastern epe rer sesiat iii es C ornellI irotie that nile j favoe thedl i eia.i The Athsletic 1MM IEIC Upon - - APPLICATION, lblt iinstrulividthyei sissitball minace to try iand sinc11r. .aigiaviiiwihCor-i siellfoi laNi io, a1111 1111hat clay t trlni frinig~cieitwt Corvil Il fr ltvetill rill' h h ic a st llted i inuittillof ''-,ai l'i 1iiall If lily Nitieversi easoI talh Still e 111 i Id l c I stir cif ettaerso h ndoet lti i me in'glontilili'ra iloil awl 111 vti elce t ciitll fcill te l sto . L " Baird wasilecteNI tfilth aiw i Illeiftllso i n iiivvs il h g isin vihi ivi n: i lllv I I jWf 611Tk.41k ( .~~liiitt s'rof FlinesPla~ein S DETROIT, - - MICH. iVhn yiii lilio n wttte Litist' lii oi 11 i StyAil(1ii pi 'su,dfl. ii, Iiluliiuui' to ,rL. H. FYFE il sit c r, ICi. luue 'Cha Sp eller& . sslc lp icie is the prllice lilie gfdciiiwlicirldilo'- tsis al illsg +retts. ll S il Tnopic s Oesotsro l Imn theaighist Strig. vsi Noo. ocesacmaetIm rgt adOiiaBrdorstrg o Cigarettee sh anitesbo rheotb wilin othe y a ttle merr rin to re ansev t t h rie tearge saeafeonin v r pahe.dba ThedeALLENrettsNTillBra itb Ot the arica sbcC.. GotadsLactarown Sin hoVirgin giia.ThsiteOl aLS OriinBr~andofS tragCt Cga retNts Neae or thit atio sndstr ve t ha h htis r umiired, '11111thieve is ,),I g orpoi t Prof.Ode ' o1tliiiIoil v s Dlate ---Rensilved ithat the t".S. ililllgfiianiiicilting natmtire Ni ii forliiiendvaivncedviistudetv ls. Ii iliacoclu. NfflirimtivveNI.esss.Caiiri C el' at ho-nIllitts vnvI'tiinlliellt lvi authyeistsrilltors ar i ig itn I .lcml . Negstuce Nessrs. isnoonthe tiosrass The imorv atteintioiiito this ncl Su ecete n tet sophomoreslarevei ic 11119 f thy Iresv-ii dvestsarreurdtprnu cfoiDe-isShlnM.A't.C Iial tee Clib. It is Ikn111w15that afi issiit tcci v tti All ace isviteil. ilsere aetlv'5iati viiti'Isiare als classes coiinsiuctdinii oeoywo a er h letters hamve bmes senit to eachts 0151 convsersation. is all the classes in I Ssleiuh-sloii uau h onireurgng im o trn utndthieve isi hFreshosan Glee Clubisisnsaphas slip- issloe, rglaghsiistotnc int unfIthe romnice'sisnguagser a hsigIis hnngs wills hiim, pcetacedl roinsg desire ois the tact of tlse gestedt that the Uisiversity G lee Clsib ito resent withl force , any indignity dtceit ar ir tmi stai.cisbatsiland1 let thse Freshmtlenta uke that mnay be offe'red. The freshomens, ating knoswledge, and thsese innova- its place. tt can hiardly bc possible wh ovaliantly sezdaddm li ons, sch as pronouncing and con-a- h rsmnca igbte stied thme sopbonaores banner, durl- versisg ace fitting long felt weants. than the Untversity organizatiois, lug the Cleveland procession, wilt bu-----~.~-----ht thlose who have heard thsems mlso be out itsfrilt force. No sopth-' The dale of the hanjis club for wearble aver that thme older rcbhbad onore wiltltbc petrtmitted to inasult Totedo taco been chsanged to the better took to their laurels. The list pride of - the freshmsns class. atnd, atnd at Antn- Arbor the IItb-of goal will be chained whle tlte freoh- 'isect is liable to be friction. May instead of the 1tts. men sing.