THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE: PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN~ COMPANY. Ne Warerooois, Corle of AlaiLdLiber'ty Streets. I w ill ''Openi the Ball" by placinig a tine stack of Goitars, Ihoijos. etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. fciuiLs, Find - TTE'TZ" k-''s :TtiC STOImeE, 25 South ini th Avenue, City. HAT$ .!_ . _. . ..., 1 i ALBANY LAW SCHOOL.I t oil, T r lrl AltPT ,' pilro 1 S(%OU11sE, ceyear. 'Thrc e fall termls reituireil. Terois tbegini, Sepltember'i, C''ea ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. 60 'ITO- ant lla'herthings equalk gool Degree otfL. B. Conferred. -_--For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. AT Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. flcIs a s t t'.,\I)Il i lAtiG ':y 1i SytJMiI.(lR CO~lS i SilS t ~sIn ein 'a-s--Sl etosi h iy. Fl r,5ntm pcat.Il~ aladea ie Z CALKINS PHARMNACY. Address the Dean or Secretary, A LBIANY, N. 1'. No. 2 E ist Wasl-singtotn St., near Maiti. R E i. Jt1LLY ' ~ i (II i.tslouuerlli'tocnie'.10 ito ".1 ii I'iiroi( Havanai ii ]oniiafillsr.ICt _______________--((i GreenSea, Ud51csI5t' Gpp!ICS, "Tooilhe, Leiasi' Or s fi" or all 'Skcipper.** ATH-LETPIC -I' GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. L.o 00i ill Btiox -- 5~l -3'.12 DEAN & COMPANY. BILLIARD LALLO?{2 ic , elunchiiconeionetionha. BUTTS & HAZLEWOODi, STATE, StIIEET, A.NNTt111t11 --Q.THE ARGUS,9- flNZ Job flMIINO, ,. THiCMPS.' iidi eeii#g,'i-li'FIRST NATIONAL BANK 'Cdune al i'sohe i w iic'i". _SIcthIlis t i lIltlcsisli III' ANN ARiBORi. .C ib run . J.B3 IiDEIlls r.iBr iiiey sliii cisck.l tCoi I , 1 iii. Cillits. cud [1')f(. "t) ' 11(1a1 ciii i'iiiii'e'.a ii lie miciiix 0 i II c::(ld~ettrs 'cii ltpt(e~ tX__________prset s 's 's.'i'siee siil ' ii '.i \v lllrrtaes'silcii. iisii iiitie s I i ic citl tain sis'lie'ii('a'if c.I I. m l 'cNIN . P'ci" . 1'. ii11,5v. Ire- (Marl: i ,s'2imeic.l sii .w LAKO .C{iir i 1 t r\'NS I) ItUJG S't'rJRE tt ic'rc'Esis iiil (c t ill l'i iii SI iiilc 1silO asilii lSurgeion '~ ~ Ch mt r/Pyictcal ppa I us i lras iil eli . Ilils oici i 1a11 cc1itt1 fcrii lit I Y so lid cccli7 YZIZ TYSZY l ' o . ISItanlsintrsa ulca t hle (I ho- ' lCI -'s - C -P. -d -"l 5 iihe'c ebister' Scieup th Iepaa. liellliis ia iis h soiiilii'cisiiiniiia S.H(1 )1 \ut- in"', ailt.l oie assi dtath(1111C'tM It:tI'A'tACII & SO-N. 'Ilie iciurse ini Spencer' s f irst Expsstion nextyeair. i Nos e oI iieptioliofit 1 il I ' riucijales of Es-cil 'iinii - nl ot 1 1leiissetlusbes' slll s F1F CSB '" ~ - S 1 .s sAisosi igiscen this seiii ester. lcu inicbe he'gso srsli ii~.itT'TI.i'iiis ill Iloner hiss leeiiadash d cii iii ci cul Iill isise b 'eiifciiind, mi * 0 s si I'ii'c uiie tie a string tosi l iipil loiia it cis sistoi o ti' iiit-i' tl sOIiiii iiii tis" sS0'ge ll' i e ''a s' o"-t sericticiing sga ist thec' usalls, fsr AE y & Sonlthe facility . to-miorr ose ight's s'nterltiment. agtr&(is , 'd ii bo 'il-i S .c 5 se iI 'i~tt'ii Il' 1-si i e liiis eii st lic 1Ti<'er (o fpti brnlshpe ftehl~a Iliecfsh hoi ostn 1)trae ufeig 5 li ath'ris Sinaliifruaternsf iit e ioi thiaoa011ti ishee unuds agaistlthe goatil li- ~ lis c i ut u' ()[UD1'P'l ifT c use cuiIeilrii',ii ire no saidulto be a m isemi- thei'egularii'pc' o ht iicluis fi'inii a'J71DE1PTJL"'I "1' Let mria faeniishs " h se oflalst fill's foot-ballI team.iSt 51 iS tia~~ SIEI. oriziedt hire. ' ' i2"..0tiu 5.5 0Iforiu25.illl t I.''hi C' its ireclIoingsu for e ay or y-usi-, All losers sot gooa il itiics s ls 111 13 t eleiuihslucsuiie I r ii'. c e cirite uu i'ia entit iSteli tail teica N~ cit that the (susti ll'i11retire suit, madupil' il first class. Alss ras'hic'i' tcii nliiiit's. Yoiuuwill Suety el r~ict flltiuhe a claereseski oi his dict omiaii ted.- . I~ lit~'1 (f T o sro c h t her. sieoi'cisieiudininer, Suindacys. special his :retiurntig)tel i i fsersitIc Ihall -1J0 iis isill fuiiake its lursi 'Thurtsdas eveninig. appatrancetoe the year, to-itorerowt' regttltir litics of Whtich is istl Despittc a slight nmisunderstandting tighut, ini the base-biall etitertain-1 pait'. se " " iths the sheriff the CleveclandclinMmietit. The members hose practiedl$7i. 100 to $0t.00, fot' $6t.00It)air " steels gase t sery creiditabte cuter- ulfligeistly rtponiteir cormedicetta I gand the aucdienceceats expcct sonme They ate also offernug sortie de- tainmentlat evening.i thing fine in the dratiatic line. ciebagnsiteayUdr E:ach ticket sold for to-mtorrow i b'rs.,ttidtdrbtraannerinpresident of 71 ortSt.Wes, -Detoit SteS.night's entertait'ntettwsill pay thte the Board of Lady :Managers for te wear. An inspection of goods LEAVE YOUR ORDERS railroad fare of the base-ball team world's fair has appointed Mrs. J. 3 d rBsisivtd --AT- for two toilet, on thte Eastern trip. Angell, of tis city, on thce follow- 1tdpie sivtd F fNE S TAi TD The Rev. Htenry Cobern com ing standing committees: Fine Arts NT~T~T~and Sculpture Work, Liberal Arts, -FOR- mnced a series of lectures on "Thte Highser Education, Art Galleries and