lie of 4 fl. rnai jj. Vos.. 11.-No. 1.6 BASE BALL BENEFIT. A Splendid Entertainment to Given To-morrow Night. flie sale of seats has snot sects great as tie imaitagemtiiof 1to-il 'l5slitois has rtasoii to tape perhaps msany wsilllnot get tit ickttsutl tileiiigiit of tihe sho '.111 it is thiat a bettert lprotgram 1 iip'bellarangedsherin't}earsils. suit eonisyishilfisasiairieditot silbegod.Inlies oifithe f ithati. tI (tsils edatrt tolie apli loaueist hichi sall hliii snitii (sc'e ystisitstoughtl iii go. The fIshmainsiiilit (,Insl will ii , lilt tii iisll -,tt l 1lti1 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WED NESDAY, IaM WCH 12 P9 t soesis andtht leretate imanexseletc ssweight Iof the aiparlits . trusiis be onstinsomooediy sitd sbttlesquse jtrsack susrrousssssthe Isall atisiintsht sslhihwhetnswor thily pertfiomediesotters left iby lise siutvits of iii atefit more plessing.lT liiiespis, track, tiers if seats isisvt ieess t its .1' takinsg cognizanstot th issfatIcttseem ii fisththeetetit ifspettrs. or-it Ithtiti best poli1ystos s oitccslsu isp s ithelist11all itself, stichisit on s ts his it lvet tiesIththlst'tertfil of drait-tsecotdtlottor, still lit fittdlwstls t tir I satllsaction.litest assndamost appirovedtsgymastisa s'w s h st ill sialke tlitlut lapearapaatuss. Downissttiltsstill bithis If ilti set ietd list onin Iii i t rIsit tBll to-mo trillw ts'tii itisillw11prtetent lthessis~sse cstttssitit teiistitti '"Willie's its- tiititis sit IrG tteisLIttsr i'asit''sttits Expse," ritei laPof.1' N i :ctti. Corstell Glee, Banjo ansd Mandtliss Club. hs Conel sil-"t' Citce, si s tit t ''i tssimm n n o ing tankit sidthei slts ithss itshe isi is thesisissst stitlis 55 wtbt i ngits sla isorthelist -sit slt s l ist siouhotsithsietletric figts uhand lii itsthe e g seW icstlls ill 1 alo fo h silvasorstill ssistsbe put51issn ssspo s \isititino elveti litg PItICE., THliEts, CENTS. K OF YOUR 5- 011 SOIETY EBADGE iMailed to You '' aThrough Your NIEW CHAPTER Upon P11C El, aAPPLICATION. zt'tslelltl oiety Ilatgrs. DETROIT,- - MICH. Whe sets si t ttithellcs t ~tat lt etlittts cs is "lists -at 0ciw H 1 i tilt isas tlt A nns i 5511 lwcs e t r ittioti,'te ' R. H-. F Y SPECIAL SAbE (li'ts 01l . Stgrse at&kCs. due r c ttilthit' it I t Its tila I' CC 5 1,5im t e 1 1 1 m' l m b'' . ' I st anis * tl n CIisttstts 5 15 s tc~ 11.IL1 ~v u~ ~~~i~ I i st e secondttti asst, '"I tllltove itho sid tso stisiesa sit te ;asisi of bicksi isto el-' twet y ti'fett high situ ad astelettedsiesi's sill hli e rIaHose on archt3'lint.plets'se wicisis sunkilsitsoltegttitis ansil renderleesd.* it. sis'it'at''«sill nstl l etgeelussasie tialsing lter nn I co n ts i tls tecellar' li' smeass)f ,ig, 55 st Iltsas t 5 fist exp ttd.1 wstelrssn ttour, atut ussit ter trips ltso lsirgt piles. T'li atial-twliclhis Ilc IIrIci scsti its, ' 1litill at a I ntis- jasa, Shostis frsaternittslifts itslst IM 0-ItS Site' 'lstsasttof tcltss'stt- still bisucctssessful ansit Ilai a etliert wlthreceivetillitsthis cute, g'-Ot ithl- stilsutsg. 'lis.Tei ltbs tie ~sit ssssl It sissg i sal liss sev rstasnltillt lilli a jnh , Ar. I sis Its ? ssc C uhis epeii 5 llhaa cc I"itheits sit lilt.titistiit IIsal Iist The An ."To l'olie Fore, Alsss. n t lit tIo tirsi o Messr.II iter tnd situan , asistd a t l te epitolit s h w to e 1, te Q aer Ct- Q ate~atits, ssll scateea mon'lltlit'' gnun Meissrs.'aSmithtD1arrowtit stu }sty,'sit lte its sisit) i ajo list, l'lttti colt ege 'sotglta' d lstu test piodtits nhls. lhtist, iDodge, \'stsl tititer. i Tliisstttt ttiatsiss rie isisprovedtt,I ''hlere site statsys- salther msit iing (if posssible, orti ho ttasse f 1assisesonts sands taskitsg fesatuses if the tenterltin- a d h i srilliasnt asisi Iively 'select- ' tiutsttwhm esisig n iso 5a- Extsravagance at Yale. Prsd n l~ ilit hIsstills Is ie tu i titsli tasll ist a ut stat i iu- sid iithe further sssertions tessmadite thastlt e ttsem isd siontshlist ud isens ftsr mstonety s s aast lisrt tse stletic t easitistas a heiavy sdrsint. I metit sindililttite tcani sffordtoiIs itiss It. The Thesote Club. Atstteatttig Of is ithertmitc Clu tlasst sear sev'erssl ifits sit", Istrs ealsressehi dissstisfac~tiontt 'i 1 isssatttitont thichtt sat iseisig itil its polsitionasseeemtatde its regsarsd to '5j ssetswhiscth isigist be pitrsttd in it thse futurse. 'leistimsiesiate olit-' cisse of the consusltastiosnwsas re- organiztiorionsf list old cli siisder' lt niamea of ''l"Te'iespis, ' to sthichi co-edt are test eligible to isemobership. Prof. D~eionst sas retired from active swork in the club, but still re- taisis a fervid interest its the sttccess of the netw organization. It is practically impossible for stusdensts who are deeply initerested in dlramatic art to entertain at with titlstalit s sttus e ofII rust shellih 'Isik it" sss thua sssiueut Isesisit Fotia areal ihie'ssure 15t\' in' snteran-su Dwiht5empatcallyii sash':' ' mueati noting can51compare sswitthat ;idemocrtc piur itisa Ijust as stsiu stroguttoundinspect gostul3 if 'ctilteginsandss llil tilet' BuVl e th'sto-Is sli sit wsswshetinI 1tuhwasits' sasnd tutur fri'dstwill lutist tilt st dsa Thsps idenlstsauldhisaithI niletottt bitaitrthus Issrstll rt ree vuauwul piesetsnstltto etalusssHIselssf C ap Sipellie r & Q isitiat'off-itatushoilt thus subjet Iof etrahi,- .5ST'A'lEIfSlt T. j The New Yale Gymasssssa ,'ran'e ()-thlisteapetnstesof thuspone -- l eadit ieI w asser poitivethlutist rPt~tusttandnt Strit aj . 'liesnttwsgyus asasas su wiciishuas eet, thasts tatsastilt satedi at Sitle Nil. heens itsirossess ofeetsiIlsast usalt justtas mi uch snosw'four wstiu iehuts 'CIGAR ET TES. for soasse tisse is taows'ractticallty Iwosrtht usa ansis, assdl nuti sccsording" aa, llingurto tte atiraes stenttanthe1wprice compulletedl as tot it eateristr, sasIto the lenugthssf Isis pocketbookh, lntrdlsaswoststes stork is nosw heing paushledh sassthe ise wst wenaty'yesars agot. 'here I ISiBRANDgsupetrssior lut T ' autIothe s tateirI interior, Althouighi the busildisug wstmtore msonaey its the part sif thle Tise ttichmondss Straights tmsst di cast csctesare madesirotruhe st- to save beets finishied last Jusite laths county represenitesd at Vale, con- estmttso.Ieiyhasdsettgtanat of funtds list preventedI its conslale. tinsiesd the presidentndtan thsere wsa sOtlid tegial growanin iSrgaiht This is thse Otl pnltrgtCuSragtCigarettes, and was brought out by ua nit the year 18i5. tioti and it is now untcertain whsein it sonme years ago, and~ there are, as a Blewaretor imitatiosa, and obaerve that tse will be ready for use. T1he osaits consequencre, more young nmetswith dmthm e lowEN& isTan eeyacae Of the AmericanTobaccoeCoa,. gymnasiunm ball containus over ten nsoney to spend. lBnt character and Mansufacturers.a - Bichmonsd, Yirgiaia. thousand square feet of floor spare brains make nten leaders Iii Yaleto and is lighted directly by nieans of day swithout regard to whsethier they J. A. P'QJS HEMUS. the glass roof, whsichtlist seens made enjoy large allowances or work their I.E ISTEV M -,TJ especially strong to support the way through college-N. Y.'rinmes. AS orthS BCKMaiNDSteGet. IN