THE TWO SA1'h AGENTS FOR- -"YOUMANS" AND KNOX Novelties in Neckwear. Latest in Furnist Call and see sus. THE U. OF M. DAILY HATS. (+.- The J. T. Jacobs Co., hin~s.The J. T. Jacobs Co., ANb2 MI The J. T. Jacobs Co., j 27AN MI ST., ANN ARBOR. . 11.'Tz. N. B-We still have a nice assortment of ILight Weight Overcoats to he closed out at Greatly Reduced :Prices. AnAroretaii JaIDfry, C 0 ".A T. GEOGE Moore WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED.I FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. i=-TREELE , Office. - 23 South Fourth Ave. No. 11 WEST WASHINGTON STRIEET. A Futt Line of all College Text Boos, tncluding Law u sl Joticat dic~ks, br the sackrts Cheapest place foe Note Books atd Foasntaisn Pollst in the city. Freshman crowd in. CIoe slang aost friends. I now hare nsy entire stack5a s taoe1on NO. 6 ti. ~.1EIN S Jr. :a-MO. 7. OOTOE. 'IIHR.BOOK STORE, 00WN TOWN. EeyStudlent will save mtoney by buying University Text-Books and all supplies it Iteadiquarters. We aloLVRiOOrderrs Ifor tinso, palries, wrolldiag ete., .spOcial discount ont LAW .BOOKS, MEDICAL BOOKS. DENTAL BOOKS, its short, every Book osesd in tise ' rnptly iaslasi Ca t. ttil.ettti a tO BltskBook atlow st ptee.Telsephone [3S. 21 N.NMlinl SC..IpI Posot Office. Unvrit.500 lnkBos tlwetpiesw. ~i tMISSJUDITH GRAVES, LI 9bit'hmontI Straight Qat. INn. S CIGARETTES. Cigarette Smokers who Y are witing tIsnaeasittlei snare Chan Che price echargesi farteeordina- trade Cigarettea, wilt Sand Tess BnRANtupeorior en = alt othern. wf The Riechmond Straight; Cat Na. S Cigarettes are made tram the hright- eat, mast delleately flavored ad highest cost Goid Leaf grown in Virginia. This is the Old and Original Eli-nd Vs? Straight Cut Cigarettes. and was hroaght out by us in the year 5187. Beware at imitations, and oseve that the Scrm name its helow is an every package. The ALLEN & (SINTER, Branch Ot the American TobaGaso' Manufacturers. - - SichmondVifrginia. Capi tl.$5,001. NtplesandetProfts, $17,000 Doats a general Banking haniness. Pays in- Cerestaon Saving tDeposits. Has satety Dieposit BaxesaforBeat. S. KEMPFPPets. ;F. H. BEL.SER, Cashier. Sank oansSatardav evening. Ann, Arbor Savings Bank Ann Arhor Hich. Capital Stack.,l$50,, Sarplus, $10.000. Organised under the General Banking Laws aftChin staCe. Receives Dpsits, hays and sells exchange an the principal cities of the United Statea. Drafts cashed spas proper identification. Officers CHRISTIAN MACa, Prets., W. D. HAaas.'aaN, Vice Prets.. CHAt.S. .BISCOCa, Cashier. Yosu Probably have some Broken Arti- ceof - JEWELRY OR A WATCH OUT OF REPAIR, WM. ARNOLD, 36 MAIN STREET, Is the Place ts go. AAN DAL FINE PH01 *i*P. MILLINERY AND ART GOODS ! 35 taVs Huena Slreet, I e T K !URSE. IT WLL t'A'V Yo. th5n 8eheolc BaMb, fit e ..,, , FADING BOOK STORE IN THlE CITY. ________Gaes 1sic 00. Ap___a____lsy' TIKE - V~XCEILSIOR - IATNIJRV Yale vs. Princeton. Athletic Meeting. Has sall Chimiprovrd mhnrly,ad to pee. paredto turn ot frstclssorohort nocC51- _____tire. Comrciatwsorktsrnedloutsrnela. We tke te foioscng fom te Th speialPricesrerasonahle anssol arkh naaastccstHNo- We akethefolowig fom he he pecalmeeting of the Atli- 211East HssronascC._A. F. COtttlI, Prsspsietosr. Yale News: In comparing Yale l' tcs socaioiate t v . M.HMARTIN, Ieti Assciaion alle tofillva-DEALER IN base-hail record of last season wills cancies in officers, met in Room A Cloth Caskets, Metallic that made by the Princeton nine, it ti onnwt .G asl, ANDS COMMONCOFFSINS. in seen that the number of hosesthsmrigwih .G.Fse, J.A- LHMS stle y ah oleeavrge eachairman, and Ralph Stonec tempo- J. PLEMS nay ereay.Te lcto o f- il y h sm, rnctn taln 62ALSO BUS HACK AND BAGGAGE LINE, lyftevnae, Pinceontsealigs ficelows: President, Nartis Hats Street. per game and Yale 7. In the aver- Bowen, '92 lit; vice-president, Elt- RINSEY & SEABOLT. age number of strike-outs per game ig law. The vacancies on the Bakers and dealers in Princeton has a decided advantage diecos ee ile a olGroceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed, hoard of Sietr eefildao- 6and s E. WashisgtonSt over Yale. Young of Princeton lw:Bid 9,adTebe 9, a)-HALLER averages q9Y2 strike-outs per game, literary; Stone, 92, and Griffin, '93, EwEZE Bergen 8 and Drake 5. Both Bow-laadHrio,',meia.SeisascC. itr-sMni. emt an se-oftYae are. cretedThere being no nominations to fill 1. D. STIMSOI & 2ONiS, wih srie-ut pr am. al'svacancies in pharmacy and homeo- State Street Grocers. fie~ingaveagewas 902andherpathic departments, the selection Ststdents patrosnage especiallyasolicited. batting .224, while Princeton's aver- 2v4lf tsh ordo iecos . STATE STROEET. age in fielding was "933 andI in bat-waletothbarofdecrs ting .247. 01 ~Bulletin Board. ST7= Gormna Nna~sala. NOTICE.-The Kentucky Club will Novelties in the minstrel line prone- meet Saturday. night, at 7:30, at 42- AND- ised the Patrons of the Opera House by Washtenaw yve. By order of the the Gorman Minstrels, who are to ap- vice-president. peat Mondaly, Oct. 12th. The enter- NTC.Fo-alcniae o tainmtent given by this organizations is N"ASSES-bl aniaesfr CO E initiated by tanewe feature th-at has us- '94's eleven must come out for daily urped the place of the first part that practice on the campus at 4 p. m. has done service so long. The 'or- W. Dse w, Capt. ----AT- mans have been identified with min- strelsy for a number of years, and NOTICE-Membership tickets for have surrounded theamselves with a the Athletic Association can an s- +i clever company, and the entertain- ofayo(h ietr r t c~a1~e hr~ ment they offer cannot fail to delight cured ofayo h ietrso t gl 'gP a a all lovers of refined'ainatrelry. ticket office in Main Hall any morn- ing ft o 9to 1st.. In t Snarriage lictensdg of the AS.aI4Morthsen, of Ways: H arper to an siH*5 y rhd~srasis l .i.s I t*b 2 2c Sonyubp~rhos.scribserlufor the 5U. of M. DAIY .'f Ws. * Detroit. Mfhhh.