THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN COMPANY. New's XX rtot s , 10"Cordert of MaI~in antoolLiberty' Streets. I will "'Open thteo Ball'' by placing a line stock of Guitars, lansOS etc. PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. findol5717"=z s s Mv=T2Zc STomm, 25 South Fourth Aronue, C'ity. ' ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. .lbe I-us~kup, 't~Ie c OX~obl e," HATS NOBJA -'S. Pure 4 EStAA ttt-Et) P",t. Fresh 501 1Kh, ottot year. 'l'httee ftoll tertms reqotiredl. Tertts begint. Sepotemtbler, tean ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. attiloherthIlinos e00000001, to. Degree of LL. B. Conterred. AT Fall Trn of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. C A LKINS' PHARMACY. Address the Do in or Secretary, i ~ AL1AN , N. V. - =For HIGH CLASS TAILORING 1.1z te ' AING SPI-iNG ADSS) 5IolElt (;()()S inS itit g-, troUet n= SilkSo t tins is Il.c cite, lull IDress Stititogs ta Spcialty. Plotse tall adt xa in: No. 2 East Washington St., roear Moist. I . R.~ ~y g jCIGARS BY THE BOX. LILLIALL LAILOP.2 el J ~ ~Ioooslo~ tl to ot tSto t. ,0 tiIlt 0 , 1'j " ro iy'H l n 01(fle,10)0 in o xoo, - - - - $t~l.oooo Sieg t r fitted0dtrieg tthe tootA 5 05 )o A T YJ ottoo iBUTTS &HAZEOD, ;)o At.012 STAOO, S'o SI hi I ANN A111101l, ltul1otooer1.i'-sI iI ~' -t i t n a -'l-- ----l-- - ';O 0 s t ee Ordes tot tt 'Skoipper t''- 0 1. '> I T Za2 ATf-ILETIC + GOODS. 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. I JO f N N 'JAl IVE lVIor '1I' L THE CAM PUS, Sltdtnts ito torso) oi l Sttor 00pFRS NTINA BN t p l ttreast50t~ltlep' cett 00005' '0stits 'boo ill ttttfil lto all0' NN Attt. l NA~~~~~~~lTIONA .o.MDDEOFi tto' 2 aV SS~k Wt ____________ 'tot 0son St' ItX'ttt1'ol .ls, a t t ' I. IIo t te'. )lo l C I lt t osoltoos'o' luosotnd'1'ot s I+ y' :,ve the .,i ipptoot'10 'It'ra ac s atO oo'o ltttthu ie ()tj7T 'AN GFE I, 'tb0, I tr ii tl erell, lost xyear ' ttitttl I0 0. ler'titoat. to- ' 000 0 rE)\NS i)Rgh S O E.t,0 otlotttibt ltllMit 0 itt'l'lol.~ool too Chemical = Physical Apparatus hlollns orooeoccsio.ySIIor - -lioely hototinog is proomoised.t r'r ' vlss p . anodtlry'stolKae11010 'lbhebburlesoqoorinTo hu'ttrsday toght's . >5 C* '~~~* ~ pet, 94}lotspeol Suntday' 01 their UsI LFH~ i~Ui G1" ,l. Microsc oalSuppliesloome not et oie t 'entetinmttuet ito University Hall i I:E; IORBACI[ &SON. a faithofoolstodlrealistic reprtodutctono ',o penIOCOfoo recepotoofoPuptitls. S. t, oodlsd '5, tiSlo t' ~ of Sloe recepotionth latste ootovar y ____________________ HAVE EA RSNEDo A Engintoer'soff00cr at IGrand lRapids, trso, o ocstoesoot o.O os ossoototfres'isitieogountersI whon. litoisll too o Rooto F tRooS v. M ' 'Cari . Wa'otsono,lsot year 0 Y'o'OURTADtE witho 'g;3 lit, loos returcned to coolliege E 5000 0000000 t forc thoe oork of Sloe secotod senioes- A. ~GI SY'r& Sorg Sec. Opp ou o us. M'ijsWakelee, of IBattlet'ro'oek 'oas oeento r somoorodaos Sloe guest 0Of oeeI)EpTflL -+- O TEL trsister, MilsAlice W\akelee, S0TENTS' tttAltQtARTESiti. 1i1. "ttto.." i ou otItrt'lotosotog otortoon' tot yotor Professoromtoopsono oilllCtooce friendotateltt hairo in too etoeci'odeota ot eltoo office forC teuoot ooos. Yot ls Ouorely see to Sloe soroclates 'Tuesday eening, 0 *00. Fv oooinostoo, ooos.Set toseaodof Stois moorning, 0as0000 at first intenodedl. If you wsh to see Michoigain re- peat last year's performtatoce againost Harvard thios year, you sould attend tlhe bose-ball entertainment Thlurs- initiated itto a fraternoits'. 'Tle boards for thoe boate-ball eoo tertaototocotito t'nicersityIHItl Itnest, 'lTursday tnight will be 010000at z0:;0 ( Wagiter & Coo. , 'd ctlotil 010- ocloak to toorroow afterntoo t OWalr's boookstore, 0010 town0, andoIors, tare offerinig.50 sotit ptatt'erns, kloorc's book-store 000 Mati street. ttthrgulatr pt'ice of whlitch is froot Reservedl seats cats be secooreod by 00tn -.( -fo iff~ hoolders oSfIthe tickets nowooottsale j swithiout extra charge.- suit, made up tOfist clatss. Also - -" 130 lpaltitsof Troutser iigth le Attenoding recitatiotos is noow optiontal witho Sle Sentiors at Blrown. regsulari'coiie of which is ft-ott oEact student's standing trill be $7.00 to $9.00, for $6tb.00 i a tr. determoined by wrritten exercises and examninations. The nmovement is an They. ate also offerhig somre do- experinment to abolisho cots and thoe cided bargains itt Heavy Uiler- marking systent. Thsere is a runmor that Sloe faculty wear. An inspectiono of goods of Boston University will take action at their next meeting whereby thouse tand priices is invited . working for the degree of Ph. B. will be obliged to study four "years instead of three, and take fifteetn hours a week in place of ten. 71 Fort St., West, - Detroit. Mich. LEAVE YOURORDERS --AT- P.. I NTWO 31k'. Neoospnjoeos Magazonet, Pertodteats, hne cunteetioua Cigars and Thacci. day night. The mteetitog of the Wonmen's League annsounced for last Saturday afternoon, was postponed, owing to Mrr-'rs. ;bane Bancroft Robinson's in- ability to fill her engagenment here at that tdate.