TH{EU. OF M. DAILY. THE TWO SAMS.- '- GloveS, ________THE? GREAT Bess hire5, ONE -FORTH OFF Is still raging -at the J. TI. Jacobs Coms- Ont Children's Slits. EVERIYTING goes until Ml~arch :I.(Dotme and avail yourself of this fOlden tll/.jpo)lIunty!. TieS, for Full Dress, SALE SThe J. T. Jacobs Company, -TTCTS] ANN ALRBOR, 27 and 2.) MAIN STRET.L Mill Alior Stoo9M LD II . C 0 A . GEORGE L. MOORE, snce )+ + WORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL, hA Rll Line ot all College Text IBooks, incltuding Law ndte aSMttial 1ok;b=the; trcfr CALL o teapest placefoatlSite Boo1sad Founttain Pens in the city. Ftt'Otmecrow'atip it. ('tCtaltas SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 1,- T E=o riItendis.tnwbave emy entire stack at tmy store an NO. 6j4...M4i1 s'6zi. Office. -- 23 South Fourth Ave.'NO. 11 WEST 1WS1ttt'sttON STtREET.O~I.OQ1 r i O« RfWN XA'TZ1 I'NIYERITY BUSIi\TESS DILECIOLY. OIPOSIVI'E 11 1-a jut receli eil a fall line of all Second Setitestet'IText-The ks. 2o ji G-II..I. SWC3TOT S C ItT I-eadqtiarlei'a for IGermoaniand Iretichipubl ications. Sole 3 S. L iY, s PtraiE ntit l~l :.N Ocice ce trin, pilctica, wsartinltg., te. I; 1S" 'Whiittssl ~oo'itieiel&g'esSTT rp tly tttictd to. ieit it,.i. , TI E r h11, 'iclcphaac l P. ill N.Sai qt., obit Ft )icOler. B A I NVTJ(elebrtedtll I ileiiiatieal Ins1trumen01ts. Spotin g Goods. I . -__-__C~.o.-IA'jy eTE.I. Illitikhiiio5. Miiiiigrr.tts altlhe itaatatcdttattitatt, aad i ie tared toturnotait. class wrkaonairtani tier. Commercial workiaturdaoutcsame dl THE W STERN MtC0.1AN j(I _L1AEGE i 1A N D A lJ -0 ;W ia t-ataest. A .JF. (ti1'".1,.'> o. c'hrrteed tnd lworotaed')- -O. M 5IARTINV, G T?,I2N-JD R A JP==S, .l TCNS 1)IFA 1l'.Ilt IN :NOTENI ) Ifor1itsill ' ILtifit iii ii'ti ittteltrittt 'ttnlettfor titticollege or seieia FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Cloth Caskets, metallic tte stat )Ii)teutascti.iite i t ict. tiiitte t t etteiitttr'itiMILLINERY AND ART GOODS! I ANI>I IiIIIMIN lli'tNS. Forit ,t)MA, X1)I' A'11.1S'77U~'IG )11Uf H1'11;:"/.RINSEY ttnton& SEABOLTNSY SABLT Fmt it CM tot iC t , li) ; il'OsloII 1)tUi'1111'7'. heViii g scholtf hilts nrocereSPoRTHoAsNlur'an;Fee, used titwelr ttttirw -ittt han eli rt e tttionlinit 'il it c ount a ritt, tad tite ' l0U115PY10U.nttaast. WceitiegtNew -it--St B.u EEIreiln. ttilditng, 20 SothlaStale Street. 2 s- Stock Senate. iti, %vsi-iseclrisentediylie i ssrs. Syracuse Universitytletdicatedit1~f['K2B SPOONS Ilic ll('ksenlatcecceti tic law D , -upored thte. '[e ne0 lli 5I i eialn'Ir51 l ii Il iliiitilli: ttive, Httcitioiuiiuilting. It cottainis atARNOLD'S, - 36 Main t1St. ii,. riotil Satlirtlayeveing, atopt-ithrogi err~iil ieprclte'sentativ'es, M1cst's, auditoritumiof 300oIlpetple, asgym_' (; oulluloiailttiiilll . C.1 tlisonl, A. IF. Wecteolli iasuitmtiili runisng tratck atid howl- ~ -wao eillclclt organization by the elc- ii 4.'.h ll'lc I isiii a-e aly.t cii_-titi Siupt itt i l$iii. botis of Ilhc followinisoffices:l'rcs. , _ Me . Steel; clerc, jt'. (,osroec;I'itest iii Stiuutieosiits. Hats safety Pigaii' Iitssctiri itc;i ti oNtiliir-. 'There still be a ncccliii ttDeiiposit xs fol eteli. srea t-t-armis, ' Sc ar i ii Oii Z.5l, , -, IIt I'4P ,Te. 1.1.3Iitl;ICs er s.rtlitaSlri iit a. .. udlgcss wrrc.Messrs. of he thl tic ordin.A.l,1)ha N itI i irktonSitrveeig mtotioni of Mr. ]'arsons, a joitcrces- Mrri an 'DA'De e. Dal Tusda evnins 1itionl wa15paissed1iiinhg irof. .\- .'Thcextletbcate still b ldcllat Itic Noticec.--'ille mltit (IHouse of 0.R.1 A R" R HO Iaughlinl to ait as lircsitdent in bc- sme ," Rprsetaivswil ee nxt]Mil saiipIlace, at J".1). n., Saturldis' Il Rcliecsu'litatiis'rs still lied Pocstlainhoui. i h alt of the tasolioiuscs. 'l'hic scnate .;1uarchti t lt. 'l'ls c illitors fromi day civcning, ill Alplia Nii IHalll, a .til tt),cc Pth oret) it ah licin adjoiiriicdttic meetat 7:30 ccxt lctoiiujoia tl h 1css ,00 shiartp.~ enoj~ewsx Satuda 'evenng.NOii'ei's.-'the tlass ini the Philos- SJlilula' 5 tili Nichosids Shippi, fotthe3+1. zsrnt r, Ann rb ,:ichg . - ii lillp y of I" ol itioit sill cccl 'Ilsestlay D~ougl as, Messrs. Stcesart, Shieluds as ainnoiinccil in thc specrial ntice Douglas and Cosmopolitan. asi'tar i.r.itcdasoitiesltiictle Ittiae iiit'Itittglefult 'The lerst of a scrics iOf thlre il c ioursc an intcrcsting atndlprofitablec;rg styles itt e 'lts svtiti bltue buittons. dcbates swhichi hail bccn arrangedl tic-Ioiec requtssthat those swho swishi 11 INTER-COLLEGIATE. elc semwrlctibetpromitlits regis- tireis thc ilouuglas aisd the Citsisio-___- Icrieg Iticir nanmcs. Plin) 5, it'. litlitas'debelatig societies look place Williams Collce ticas a ciourse of Nt~e Is irr'silI taSc liic the lassqiz sruom, Saturday aftcr- lecturcs of H ypnostism. tmitihs obliged if those tpesons who 1100i1. About onc hinnedt stiiients ''hscrc are ;3;Itoosier studecits at recently tsook the signs relating to - wecre tpresenlt. Leland Stanfored. Inediana is tncxt art gallery fronthtteloseer tiall still '11cfoltoseinig iquestion seas tde- to California in numlbers. retuin thieiiitt their pilaces. I liateid:'"Resolved, Thlat thse War Speakers at the nett ValeHlareardlI.4 d~5O5 ot the Rebellion didl tnore to estab- debtate are to have flve minuttes . lcti.c~y(Iciooh ) e lish'Liberty and Republican Goeern- apiece, atnd the subiject is: resoleed, at; Section a, A.. V.'., 1030.- Stotpattidl tn receipt of irice. cnent than thse Reveolutiotnary War." 'ihat inmmigration to the Unitedsi t.30, ROOM 25. t TM&SN the Cosmopolitan taking the affirm. I States should be unrestricted. L'I) i. I tt)EIM &SON p Detrotit, Micht.