Ic i . of A T. Walp. Vor. 1.-No. 104. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAiN, M\OND)AY, FEBRUARY 29, 1892. PRICE, THREE CENTS. Preliminary Oratorical Contest. fi itrel~iniinary contest of t, t101 liw class xway heliiSatturd(ay i cuiing,xwhiich c(oimipletsthetseries r 1enivesI iwtt o5 wi lt ( ti Iart in ic iiiter-lassixercses )n xarc c 5thwhlnthey((iillxiitriifor the hon- orif representingp the t of N.inii t Northernax IOratorxil Ieaxgue at Li'aiitoii The seii (lawxases 5illbe1 '- tp rixselteil iby NI arinixx1(I 1. 1'. lponiI. TI litsenio itearyx clsI hex W. A. Cuitei iidiJ. 41 olinstxon, xxii the sophiomxore claisliy I).N Wilcoxc.I vile i iS(litlii x liiili i it lii the xiudgesxiwithi Iiriumiphs 1 h norain lwxsxilxl Inin s1e liii iedneroIi v xiii ourii otedisli iv1e iiiisitooxi lnhit iinotoiii a gooieaker. i A. (W. Goavest sujcwa " ottthe bteauties xlo iiiu ixine atioxi I coimipiised oif xmaniy iiitlenlologizevi the G. A.i-I. for lpresev init lie has a poor voice anii lxix i.- aiid if lieliatd cot roniniiiex so loug he had given his subject much in the glooma of siiperstitioii lbii thought aiii the delivery sonime at COF YOUR - ~T r tI CT1ET YBADGE,4 glidedl sooner into the lix;hi if sci- ence lie woulid, we thiiik, hasetrIt ceivetd axbetter gradle froii the j udgles. M~r. Writely sorely hail (le lust facial expression ofassyiof(texcin- testantIs. N. J. Mcleiuire niiiiappeiret xxtilhi l ,Thle Growxthxif Initexrnationailiii, andi luegaxx his subject xxithtlixil ii necessaxrv intreodluction. The aevoxxplislxxexu Iof irext resiults lhis ieexi andilwil s swill lit 1 -ronglul alxUxbyiv ualiuxuis actinii x xiiisiixiaellie xwantls noi iixitexxaxx, lbii arhitrations axiilicxiiproiiiixts for (lie goxodlof all. IlieIxelieves ii xixi iixnlaxx aixisl (lie cxxxuixries fxrmiedinto olne gxreal pan-naton woarldl. I lie I ixiix ixual lDemoxiiiatxi xas he~ subjxt oxf (.IE NI xxx aix sxra- iMaiied lxxxix ITle avergexraxle xxf thoxxughlt, iciimpxsitiixniaxixldlivlxxry xxas xi1- r(lxxlxitexllxV Iighx NIxr. lxxxgaxxi pixies (Ixixe a high ixdealibefixie the Uo etxe x f s txxe(lx oxxxii oters xlf(lie i IlCE xxountxxy.inxl sxexsxis x xix (ixxx ax indipnden couxt rlxxxiseiniiipolitixcs. S. .A.IxSndav MorninxgTalksxx I I.t ieo You -Throug~h Your IA PTEI( APPLICATION, Iii, 'A k (0U), Thli irdixleitetixtof(testrilts givex I lv theIxaxultyxxaxxdlivxeretd testxxl xx ioixxii in.Nexxbetry IHtll by rof V Al tSaldling. l~e sixoxe oix thy subjiectI Iixllxhaslixoloioal Rieseaxrxh NIxxxitxl I lxristianxx ixxi-' cexx~tixxx " ixixixitixxxout somexofxthe I 1 ltlixixgli lisxtsixli xr-t (xix xl- xmt raitxil changesxxix hilxiii g es- rnip andx l le lhesitateid xoccasixonally, lalisliexl el igitixs xel ief'shlaxe xxnxer- cit he xcouuullnoiiihelpx hut gxxxxeelx- gon xinlxtex yexrs, ixnxlshoinexg cluet wih sch ilustatins o 1hose (ie studxy of iologyv a ei rhetoriic xldxehdlhi cninigx lio egraestpausei s (xiiixthsl ixhut(lisig itii aiiitroniig xise r i- risianxiyisl f haxno lWe oreaxion. ihangeditiii oniy ut mix eaix l le 1 H i l ix tvi ( n m se i x xi l ixi-suli it 1 1 I relaixlx olit lx icht ve xxxvd I xxaxs (liesuhjevt if a w lxwite letermxix'l v(ind A te i liatur xif thei shxowedinax clex c utvx(andxiloicxal xallroacivhes (lie stuxilx Hletgave !) axnner that inilvixulxi im his ait sexverxal exxximples, shoxwiniglxhoxx xx in coxxpilishiexd mucvhx noxe thaniaxi t he lvcxxse xf Clxxixlvs DIi nxia xiixai evxer b i.(xixifor fromxxixthe pte-i~x 11 - "n 'no ~nan t-i-ll['1 l Iaxxxix~u s x ofix inestxPlinx DETROIT,- - MICH. inses cxxxi to,,,,uiialai ess thenxiiixxx sxi 1)1 11(11 Il, IH Clsi. pexller & Gxx, are seixllo t iigreaitly re- tI cc-ilprices, t(liru clhoice 1lie if Neckwxear, Ltinder- scexir iandall Flirxiix. (ixxxvs. (-xx' ixixnd isxpectgoxcdxs inxices.~~ fxxlxtoixxxx ix aid, cainx g lx tiii fre - K V lIl. 1i/\L1llt 1 -it L'l - -~t. xi xxix (toxwarids whiclh xxxivcountIxry xlxexlxvxlix xxfexxs x seetxo xbe xdriftixig.j thoxughti xas xxxi xell arraxixexd. IHe lxxi ax gxotd apilearaince oni (le stag~e. r Iaixvieitioxxxxatxx EI A. Claxrclx essaxyedito(inxxixth axiiIex-xxx xi xxil ihle "(ue Soxlutionxi uf ii Iark 1 rbixilt ticfox rt eithi xsxmethinug in tie xdraxxmx- '1xiii toxilthe 1ahetic story xf e xxihue. tioxiaxnxi xpp~ressixxnxinxxnxiappyxiiix I x .JE. iRoberts hail for lixthxeine landxin xxa mancer thxat woetxxhle syi- "Ameicxanli ateriaisxu." lie lire- paliii of hislxearers. senteid the xquestioxi of accuxmxulatixxx MNr. Chxtrch'xs smll statxie andx of wcealth in ixs best light axi light voice are lxx his dilsadvantage, seenxeil to hxave no fear fxor(lie fix- lxxi lie iiselyv refrained fromx high txire of (lie cxixtxry becauxst- ofi (le flights of oratory andtieil lxxchxarmn iresenxce ofnillionires, lxxxisees lix listenxers with his easy- gestuxres hxope for (he wrhole ieopile in thxe gi- axxi persuasive style. gaxnt icenterpxrises tihey estahlishianid SI. NVWhitely, (lie fourthi to aix-(lie nunserous instiutionisxof chxarity- pear, sad for his subject "S upxer- and learnsing tlie foster. stition versus Science.'' Mr. Roberts apxpearedi cervoos Ile did not attenapt, like so msanxy at beginxning and ihesiatedh in is oraors do at tse present day, to first paragraph, bull 5001 grewv elo- dwvell upon our couctry's greatness, quent and held tse attenition of his but (ied new paths and chose a sob- hearers througisout i-is able address. ject that seenmed to fit his style, His words were welI weighed, car- which is inclined to the dramatic, ried conviction andI indicated thlat t)y consiant conteinI)iaLIUR UL cal lairs ixixd iheveloimelituuxay encutirely luse sight ofu (lxvsiixituxal.- lxi conltraxst iii tiixs efvict I of. Spxaltding umentioniexIsxvera l othier ix euiaily great tinukverxxxwloxby(lie Isilliy oxiphuysicxal life xxwe rxxroghxt Inearer toi xhe ilvivefouxtaixxx Th li e xtxlectixre wxl1 be gxveux by Pirof. F. N. Scott, out Chrisiaunity I axix tile Newvspaper. Hereafter the lectuures isill xcetdistribti edcl xtoixose whoxx have suxbscrvibxedIfortxhumuthue w xeek Ixolloswig thxeir vielivery. 'Thxxse swhioihave cot yet subiscribedl canx do so biy callinu onil the secretary, at Newbterry Hail. I Yale-Harvard Base-Ball Games. i Chas. Speller & @ lTATE I-uSTRlEETi. Rlehmond Straight Qcil. Nuu. I CIGARETTES. SC(iigurette Suuoukers she ST are xilling tuo y a lle fxore thanu the price e;tohrgexlforin e mliviuuixulx x tradie Cigaretesuwill tixl yeis BRNsusisperior lix 'a The lRxchmundStraight Tile managemaent of tile Yale f1rm sac-e as below s an every }package. The ALIEN & GINTER Branch Biasebxali Associaiouxias arranged Of ~thAmericanTbacco Co. Mauatrr.- - RichesmndVirginia. for two games wills Harvard, the__________________ first to he played at Camobridge on J. .A. PO}LHEMOS. June 23, and tile second at New - - tiaven on June af8. In case of a T 1 =I:.o- tie, no thsird ganse will be played. ALSO Borth AN~D BAGAGE LINE