lIje I . of ,rn. Wailjj. VoL.. 11-No. .10:.9. BASEBALL BENEFIT. A ;lenditi Programme andi Magnif- cent Costumes. Aftercon lsiderabile diifiti ti tle nitfeinen I of the enterta inent to i>nnW t next Ihursdav night have ,e 'l d tht' uIL of I. tiiittit5 11,ll. Nearl'allthy entattalet Wi li ke it t n telb. se. Th ). A. CBaoanii \annin Icitibslhave to ycosetd to ldtiheir aid. 1':( ro r ll ill e s bsan ial 0 1I). il(l.IBa jo (:I1 1 1). tl W. 1" Merp 1tirector. I. A. ,I( it l i I i l) (,0Ar 1 1il ow 1(1- -- -- ---- -- - - - -is l iii ltrn teniot li a o ),A C iii l i n (1111) ' ~ ~ i ni s})arbor altsiii( 11). l (SI ih 'I hesbis.- s a w h aol usted-t r i r i IERSITY OF NICLIIGAkN, SA.TURDIAY, FEBRUIARLY 27, 1892. The Choral Union. Deinocratic Monk Convention. 1nasminch as a glreat many atrLe I'rlLe111111entioni not l1litiieline oit astiig if thlLyV Iall towV lgailniis-I cttire roiimi \Atlae nmber were Sioto tnthe (ChorUti on,111it Isietll Illesent. lin:fter muic, pratytr, ICIOl ciuniiitioii of thin-slIstioutld hLeinadetbelian.ii I h rncpdeiex11(1 IN Jl W thlrouiithe ttLolulmnsillof the Dm i 5 presseud in nallthese stiLLcIll I ((Itoll PRICE, Tiit: CENTS. (OF YOUR SOCIETY PILEG7E IMailed to You - Through Your C.HAPTER Upon APPLICATION. wor fiaIrIi mtoltetdiffttult thanl liin 0 tha t i l i/iit t huhof I ii tilit t a~t ii 1111 Lir LI nprducd h re 're I ( ttti it i I Isaac tGay flis oilwiistite 1w0o tl s whichrimee givent lby l thCill- nioiidil lithisn itit. aw '(11 t tatIe oncettoni 1eli 12 were !yer, of Iewtnwis ini1(v11riof 1eithiti j prpaaios hcl ite iiiili ltiftord n-is Gov. tilts of Iiea.. Al I 111(1(1 s thit (1111rIllflit takintig tillsilthIaIwisikk ofithll Kltu11 yleideleg'ation.i n fla lit i tle Iau t. " Terefortiltoitcourtte wil't iiiipeech noite111111i htet tiGI itis eeltry 11111irable1Ithai tiees ouIt 11 atlisll. 11itt altin, 1111 t hit tNew be iisilitis ttle i ge in h utpeIllnnlt Iliicoitt g e nlltl ttis 111111iii that of mlThe tinorts asirtaolt e.itli s ha'ftal tyC arilws'th an di g e ho ee ttio11 liiingh th he HIM- fa o in thenametof oliii Ern i I a dt ions111Ito th iiiniie ho rusililiii e1 tiill ,ssiciiieiftlis nomination itt 1111b i ld n ec biis e i n(llle i i wv oi ks tessf iii (Oio , ainf tli n1 d0 thIat tahti nube asrts. t1mmbi timtittedto hes 111111 andlthtlemit t hietwals Goe rIn orde t to faciitate malttLers Ri 15 . - j I II( I l"iuuili ttl I ki tlS(til DETROIT. - - MICH. 1110 on naitheLau test gerooitn I' L ilesireil that entry Ieii en of the Chorusin11111o0wsitbsenitIfreomtre-' An Ypst Episode. J# ntboy asnevr eel t-ere a uaVI U v .3Tusdy 'f'li", 1 ursdav evnigtwilo m tetdics atndI I~I hc~artln on last'n'lesda'' ev ininot- superiorn lrois tuesti tintit accottaniedtbl thirs itdieslastr'andestll Furnishing sl~lleniir pningatil. - shiiotlidrepsort to the secretary, tither liactpaie btltrItin . 501'hu tllFrtsiug Tine ieseeClub at Jacks ottn. p oi rIyletr/til'/jo drone to Ypsilantti. itihetrItitwas (iiiitS. Tilte entertaintment at the IIliii id t i i i/Iunii'sneuri'nou It is girently otakCoseoioil itst fA iiiaiild il-et (Gods opeira Ihoiuse last evnintg, goventblyto lie desired that this lit idtiee rls1fr nl ttirrlnlles 1111(1i ces the I . of \l. CGlee aindl Batijo (>111)sninny case, iso matter whetethettitwnas tdriveni off a tiridgle anitls occu1-I WasI uone of ttie most enjoya'Iide ember initeindls to remtatin in the pants spitlInt intot the river.ThIeft'Ch a 'SpellIer &~ it-ults itt then season.Thelilt a IChioru115or totdrtioptt. Itiltotilect ran oftinilt'.ly iStTh~ATE 1STEET. louse wisitwel1lfilletd, thin audiin mce is toIfid holt fast 11(1w manyl newibcn h ohrtomnwowr ilul~din~g Ihnumbhter if theater liar- membhhhers tire to he aidmitted; and tahead, atud amidi great exciteenlt th1'flandG Straight Qeit. ties, amonitgmwhichu mwls a large one I this muhlst he hdone at thue earliest the untfortunhates swern resced.eiNit. I bsnnsseiitWstslm yotg io-I uusiuh at.They were taken to a contvenienit CIGARETTES. fari house ivhile tdry- clothing wsCitgarette smiokers wits pie.Theprogamas endeed yleeiingrueto lien a lithle I Thnrortasrntriby - * ' - Ibeing obtaineid fromilAisler Arredforthuodirr thele andst nj clubs, was in At Harris Hall. etirgeotr thethealria Thearivdhreat 9 o'clock itnl. trdetigaretts.peioll n excellent onet,nmanly every numlsberTsBRNsueirt Yesterday was desigtiatedt as the morning, cobl, tired aned steels alt others. linnghearty request b-b- - The Richmond Straight g~r JuySn enia ooet-"sweeping day" at Harris Halt and The boggy anti harness are iwrecksC oil,1 t aci teheteytrst itmafrid t ightest gts tinul ''J rnie.e ntt vnn eia sogranang andethetifolea cripple, hut w t Limitteatel l eaf gr ttainVirginia. This is liiiOhl ' e rms 1 ." The most i h vnn ~clporm n h os rplbtw tail 0riginattrad ifStraight Cat Cigareties. 'tkn'vasepehpwste as rendered by the Gesangrverein care hiexwiitll ltotugh. All were an a bogt u y si the ya 85 uneleperhe htpstl," i , wnLyra and NMr. J.Taylor of tihe An- liberally coveted with mod. trmnsame at helsor it aa every pachage. drewsr Of the AmeereaTobacco Cs., twccnordhhhecu a ewsOpera Co. 'ithe1latter sane ----- M---1an fctere. - -'Riemndi. Virginia. mlatny friends wnhie here, and should two tenor solos. 'rThe Cornell Congressiwill hold an they riecide toaccept a retitrn date ' *- open session to-day. " 'rite subject 'J. A. POLHEMUS. moonid be greeted by a crowvded The Harnard Crinmson wilthol of the debate is the Chilean tines' X __ 1S7 E., ALSO 'BUS BACK AND BAGGAGE LINE ionse.-Jackson Citiznl. its annual dinner to-day. lion. North Main Street.