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February 26, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-26

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J( of ' a Johns Hopkins tUniversity will
..J C u tprotbably establish a chair of marine
Piiisihed ttaiiy (Sndays excepted) during Tenwhado dtr o h
the Clleireear, by enwbado dtr o h
THE . O M.INDEENDNT SSOCATIN \ale Lasw Jou~rnal sill hereafter tie
T HEU F M INEPENENTASSCIAIONstelected by cumpetition.
Ihenry j . (;ruber, of the Cleve-
iubnntition price $t.50 per yeae, invnriabty
n dvtu'i' single cneirt 3 cents. On nne ten latid teamt, tias heen etigaged to
,tieenar.'s and Ynst Otice newo stand at 12 ciiachtheticVale tall nitie int hatting.
otinoch. io. Subsiciptinsayteiefrt'at
or ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h ntaen u ity prains ic t 't'tear future switi probiabty see
Sheetito'n, at Stotitet's, oie withtany of te the aitialgaataiots if Cotlumhia and
Commntictteatiotts siould reach te otfice by the University of City of New Y'ort.
o'lc .itftte.)teere toappatr the next Onte tiutndreui atitininety-thtreeE
iity. Address ali matter itteited foe puittti-;
tiiittto teOianagittg Editor. AlltiusinestoI chiolatrstip anid fellowshipssee
commncati~tosstiouilit te tent to t ithi- aplied for attthe IHarvard Graduate
THE U. of M. DAILY, Scoldrni g-i.
Ann Arbor, Xich.i 't'heme are f.)rty-one college gratt-
EIoates oii the N. V. Tribune, thirty-
ISEWDITOhRS'2,Mn .in rior ight on the Sitn, thirty-three on
it. L.. 'AittAs, '0, Assist. tanagingc Editite. I the Tlimeis, aiid tweeniy-eighit oin the
iV. IE. Mtstitac, 'Si, Asst. Muttagitig Editor. wt)
is'.C 'ratits , BusltinesManager.
5'. ><.1~Ist '93t Assist.tBusiiness tnager. !'The aluitisof IDartmsouthi tuve
C'. c. PIcKTT-S, 'tt, Assist. Business Mta'gr. proosdt as iftt f$t~o
W'1 1' 'ottsit, 'St. i1 It. AsNtotL.'3 prmsdtraeafudo $,00
F". t. MCtEtit ii. '02. I t'ts. BIRDttt.'ox5. fiimthe ptros e oiprcasngan
FRusK'MIMttN.',it. DANsVAN'o-.' 2.tucisn
sc~f.Di~tr,tEtsst it-sit I Tlo'ttt'u cc.'u. athletic field atidi reconistriictinig the
tF. E. i titit.5.'92. LUCIA hr tves, 9i 05 I n> >i

i+Greek, Latiti, Frenchl, Germant, andstMthematicat
T ext1... Books, New atnd Secondthand at
P o o k i University Bnnksellers, - - Etat Street.
tosirF 110 HOi=1IL"tsis
- Four e dpattnts-CommnetcialNn textto
atorenuniciptwoth-tEngi 5 'Shothandtstnd
Pesoanehit irlgasit bilding, lameiat-
tedssrteffcet instrutrst worktbr
- -- --- ough, tiving eps es xtro tte iey lowt S is t
W5o tper soek, studetsastested to positions.
Fos cataloguteaddress P.05RcCA RYPresidcnt.

j. HALLER, Suitinq



d;; cnv",rA hi "% i%, ,-r_ i


'Te Eliters doinstltemslvetts- resiiion- tNticesinertedithtis colmi tit ra'-tte Rsepairigaospeciaity. 40'SOuTHIST~'
siltssorthesspiniiossouttate 'ents it cocci's- ofi10 centsperinte. Speciilirattet sr longerei
tine, aitit ra egicstfurtnishedbiaplynga nAbrSvig akPantaloons, L
istiuetits, tittiearitie in ohetDAsI.. theUDIaYOte.] i ppytgA nAbrSvnsB n
"''ie Prlie antS tir Patupuer," it tie Anti AtriorMic.aitt5sal sioch, $50tu0u,
sititts,$i000. tailJhishinsitof the of21. !Grantd Opiera, tiuise SaturdayNev-ettitig, tirgasnizetdttundeteGesneral Bantking LawssAnd
eleen as redy egu reula prc- wit b on oftheseciah evetitsofsithe ot thts state.stecivto Depostist s utiad
iIt itt or is nitt ct coneits mstl ofpitt iheta e o theElsie Le'iheadssellsexchangieo theaprincipaljitiest'fitthe
li's sohi in S utisstiosl i hi'ti-stt etusi. ieals nited States. Drafts castled uoproper cc
thu (ilt t ~ lii!'this'orgniizttion. Shte has ii dtaintg identinicatioin. OtitecsFa
on thetbglott nthe powts eq'pt ual ttttof' mtany of the CHtItoSiTIA MAC, Precs., Fa cy
tstehsitt"to triiaciie si's-t kiusistrstosihlshie issthy cw" D.-HARRIA. vHtuCssis.
'Ih hic altos c lithils lien -ti rI thisetiye'amrshutd. T11rcm nrcstmittlts --___________________________
ticfr a.suite of ipaitrttis'itfor theiself 1i
the r ounst fiithic eastlemn colls,eeatsh mothertilltte best hhtfevery GIAND C !IfT h~vestn s
Press. I by l. of . M is meatcity she icsits, p-oartitrtts, cirriages o1I P R 1 E .
tim I;i -I teandtll)ftrsim te- hotel (andslthe thetrte, .ANN ARtIR. Fiuisi r 1's(I.iNDi'ANs 'o T li 5'si
t'i et osit fNlicdug-an mwtiii is its tushd ill .the ottier extrtis ss itti high
utmal iitm~itt titti he itot ipricedt tthia doninati su-atllyexact.-
usa nepeain h eoti let-per-tfo-rmancit - i'Ilt-Prince anitdl
ernosin severytiarticuilam.'Thie IPauper" I sis poetn otfias tremarkable. Saturday Eve., February 27 'JASE, Y, S T A FFOR7L
captain of out elesiis ist otihittoti Losts-la Sigma. Delta in,- akd".J ad e t illla s '.' tio. t19 Sostti 2ihiittStrcut.
butt. ; lget eturnttto 57 Sotuthiitgsalls tanhreceisve -t-csc s iedniuiuict5sss-
- " --_teseami. Atist,
'TtEsttumbersit stusdenitsseiroilledit toImperial Egyptian('igarettec. Fittest Toledo, n ro n ot
I~ li Anln slsst ttigAribor2 hititei oulansdit-mitftirNotrthCl I '~C1
the tirity fMcia s39. motd-bco ur n rgattgonsy some of oiuimeast- For s-aletitlll storcs. I IJI1j j3J jj1 Michigan Railway.
s-iC-ucipmiisiiitheStethgies ittg'iriettes. Nyc - -Wj tho-LSIsdin LEstaissic1.iI
ern otenporaies ust avesuffemedI tesc tittthenelgatrs stottes il tosnis fleCr neretJnay1,
whseittheir eyes estedt tilt tileabovsehe jutit reci-e t s S t-Sk of 'Impieriotia t1ptor; tyi a tSuplcri tfutitati lt titties 1 Amvtuft1raitaet AilsAror'ti is
E~gyptia tian igarepitttes. These colgamettes t famtus ousits try sc
Iist hlis Ii hissof laste aptearecd ini is mssofti ittiit bu'cI oia-ttis. iii
secerctol ulege journuals. 'hough li, tasS tie perfectly titrmlteso, ias then The Prince and the pauper 'so. .Mail oaidnpress...... 1.
tmone t.ales.anone Pt-ei'ce t, of Ileo- -to. tlt.scPassi-rituiinnho.Arborsuiiisd ' 1;?0h no
lisle thatoi atr olg a es Los Asa lgl ac . Fitisem AbtillSassits Riihrson shil ydsixs- mos n tlis is ti Pseg'll'.
sie t least iatkitug sitiefformstislio h't b-ie ISrsts-t1 utmcou1 iths ait si oll Muic su m, Bo stn lasNo .MaiiiExpsess - --...... s.. l~~is
ISPiltI Nut NlN'tSus. -'ThitGolsdet nousmonthnsiat prTeather, Pillph s ss 0iaI S 6.soctioe. Toledo Asccitt..-.. 1,m
truthful , es-eli tough the attemspt EasgleC (lothinsg f'soiipttiy, sof Detroit, three missth-.:iat:issuisy's -- te i ano1 5' stu ad i(3snuniietweensi nn Arbra ti'-
teailstheis-nto thie cs-m fomvi ~er- still tie repiresentced by tMr. Stonetipti- Teoeii totnly. 'lsc
dorrlatr.it li t thuefsook Slittseu'.iesdlay. Fris. A uris0Oi ii-l i et Sunday'.~
ilo ss ii suem.1N icigi lithiss nt il1thswithi thieitessiostteslitne of Spgrin iPrit-Is 50, 73, tsuerl.' 1.00UY~ itN'~' t .0iE~csu
su Iite320)2 S-It unt sbut the shlay is ('lothus fistStilts. Spsrintg Ov-eott t sisi t stause a5i t P . News Standu . Gens. 'ass. Ageot, LocalsA-,1115
silt fars-sitats wh-esis-uschIssnill lie tu uhe eader stffull drsh s ssuits tof fite in--_________________________
s-use. ssported scorslt. mtdints tthe bs tl~e 1 -
- 4..- tt $c The test o ity eernes YIIi
INTER-COLLEGIATE. Igiven.tt7 tests ip yus osutmdesst the oIfY II :1T
off_ sisc of this' tootkIlouses,2M. thuse-ci I Wif~W W*W NI~
Itsowit tits lot mecitatiouns a sneels.gtarterstiltls-til otn you.
Si-Go inst see WiltSs tewspruitig AT---
'T'heme are 7,37 stuidensts ini the sitiiugs. Fiftcen orsders taukenti'lirm--
niversity' of loswa.slay, Feb. 11. -I T A:,RhIB HALL, p:~A
IHot andicoeld baths SO cenits, at Post h\LUk v
'theme are 3,292 studensts at the IOffiee Thrter Shop. . ot7:0rif-o Itt): 0 .i. rt s~'' ~
tiversity of AMuiicli. - _____.._ IVV\' o
'Fle usual ordher of tings ise- host-a.-tPoket hookcountains Etnitec Dtle yteCide
owner'stianme. Return.to L . . Dtiesb-he(hishei-_________
versed at Nebraska State Utnivemity. Car, i6s Wittiatts. -wilt be ft echief attratueiontshfits
Alt youngswouten are obliged to take 'o FoevsnsGoeo t ess ng. J . P. STiiISOw IU 801
gymn i'csort, swhile it is elective Shirts, Ties fom full dress, at theSteSretrors
for the young moeti. Twos- Samns. ADMISSION, - 10 Cents. 2StSde.itSToAE AESREET.yoictd


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