l c . a AT . Wizi1p. Vest. IL.--No. 1012. UNIVERISITY OF MICHIIGAN, FIDAY, Fi;Ii{UAIIY o_ C2 PRIzcE+, Tiiss ENT(JaS. Oratorical Associatoni Ike fol loing menwill viiappear in { tie preioinnsix conitesti tHs evining: Senior Tt--- . i.Bo e , W. 11. iclirsibark A. i.Clr, LewisE Juior Tits... 11. Johnstxlon, H. ;1. sWalker .F elr >iiSohoore its---J. F.irtons, IU 1'. Ikilcx .W etn xliii its, iA C urh, J. 11 I Ieev (. iiLxMorganvW. 1. jtnrliws 11.ii i llii, ii.xxii Demcraic ies xi clw tess w ll 'e h ld in the ( rte' K I;r/ J /\!( ! / i To i't Coiut n ine (j -5 II Miciigan'e Worldi's Fait- EdunationalEhisbit. XMix -i hasxx lwaixsx1iii,'x1xxx sixifixi it li thuegliest eixisia l xiiixx- tein thelii: 1nixix. Vet sheaiproiatei is oxyxxii Socoo lxelixhibi isis xi- agesA ;exvrxxis apprpiaxxxstxiixxxwoulinhaers hxxiixx XAlxeii''strise rmix aixngthe sixites. j OF YOUR - {MI,;SCOCTIY PXPGL l i Mailed to You I Throcugh Your CHAP~TER Pil (C LIST upon i A PPLIC AT ION. III:IHIi, X11 k 0)~ DETROIT, - - MICH. i is R.H. FYFE &Co SPECIAL SALE! sass iii'n _____(Anti___as___ _______last___-____ li 1lv aexii oisi Ile i xii of Isis acceptncl matxe'xxxi r ofilibargaiisin tshit the xmas if tes tudenrsts xiiilxxdp~iie & C 17x1x txxsinevss disshargxedlwxxithe apx 'soilsale. srexxiexxtxislissv\5 f sesollgstgeii5n- xx n ae i il uies s o ie :eln t(ral'itissg of 'a commntteeceosisting But it xan, axilexist, lxbe xisaiofthe xiic Csrs ic lxxxi but iunfortuniately, inx ( sisedilpriscs,thir C cer if5-sr a xx ixxcaslM (airstxxxlvsts thaxt theyisisumsedithe;te lemenscsts ofievil reputtxxionsxaxiliei. Llxxcrixv, tix csnferwiithithe henckiisi I yI~nc ruh xxrei-ri t tnsve iia xasissy exo us5axxiiitheeby acquxir eila :smxlli xnorits wielvdxs Clxv ipowerx (f ~ o rkexiLsi d)in rear lxi.'to ue cii xii.-oiity onexsvinterest xx they f 5 iiAs a ajorits' Siiitiilandiit11ill rlsIl muc xisannot by saidi (f studncsts of womaaesuhafar± tb c~csolo i deti hsct.1other sdvpartmens'ts. liii cities xsiwsx txsx trasissa ofIartrrinxecthyrxiin5nsly rbirx Iandct manoy-tvxitsite i x sve hussy isxxsvsiatviy concenexvid.ipsi clv aiiijournedi. io isrxg 1rIisvxisirxix-xx s 1-*5*5 __ the Bequest to Yale., Communication. the poluspssc llt11atyheix1____ 4 I All 'xl Ill I audhisence, ipracticallys, lto tilvThylevwiltif thy ste Mr. Idardn c tile .srI.1ii:studenitl body of tileUnxiiiersity. x. Rveed, sitNewv IHavn, whosdidlvi hl l Sr gtQct The students of thev U'iviersity Undvr such circumcstan-ces thsose wvho I iMiStiili'ic 13h INii. I uty e proucd of thyeihonor pail in hotliandxl isthte stresets ihawel p resentedorprbaion lasCIGARETTES tihemu in tliveiprvse'scv of an e-prvs- their tickets, dishonorevi the stic ts l cday. fly the provisionls of tile xvll are tiling to oay a little more than the price iident and of other illustrioustisns. ot the day, insulted the departmt IMri. Reed's wvidowsvaind unmoarried chargea for the irditsara of'h tietsrdwitih shanme thebate-tht etoeduonltheisthCieir ticket 1dcaugh~ter will earls receive thin- - trade Cigretteswill fid isleo tick ttat acciom'panied the uson then' as a gift, affronted the I come oif a third of the estate wviihilt oLie The Riehmond Straight I Cu No.I Craretesare made from the hright- visit of their guests. citizens of Annl Arhor whio tightly they live, ansd at the death of either est, moit delicately Slavred and higheitceost Gild Leaf growen in Yirginia. This lathe Old _Mr. Cleveland was more partirnu- base precedence over those who 1her share of the property will revert and Oriinal Brand ofv Straight Cot Cigarttei. and wan hrought ant hy usnin the year 18,15. arly atnd immediately the guest of boy their stay, and that wrhich is of to Yale University. Mr. Reed's newareit imiltations, and ohserv'e that Ilii the aw eparmen. Hs coing et reatr iportnce tothe x-Seamnanne en helow is an every paikage. tiels eatet i oigyetgraeimotntotey estate has been estimated at .$350, The ALLEN & GINTERI Braneh Of the American Toaaeo Co, sins in response to an incitation tent that their conduct eras knowencoo, which will nmake Yale's eventu- Manufactarers. - - Riehmntd, Virginia. fronm the student body of that de- belittled and hunmiiated the F rarer- al share about $239,000. _...: pariment. What msore ungracious sity.the Detroit and Chicano pa- _ - .AF than that those whlo have invited pers of 'Tuesday, all renmarked in Leland Stanford, Jr. has adopted I.zJ=IVMJ R1 hinm to address them should make severe tones the disgraceful traffic. cardinal as the University color. ALSO 'BuS RACK AND BAGOA(Jf LINE y Narth tain Street.