A THE U.,OF.M. DAILY. THE W O S M S.~ -- 'HE3 still raging at, the . T. Jacobs Conit GlovS' IGREAT GlovesONE-FOURTH DrepS Shirf~, OFFOl (childe's Sits. E V ERYTII ING Ties, goes until farelt 1. ontte attd avail DI ul r~ ALE you self of thtsyol/d'ni pipottnfy The J. T. Jacobs Company, ZL~T T 1= E 'T'O O S~i2Vf i ANN ARBOR .27 tttd 29 MAIN STRtEET. MAga Ardor Stebm Laulfy. CO0AL. GEORGE L. MOORE, (mucessor ra e.) + + WORKUCALLED FORandDELIVTERED, FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL.~ tltintti~tee'etIetl aietgLn n uullitb'tnuin CALL aN tineapet place fr t ttaoatnua t itiiiPelt ittthe ity. F'nteshu een nnw, Ior7A~atii it, I;U?70 ititUES~. ilteartn niilnts iior illri n FIEMILLINERY ANDGARTHGOODS. ClothANti iCOMMiN CFIiN, iff scoo t i t e o n t ry.L rt Inl P re'ipaire snote tie itin i n n t i itatthe broandist el It an int (--- --- -.__._ themoastieecetalesuits .30 -iast un Siet, RINSEY &SEAEOLT, Nto p ati, on ex tii tatc achi..io ti _t't.te;T eaIiittiiii ""akenniand deaes i For ts C SC AN 2 YA'.4 7 DTY LtI 1,i1 S rSHORTHAND!< ev eA.the At err Maer SeRTNDProvisioGrcerssioursio andlur Feeded innr itn, OtIttIItHI I-LI)tiStiiiit'iiAN1, tn l iRTt'.ttitt5ii. the letltin snehanl oathoiinessn. enaiIZ~ aol.Wsigo t k' then etemtely miiatet e m t in e ntiit'ittt i'iiiiii. the expuene aiieiiitt c 1i n ting-aS .W nti atS. ned erititsthainiatitaaether eiiiiittiital iniiiitininathenouty, and tiit te 1 WILPAY YOU. ShrthndSho etinn,n' sometimebyewelllad omfrtabe. h er A.n I Cn Ve REXd-reid Bu iltditn,2ii Sutt State Sreet.A.E R XP ,id t. THE CAMPUS. ' al, Aiherst, I atoiiiiatidl Ni ciii.. 'lTe following ichages O t'IPR SOO S --the 'i innICtta State t iiierit Kye iiwilllbe rmtae i te Phlosophical _T 'W. C. 'ictactnr, '92 lit, huslts ii ni futtcsi onres for tnet setester (orse ANL', - 3 an5 collegeii'en in, enetiaryIloicoly otn_________ 'olee.of the late jdnies Ioward, ofiiiit. sectiontwill Inc iveta; IW,F, }', . D. ixnii, '92 lit, as left col- Sl- Johansbury, \V. . to outiilsclarlhr-5 C oiurse 2,Geteralisyhtad la B. agetliit sill retitrnitotingratliatein s psao th seo dscinwl no he ctia.,uoi Sa1l'yr Po itiolo I itis Ellen I. Carnal, ;.A . N mei Carea, tlsso ii Doa tes it cancriil al ititati umehu.sPasa Iii NIiss ('Cie ia II ayeso i , I' a.Pyhooywllb eeae ous ) aett a ii at tnen sictar t et . last yeatr w it 'q3 lit, has retrtied Professor of English i .\ranasu C Phly siological ss nlulougy is cont I t t ea~ liiui. . ttt I lt, Caniier. iii ecrity sswhoahas leeiipurisig tiineil to thos'se liiho Iha e taken iuBnooandvv~n to) college. hiiihler iglishitudoides litre forthe out SC ni,\AdvanutedI Pschology~ - \Iists ~tiuiBiley, 93,spnt Ihcleast iiiree mtoniits. has retrnend ii acuito oein it'i 'siuigiclI n ii0 KBARBER SHOP se )estr vacaton with Miss H l omie to restiue hern uiiis us a ~in- pCi )It. C outsC la, 'itasen t h Ii oi a a. oceai uts ing, '14. at fitintst ptut ietcs ofi odnt it i Iiltsuty 1,1oete ,;h a~''b tewsis C. f'utsuu, I)? lit, aswiIllglsli Ixntis tunc h ilsti issiiusi the tune iiiiiilu'tuiiiiiiciic Ntitedt funrCmtes;tositivec htst ls iOANO1K sedthe tm iiconanc - N tic. T e l ii Hi usIetiiiaa iliy. tCoiise 7i, 1itnsitiiclss miii it,"; ' luniii elir. i An li1nuAbn . Iictuinati m iiittavchng i luriiiini. RI setu Lnii S awil iiict'i iia'Mn niiiiiecifo i t Lntsetmeter wsi ibe 1. erns, wsi nt eriitci a stntduay a elun il l i Aliha NiIHaul, at (giveciiuinig this. tReaistd state li iin tt t iittgli tllt semiesten withi'15lit, but ct suul0eiif ieit i hnllCt5 rsiLousc- ii g si'l,s iii i, e ndiS lielt lntii ifter to attendutthe State Noralui, is dNl 'cii fion hrtu/ Co Iurtise ,nuthtim huitiiiboarii n i M i Iinal ad - swililegiviin aisa iiiat iiialicouriis;at Sieehan's lbooikson. ill S fon the secunitisettestet ss'ork. 1 tlaiiixi ini sn iiiIr.II-'i i i t Thiere will le i no aseallI pa'-It tiay b leca t iby th sll i0ig N iii ii .--Itee sili be anin iii tueit tne iiit itailiist'i ~ hailCouiimc2, a nuittsi ~ ial illil a Ilrtant mIteetinag (Of tia e t oraii- ttass55c u. c re h tecoratiotns for the tioti Course 4a tWsilii be tii Entil ishuSoitity 'Ii lrsituix eseiiig at 7:;0, 11 itt orther that ant AtmericaniT rnsuctidentalistmttelttIaw lettie rot. Junior I}Cop taaynt le interferendantinotain ii(onte asannoiuncd. It S. W.' C~i is, sithn. tiay le electend y tose t-taig Actitg Presidentat-. Rev. J. ''. Sundceratd of this city either Corse 4 or tiecoturtst N~u mit'(there will be an eamti- wsoeof the speakers at thaw Uni- iaHegel's l.ogie May lit electeditytinatiota in 11tg. a, at ten a. nm., Sat- 5td5 otae those whto have hail Courses 4 antiS urday Fel. 27, for such persotns as sersity of Chicago Annni Blantuet thawe Semiatary in I thitssiltitet were unable, because of conict Pi Set postaidiioit reeeipt of price. held at thaw Grand Pacifeitotel last 'PTesday, Feb. 23, at 4 P n for 'hors, tnt attendh the reguar exac--1 REIt)f & SON, Fridhay evening. organiatiot. IJ. t ss us itation. (r. Riettttpt tetrit, iti.