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February 25, 1892 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1892-02-25

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can only conclunle that they are sin oi 1 O ~l FOTES M S E
Z ~ C. of'MJ. cati~I. tentional, prompted by theunowar C l ee F R H1+CN EM SE
rantedl assumption of the Crimsn's+
(S°dysexete) arnL T xt , .Greek, Latin, French, German, and Mtentc1
the Colege year, by editor atnl by a puerile desire to be- TeV1Bonks, New ant] Secondlitanti at
little the[,. of NI. 'The attituticf + t
isttte crion towadtile andunoft.B +i
Subscriptiott price $2.50 per year, invsariabl na.aySnl ois3cns nsl ti is itoo ort tolileaste mtiusthJBoJo Univeraity Boselr, State Street.
itneesans ,aria Paos fieewss stand at 12i tine sori-erting its nusmerous iis-
s'clos-k, roots. Suibscripttions may be cift at lItll
sbe otfice ofthe DAIL,Opera Boast stuck, at statetiten ts. . itle tly an tugi
Seerbass, at Stotttet's, or sith any stftee 1o0ts5 slestatisots-of falsehonoid"'ws __________.
(ditossiait' suni cc it tcynot curie ntil led itito the tear). of
: eo'ok iP. ot. tt they are to appear the nest its eslitstrs.-
stay. Adtdress itlsoatter intendeti for ptsbtica-"+--\
tien to the Masagitng Editor. Alt bsissc INTER-COLLEGIATE,
communsicationts sbtold be teat to te Bits)-
H ussuocta~. to P Istbe Lb LNGiiSatHiOLfIIit iStyys,
TH1. H.DIL, hate [tots ernity of Iowta is alreadly -_ -Foar departmetts-Comtmsescial.INnotext lc
Ann Arbor, Mich. talzinug absouttats aiseis) oot-ball 0- -__ - 4Pen s hip.bt Sisant bin g',iss i oc t

be played i iilth i ago t uis-ersity
5.C EDITORS. In tll
.W.Cxis'92,SMasnaging Etotr. inx al
G.L. Cittestan,'9, Assist. MaitngteEditor. I ITayer Acatdem at Blrainttree re-
W. . ttrtrtc, -s3t Ass. ManagusingEitotr. tri~iers tearly $s ,00,o it y thtetwill
I .: 'issnets, ltBusinessSMatntager.
FI. LsTens', is ate.Buities itusuer. 1 of .lr.Sarahs W. Glover, for a
C1V. RICK EttSn, '94,.Assist. Butsittesn'gtttt. gytus tastttttt atnil tlaboeratorsy.
l's Ptatt. tnt. ,. B. Anstthi:9.WsosnJMENE,9.jCA.IAR,'y5. Iniversity tf Wiscoissiusis to
iic~l t,sasn.'50 Airiitri tta; o'. adpt the Get msit1tuiversity group
F tE ttt ,., Si. iri. t tte fr, i sy-nstemit, beintg a comtibinatiton oftte
w TE wau vuL~NIH r~ua .VWV Atmericait andI Geruman systems.
liestntitorilass at Vale havse ofr-

-- eadarre nitttietnt instrtoruis, trozkthoy-i
- - - ougb, liing earcns tr eteey tors, iV) .25it
[t actisle toitpositionts.
Foe caiatogue, address P. R. CLEARY, Presi-det o.


NO. 12 W. tHURON ST. S rn
J. HA L LER, Suitings,

tule Eltlen ditttinsolitimttttttsft t50t1151t gasizei ai itilitary- iom lty. lDrills o a, srcae P~'
podet5s, pern the DAnIL trte-(are ttlie itelid tvire a teetk. At the Ann Arbor Savings Bank.P ntaoo s' 'j
enttlof the diilsass tnienlo Anns Arbor Micts. Capital Stock, S5t,00,rilsaothewoSilpl,$1.0.
artos r ift1 lat nitnot t~ it tn havt erueeefciienit iiitdrill will Orgaatzed stadertte General Battking Laws
sed States, soilstof ttttu-ontttdtsiswits so-inofttts state. ttecetvs- Deposits,tbuys and ni
lt-I i s tuitsitius. OTttesumers-u- itoltitsn ibecnt ttleil ts certificates wslic-lu till sellss e atsge ontbe principal ctttes of the
t thteamis increatsist enery y-eat-Hvr. Its- teiUnited Staten. Drafts tasked uaon preree
entinteteiltotipreferalnce its os- identifiations. Offiersa:
srgeestst 1. btssttatbinhsyear inttndassnce-sCnttStAnnMACK, Pros..,Fanc
of tI 3ti Tse oet Attmeicn tcolletintlawis ttaiitaIscommssioinii thevlun- W. 0.D. tRRIMAN. Vice Pres. F n
at te University of Ptnntsylvtnis it.c5h It s erse i- ti-n f ri.La . ice at i
'ssutde I in s1789. Tht'it-iilatn ,litJudge Getorgel (,
ila-est-lis Commetarissason lit-stiisi," - al-inc
-vas pulishniedhile hetsIttntsnaiti-itofessrinthtis n BUSINESS LOCALS. G A- I1 OI A H T sE I Jaa
Pastiences tn INotasl i le~ tisinsterted inthtiis essostmnisat list rats-Ge I ,.UL~ O S
has t lst case to e aof 1i cetsaper inet. Sapecial eaten sstortinter
iru .timet, antd exta ilts fuirtnisedbyaisplyinttti T -
itt.teOAtILn offic.] ISaturday Ecerpve.kn.frm7a'JAS, I\II >II.\HHI '
TLeaoesnepoaes rtti ,srDella Sigitiss Delt il. atrd- veFebruary 27 t*
recesnt issite of tte H-arv-ardl(rimstonIhre tititttl . ..1Hands, IDent.. Clss'84."
siletilitrfoib tittsoRis leturnitoInl17Souitt Insigllls anisriiven-b'Xii. t19 Souitt Hin Street.-
evd n e-oefril h nw rs 1entis-'l. Pt i- s e t--os t he dits tntingut iseI Yosung ____________________________
the Crimssont'5store ttassregal dis- !Impsieriasl Egypitianisi garette. I'itttnt.Artist,
regarid if veracity. lHa~rvardl soes ;impotoed tobasscc-i. liss-e andifiragranst. Toledo, Ann Arbor anid North
slrsl tal trs ot possess5 the largest lain schotol -itsi l oettill sewill gaetts.We J .L'_ JS I ESLI Michigan Railway.
the tUnited Staten, ausilno otis iitt aItthtle tightas sres 5 itnlitown imecilsiefet Janiariy id, in92
stiant ust receivedltistisik of Impseritia ll isorted snEri ct- omuapany inlDaie I Ait nat of trais at sAnSusierosnly.
sore convtersnttwiththis fin trthtat IEgypliasi (igass-ttes. 't'hse c igalrettes 5lasitisyisus ntttists ot ofMark r aist____
thte gesitleutatnhose ferti le hrasin iare imtite if the fintest impsonstesd toias famoissistoryne, n
evosltved thue abonve aticle. ii iultr sitt ussses sIhyThe prin ce fld the pauper No 1.MailtandtbExpress - 7.-. a. tl
I ssuttiiss ttansonesir entlofuin- No .PasrAnArbsor At-sit .12s00ruot
Itnlipo it iofattendianre \MichIigat i Ititle~. All Piies.N. 5.tall tttiosg et- --.......0'l5 p
tot onlyexentednsnI IaarcsttIbu tt al- Loss-A stmatll gosil ntctsI. finder ; Anitose,-tuamai iintouract, strassoatized bitt sLuGSOUsTiHns.
pleae lave t Sewad's ffie. ittBroadwaiTht e iiater. NetsFrksits-s .safositi No.2. MilPasttntger ........ til 8 t-it
most douttbles it. ITe numbethtr fif SPt Nso WosiuiNs. - 't e Golsent ossts suntisisos ttiseti Bsts, onist, .'tatsn. , 1EN. 4.Mail Snittess- --....a.. n p. i
sttdestn ets-nritleil itsthelte .. Of __I - l ('etigit tintt 1is tiist, if etrosit, thre s ntse sasi tt i o it ltin ti teet. icago.tt", No s tnstnt iiei neia . Is.i
sli is tut li- tl Buuset tietuer, il ott . Tra i s i d it uut bestest AuntsAt-insrsan
w- - nill ltberrseniteidl by 1\1r. lhuseitgtr- Tsledaottnly.
luts dlepartmtentlsipto thtis ht 15test, at. te stdools ouse, TutenulayFelt). Ceatral Standar Te.ttto
s-ft, whiile H arva~rd hatin attend-lWll, stitllurhir Coutil)lti- litnt ofSpiring I ,Ii.s'SAlt Trais-tiiti itiSunsits
Clothsir Stilts.Sprng Overcoatsan tutu - - 50, 75.stied $1.t)w. H. BENNETl, us. S. ittlEE~Nwuutut
suite iofbut ~Not-is inthis tine Troiusrs. They sue still Illttisng St'stunon ale '. . .Nests Statnd. I tGesn. Pass. Agettus. tincal Antn
lerst litle tue thavtbeett callet1upint; leaderu if ftll liessuits of inie its-
list i ed wo steda ei sln itthei'blitst elesh
tnt cnrrec1tntmisstattemnetnts Inn thune s- ii nts sl te- us~ I ~
C rinuson'ti cou~ninsn. IOinly aitfewegiveit. live heitg yott ursddess lit. thne AS!AIRU UA IRR A
offii'u i nf te (tusk IHIusess' lr. liss -it
tnthis agothtie verstiln'enhditur of gatticinll cta-i1suitY-iiu. - inwlof IAuus &-
tha~t sheet, tti tinhbrazetn effrotierv, S-O-i CFOii auu nd se Wilsfesit ing __
cresditend 11thinhig7aut s lawus depariteunt suitinsg. Fiftetetniurders taknusTisus-
svca, ,e. 1 ihu.540 studeunts andtH arvairdi with in, -e. I -RIS 3A LLT
Ilust.andutldiba~this t1i stnts, attPIost.
1; , neatiy sutbtract tng it00 frotutOffhice Barter Shopil. ;m7:00)po hi):30 P.
'lichigan's atteundasne sanlading - -'- --a
it o tat f harvrnl lhsv iuc Inss.-Porhet bonoh, cnstaiuts _________
itotaofHrrd Ho suhowner's statue. lRetturin t I..I).- Fra5leyDantes by thse Childirien _______________________
glitteriung uiis-statements couldun- h.Carr, s il 'iliamns. trill 1) hue l heilef satractioni this
witingly appear in 'Tle (rinmson's F Stt hvelrs evnsusug. J. P. 3TIMSON I& SONS,9
cohumns is indeed'niysterfiots. ()c- I Shirts, 'iles for full dress, at thue Sae tee roes
curring an freqluently as they dlo, We 'l'Two Sams. ADMISSION, - 10 Cents. Studentsapatronage espeeiallyasolicited.

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