lac . of sn . W1aijj. oIL. i I.-N o. 1O01. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THIUI{SDAY, FEBRUIARY i>t1.82 Yale-Harvard Basebal I hicaleN ce'sprients thet foliow- staeme ts ate ,Icilarvardin rief- tl''ite ti :twoi le °s Iniitthec'iit' Ottitrimsnte I a e an omout of what tool mpreiiiisi iotialc and Mar art istttitit.tWhile the tct sls I~uh ishcd ar tra , th ar I 'll lasit it then vs 'h t , tiwis noct the right wayitc icondct." aseti s."t. t tt tate the tdecicd 'inm uplaed first.' f .s ithatis a t teri ofii()pillitoni ti could mketilo'tisiscr titit itit' sents ii t so ii th t it is ntiatstrongc enouiitit 'rgumet ii oiiJutstifys thir refusai tilthiiat grotiund. hiI t i s teni propitdsbyIHrvarthaliitiih'gtmc oil nieutrailgroiiunds itei-playeid cii thits (ahucot iiii pac e ( lyil ite It o ciidtotplay all titi'''gites ini tialt capi tticicsit iiia e t o scetd an uitt ti obtedii sticess. A secon tu ititntiis tititpciecetcdlfort ai 1111 ils it ubictprti cularly t tM, k, its tillfewct pietus 1111re tditritcd its samles. It is learnedii iiiati the g itnit the 1111oore hltstp ot, a fit di'stin c sc ti iisa iwscholc hitirti ii i II'a tirnl Itkill aperliii~ tl sf E Cleelnd an articeIs i trois Reoltio ns oftthe Hemc coethic Departmet Whiii 5 Thuiciiii titi tiiitt ofite tIti Iiti',, Tutu t (lCENTS. OF YOUR IOIEYBPG Muailedreo Yec ThustghtYeur C HAPTER, Upon APPLICATION. DE'TROIT, - - MICH. . it the i L i ii - li I11111ita t ii "i Y.1i ti 'i Ei. Ciii Co lii 114) 11llsMIH (itts. Shiellit' tk-CO(h. ic ell iiili tIt rittlv r ilefcetiickea lcr e'ltter- >;