THE U. OF M. DAILY. r W~'iellesley conies to the front with + T E T C ~i theColeeoearIb T xt I It is otioniial for each professor at i THE U. OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION BlrioiniiwhetlherIis studtetnts shall j+ ris ral ear isaratty auie np absences. i~ Subscriptiiiiilrice s'sal0lairseais tneaassesy O 0 University Baaksellers, - - state street. en cilssieSiaairepirsi ctsi. onsaieat (lehnrddlasi h ses -css sinana cliitOff(iternewres standt at 1't aient fur eachIsjuttiior at Vtale fur the t'cloci nooane. Suhscriptions may ti e tt at I i" -- lh ie the tr aiperi~a Haoarstarlok. at Irstis ties iio rof iisdeceek.~____ tiheeliai's, iat Stoftte's, or swithi aiy softe 'ITie I'is ersi ty ittfVWisconsii is ______ couicatations sholdi reh the oficebenideseavirinsg ltuitte its various - "eotcock i. it. it they are iii appear the neat athletic isiterests tittder oe oti. stay. Addiress alt matter instendeit toe puihlic- nf.;liaisC.IMae.hoI isotirheMaagngEditor. All buinstai Po.WlimGsaewola commicasiestins asshuldte settois te ur' heeelecitedl trailof the ILatits il THE 'U. af Mt. DAILY, Ipartmictt tteUniisersity of ('1st Fiur sdepartmens-Coi ('(sits No text-bilt Ann Arbor, Mieh. rages, graduated trosts Harvardin I itea asisi lp. t eei5 it ilts ii. agst irsndartfii e t insuctos, wiorkl i 1879, at lsthehail ofthis class.ouhliigepnsexrmytw, o f.) 0iperek; tuents assisitdtositis. EDITORS. (iiCoslia has receivedl frostsMr. itsraaloguieaddrmes .11.CiiEARIs Presidernt. S. No. reinres, 'it, Msssgissg Eitosr. \ .1 (. (. tea,'sncl- e eral rif is . .. i' . 5 .Pi iAN ),aAssist AT. . r.. rititnttgtsi G. L. CPMEActs'e, Assi. ManagingsEititr. W. E. 'rIssEsR, '93iisAisest.isManaaanEdror J. C. TRAVSe, 't, AusietsManaer.asare c'. SE. JNTiEn, 'i, Assist. Bussiness Mange. S. P. PAisnit, 'so. . R. Assist,.. i F. J. M'IK,cts11. sit.92 tite. iAIRilts. FRtANtKMAI(~TIN ''. I1i- V trier,9' F. E. lurts 92.'St, LicsA Keer , 'S.. { TheEdto srs sdtsnsts heidsthiieseeresssn- Is r boared of esitors iif '92'S I astaliass te sen ecredlit fur sliten- ergy assnd51isp l ick aeyhave shotiuteit i atemp~tinigts get tip ca pubilii'atiion jN icasrausgas,ascollectisonsof 005 very ( eelusalile wsosrks isaesigisseerinsg assd contstreuttions, atndottSptasnish asnsd O riesetal literatures. I' To the Lam Classes. 'lTse literary 'lass of '93 desires to cxpres'5 its hearty stsasnks to the late classes sit the 'sniversity for the kind invtitattioni lt participate its the exersises if the' 2251, asas also to i'itsgrettlate thterssit their sucess issen sig so distinaguishedl a siecak- as' fier lit' itccasion. BUSINESS LOCALS. I NO. 12 W. HIURON ST. Sring L LINE itey nve'''''''s ''ir cMl i \Iies is ee'td inthis colum assitherit ieis cclis I c les i ec'eieleace tc'sl~i ndeainesurished hy apply sir "a tw le tee'ei iisiled, tt iii.'. iiDILYtsofftic. tht l smefattre ' 's istaIsi n "c;oinesitllininewsites igare'ittsi'. iWi ila iiceuucfaisicno'sV telethsat t'e iga'rs'stees'sill eeswi is the beite~u .leiti iii t I 'vs it Is ii tec h av jis sct" ess cel d a stc k tifs e l' sieeiast iil 'ieis I ''. sp)i itt e cseelll ril te ' ue t i s~l lis I ie'itts. 'T'es'e i'i7'ss'ittes tire liteins't iiiposeteelilei- hicasel 1ev ttaiil IIcause'tih ie ae itil iiinre eectlix orl 'iiis. as lie'y suicc'lc'dlsnotwrithusti' niu..lleatlt, eii ii tic',ess th ties'nepes' retit. oeelio liii,' ill pr ies. sliat siaeiiv eiviiiris eef '92 . Ii're in-;i lien 'tieall iego lltsh. lFi Is's' difrts c si toteelt ueillii'catiinand 'el 1ease leaIe atStirdsflti'('. ceelicerere cien seittpoenciillitheis 'SPLIN".5 OOLEN,. - Th' ' itsl oppostion to IsisssanIuisalleigsiIsitueptsited y-r li>enIs it tits ittlsot suceeifinnsitaietlly) leti itthle IGook Hosecs I scilo 1hell. (sl1t1.ewit tli Icoiisllte'line t'Srigg tews' fied e'ioccpi ed. Wte itititiss ITeli' rei sstill Illig a ' thik tatsine te a~' r