.11 *l Il i pil cl e, an whos
iii 1 aii1 i >> i
I' .c l a a i icnsst n Senlt
cal \tcri e i l onideri hcstillc 1,i e t d s r VI i a iii ilsio i
ca ld u ; I t s ae I e rcito u w l i d p etif Lr,> h
te h" o n IliiiW vl~ e mils.ica c l n' wro ith(lIi
Wrsi ta heIt e l i a 1+ !all 1 I lit I letirlt n d i
titi xii>! ldleV idc1 h I (1111 t in i he i l ns 5thil Itililss-
li I l ist t ii.
li ifi i iiiii x- I l ii1 iaiii tli i reni S t o
n-hisc t . ai belii n iiiiti licill '~r t c s enidi i hisllli o
liii loiiiicx andl li xilitiiirstiti ei
stalalad % tdi hato oii atfoiiinstiil s is t t IiciiC'iiiian mn I. dii I'll
t 1to netiol it Ic sii cssr ng ad stu a htiiliiiiist his
Lre _) il/.. thu I It i i al is 11I support l of its Ic- ieirc sliaiih siandliti i
iht a sltuirlit ii iiilSerns andt
i-iutiittiet ii his i I iia ti at inc iiisiii ll ooslust siru l Iidiiii -t
euuiutile oriilo iic i ii t \igo odne s h; sifi l ilwhcl ai rmii ed ia n e
schi asitiii lt ii il iii Ii ithi c la H i ifirs c le ot. ait that Icc
iiieii torthhi e ii fxiauu liHochIi I xc olds ha iihliy tuuilu ae agolist te
lieuweltiliifor Itiiiii itii liiin (fo diii rI iii thelco e ills
thn tcl~eit hey adit o pt hi t atic iiotuded ibt silteg. Tey iull ii
an luault ititioass fthic iiis I I ii i u ll ili ioti eati Scourge
te~itatit a iiita is li~lil iii the it ii c aic tiiiiii sltriomi th utuslrei s
meii tiiictaiic cfi iaition f o o-n o a i loc o p bi
sugestng ti it a t Iioisrli ndii tial- 'iioff iile o n t iiirinku from - i t, for
u sty antit gr o diniiesa ni ptetiiabltesh lig iiei lo uyo t
Ii hal rerediiiit oii inic ie tllyi Iibeh idiyol ii er} t ubtic fitete
totitirisi iii th i floueitu th aiiitstr iinal o r t. shl n r o
tiiinofyWaiiitonciie foaiic g uitues llws. en . h iferi
c ntltueion. Itha ( ailtntns weii uotl i po aiii inrtespot n sgivilIliity a d in
lis lot i riofi; ,isIskioxeandt hetlabrenitheys 1mu seilgrntut the en
thetitere e i l itiare sevemma isier idutiescofrightliioiiiaem cnsen liii ii
in eguui tucisdo fuiare i tk - itiii 1 a ic cti nes.reh ar b
theRern li, isco stntliasiie forI iietii is i he (luicgu a 1oiiite st
rteig ea rats f allt e s.a T h e I n tl ieso$ a yesC tilreroaiii luitit
storyahas roner]of tentact gil i o a ir attsictaiturii i icotipeulso the
LOai t o /i/c a. IroenI iisitu li e tilill ost t i nihatr twill tad ystud u
it, sh uld nly seek to rc~ t of pertlL~tie, an it QH tsa of
p faif ithe.s ibtu itthxat euslit'it I mi i olt-g, oem s yin nsvi tt
gmotdoie t isc haiitr atraex-at. a emy alpoe] er h
eviedyintl ihis aeeta t iAmen-icti sson apor tseen to shiigatlnce
ta enhtimetesewhac snk iiiteitc- bantdaioiiitraewe Iit atyaw
isti toigs, on ti nec ate 5ay 1 datgrrafesua yIntei.ho.ttak eofthe-
gte f natutoot iattithesten pCrngerstofatetdtiy peatuai insg toi
aIfhes i nftil as utedestoiiistuces iiesii big toog l
inflaue tcc afairs as asiuuxof atd te- aldth e torl Hast irhs up poIa r tsi ia
alina, ht i tnt uic rr entie nsour Alit t tue t mt t e ightisi toh es
faouith tonithiose lnvhiofisredt and tensconag.
Foy dhe Wonan's Annex. iitiraced sliit 0 iite youngiomslien i
the V1 11111sill tlusutuuk is snioii
DF thu-r , li,[eli ,i s '--. fIriiverIis liii Ii iii
P, Prri '~l I t j h[ U.ef l , es t te o a e t~ i t Ii5
lit r P,, o ll dd1aY1 c a iiilit he o w i 11111t i
tili i 1 o I upii },,lflasi f allI tli i l ? ''l o i M n tu;o'
thewrs>ti sieserfiiitrtiii i isO)suffer'till XS~i-
i .i. ellngceraiu1 atI c ul cm~ i nt t. s n r; i ii ti ii ieti e ill a
Iipo til :uppt l ofi mali-ill i l o-thii ei l ir .......iour:it icli il ), I ;-
I'lli,. T'iie.I havtinlv eo -usdui e l, ,t nte hit ltiiit iii ii o:
( iMgeni tui- i iiih lxi I oiie iiin t i 4i I 1 1 dv lis it i it e[ i eC . 'Il ,
111111 si- lias btic- e livedhit ftillthe i utot ivauli it
Thaxt sitlittle tiailni tisbetnut itu ofltheli ofIli- t andSt.. irlxiihats.
is tI111 untlileni uei.liioxitin ciii i-rl 111suppor1tdiilie II-,xi51i115nowi thaii
fooi lidth t. Ifiiiiieisiniig,. 055)5- ii 1sk1i. Th ieiiwe' st i*vnly
- t hi [b lit-si.btl itiitnie t snM. !i /en p - Ii tlires, it-if der that1peopl
eiitilto v rsui. 1111!I. iiiiitat1t11 i-I lit ytre~i z thitirciouc-ilt-li0 the 1 x newi
Stn((iuix .s xuia t iia t flit or Ire-- x XI. i lii li 11111 tti ii ou l it -tii-2 t lit-i. ,xii
young woman[ id, tthett.ofuM.titutitute t hpoxdI'm your t litXliii.he. Stilt
persnalquetion tht ech mst utxitustle ehhxii thto ou ixiUvio
thiil )i !in he Itit Ii rlJ ll i r'I o( h etscto ft eh ue
tutu iat iyoiiu e lu i ly ow n n ittIi irint llhili l h it N -giulut 4:1.)
WXills iiintyi toatiuponuth le Suggest hi t :00 iiiimiittytu. ir- t0 ' stand-
I gitte.xyiiihlie;i ll-tidsit show tt tii aitit - spec iht a ii il1lav-s i ,
thei g Men ,i--lx t i I ii xxiti t liltalsot iinteba
f~r ii iiviic Itil lit-hit ttiIh o-fi It~irtt [uhmber, o[hII tli kv s
howit itueri~t-uishunl stttiitifromlion.-ut
don'twanttt ,yii" ' W l t aele' f(i ttu i liw uiyor siklx.ltii
Suareit ayli pases thaxt II og o M asicereily antI inttii-lt
gut ix utheitvetu olinen, tie litl itt 1-..tti- t IxitliAui-
ptti aliuty thuat she die vit tthe gy iii li i lt'ltigiaft- uuttiutii."
xliiibuh tilt-cextthue sihtittitetts eit e exita Ic-lge hianqut et tiill le
ox to. I hiayit-flt n w ut-t i-ui-ttageiie-thI heli t itXiesleyandii icitat -
fit tilt iiict~ A ssoucia uutin sfo 1tlhatls en
di li e teinet-stc rs Fi- atkeni itis ushort inH ohllaund
day itviMalih4th, atutu! heth
fitest iof the eonrse, v _the'flu-ofiT he l till-eeilytckoItege-aters
M. -G(lt-c hull Itait i- (tbis, auth Mss iarethe V itte- Rcptut anduuthe
Iota Iti-uitty -iwhuoii s idii erheduthflit( luric etuniani.
ifi-eshtamalti-nttciadetludi uttesa nTh laechol at the1I iiielsity
atri ltii ~ut tit--oittentnsy1vhi a was fotuueuli
I ee uthoe tt i-tll f th le yotutg
itse tuutof the I% -f i. toPud nuthis hi89,anduis the olet eitucillth
work, a tnt ithfle Sat-i-li4t11i-uettiuu counutr.
itteit I itaht i attendhatnce-olul tuiul xPsuciuteut Cart-er, itt XXilinus
illd iwoimuten tfudtetts t fle i-rol luttst Ihias ilstiwruttent a life tf SIark IHott
andasaun?/lm asdicantti luIoathttome.i kuts thuat popular Next Entgaud
I wati yo ur itesetntcettumlnttetnin
ft stoit'lit-hittpIeplue by a "pracilc uolege Ipesdet.s
ituttititst rattittu thatthe tIill suint Aniuttthedta portioni o the uo
thu e i iuiu tutu iio 1hutxlle ijuuuxxiiuxuuc fessorts ini Germanty lre Ciindea-uring
I ftel,- tay, I aiiicetrti, If you(ill tohItvie modtueri lnuuags aoti~hon-
hutflits, (lau youitwittlepto komntpte at subtiuhtutes fur clssicsihuthe
fthatli-patentetfmianytmothils sau-ief'ertitniifI -i itnaia.
(bitt it niwvsemsipoile.-
Nothintg i-itt Wake tu er Ipeuple -so hrofessor IHenry X. Rofe, tf the
etirelyityour inecessity- s caen l h[ ivierity (f hPennsyvani,andI
ytursettvc. ttliarel T, Deite, staff lecturer 01
aroe you wilintg f~ tt i melan ttmake huBe AtmericanScity for fle Eteit-
fete xiriites iftteceeiry,ft it flis t.ion souf I isi-esiy Teaehinig, liii
hut .acnomplishiedl?
oItta txutitolniutiihynig menas een invitedl toethver acti a course
twell, Itohtti ftheterttinttmetttof of lectures at the tOxforisnnttuer
Starclh.Itou itneid to le as tutchimeteitg ini fte monti of Atgst.