THE U. OF M. DAILY. r ( o ' dating the yeas aftdfgradation. +l " 4 ' One of the books~bihdfs ilk Ann Arbor was kept busy during a. whole PulsedDiy Snay xepe)duringI week last summer, binding files of V HAN' ' 5.Cft ffknS IB, the Collegse 3ear, by THE U. OF M, INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATIONI the DAILY for students. hsave received for toe opening of college 20,000 Books, new and second _____ We would like to call attention to hand of all kinds, Greek, Latin, French, German, Law and Medical Books, Subscription price $2.50 per year. invariably I the fact that competition is still Machthemaicl seltretsyanducLaborryspis. SeorNt ok in advane SCingrle espies 3 cents. On tale at whichtheyawill sel trenatlndcedbriceyspis. SeorNt ok Sneenan 5ssd Pustt oiet newes stand at 12 outen for two positions on the DAILY for 1891-2. o'clock, noon. Subscriptions may be left at board, Freshman lit editor and junior the oiier ot the DAILY, Opera House block, at lweio. Atcerprsad~ Sheehan's, st Stoffit's, or with any othe lw dio. rtces rprt ad :.<. r a ".sggpj editors. particullarly campus notes are re- ___ ,kLsp7/ 'iV TO ,. t Cosa muicatis s should reach the ottece by ve4ndteed-7 7o'clock P. ,m. it they are to appear the neat cito!eece c- --P LV .1 day. Address all matter intended for pablica- cording to the work lone. Fresh- tion to the Managing Editor. All buies communications should be sent to the Ilasi- mien are urged to sign their names l- ness Manager. to notes and drop them in any of the IsotheLEADtNG SCHOOL ot BULSINESS. THE U. of M. DAILY, DAILY boxes. Fous departments-Commsercial, No text-book Ann Arbor, Hich. -a--.-i"------_ or manusesittwosk- &nglishl Shorthand and Thfaiue=fte etigoftePenmanose pElegant buildinglure at- Thalreohmeigofte _tendasceefiest ntrutos, worh thor- CDITORS. Ohio ole Press A~ssociation at- ough, 1ivig expenses extremely lose 2.52 to t Colee 500 per week; studentsuassisted to positions. RALPH STeNE, '02, Managing bEditor.FocaaoudresPR.CEYrsint S. Wt. CURtTIOO. '92, Assist. Managing Editor. Co lunmhus last Jue is a disgrace to Pectlge drs oCER i ds G. L. CoArstAN, '02, AssistL Managing Editor, college journalism in Ohio, and rc- M EIA E T A J. C. TAV IC, '92, Business Manager. fleets no geata n tOfCit n __________________________ Wt. P. Pnsues, '93, As~ist.Bssinsess Manoee. fratan"The Ma~ Rgura Fulls Route." C. W. RtKTTanS, '54, AssistL Business Mangr. the management. If wec cannot hsave JAS.M ST FFOI1D I- B. D. jEL. P.OG. I W.H.OCLLt55ACO,'02 an association worthy of the name,ij TIME TABLE (REVISED) JUNE. 28, 18911. P. [1. GREEs, .02. FP. 0. ROttEso,.2 P. E. tANETE, '93.L J. R . ARNEtILL, '93L let those who are enough in earnest J. M.STAFFORD I CENTEAL STANDARD TIME. G. B. Dygert. '93. j I'.. F. tW LLER, '(4. 1 ____ to send mens to the next meeting of FIUT E heLeaer EASTWARD. the_____________________College ±Pr00s±500515.a- NtiSATONSs aityliF tre N Y NitiAtli ld Before this issue of the DAILY lion send its their applications to the itn Fsh~ion2sill Hap Las Fa bax. Esp Ace. reaches its readers, the Athletic As- chirnan i he xectie cmmi- erch'iant Tail- Ithicago,LIv.l '01 50' 12 131r091It o 4 55 scabnou ae adin ,tee, A. iU. Priest, of the De Pausv J Cela esn5. 011...'25 R 45InO 847 4dU 015 0010 mt alBenra, Green Castle, Indiana.- Irg exChe..ea... 44!7t5'25sat5 prb bltDei ls - 430 ...25 55 prbblt, lercs)d officers and di- . 'lneofpiece D732..40 ~ 0~0 01tSlt rectors to fill the vacancies on the Keyon Collegian. ...un 5 '3 50.0 9 5o61.23 s80.10 32 God oselect WY. 471 S3,51050 hoard. We hsotpe the members of BUSINESS LOCALS.P..YN .%.A;I r z a z a thec Association) have msade a sise choice. Thie very first thing that the board should do is to take steps to secure a foot-ball "ca', and we would suggest thsat "Mlike" Mur- phy, the D. A. C. trainer, be re- tained temporarily to get else candi- dates for the 'Varsity eleven down to serious work, and to assist the captain as much as possible. The season is already far advanced, and too much stress cannot be laid upon the necessity of immediate and vig- orous action. WE print to-day a list of thse names and city addresses of all the studentsI in the entering class in the literaryI department. This issue is sent free to every one of the 414 Freshmen. If any have been missed they can secure a copy by calling at the DAtLY office, Opera House Block. We would like to impress upon the Freshmen the advisability of sub- scribing for the DAILY. The upper classmen compose the largest pro- portion of out subscription list, and the Freeshmen have not subscribed as liberally as they should. The DAILY needs the support of every student in the University. We hope our appeal will be responidedl to by a erylarge majority of the Freshmen. The DAILY, When bound, forms a very complete and convenient record of the history-of evena iift- tl Ve = versity and such a bound volup4' Fill ik si M1ai eadiq' LNotices inserted is this column at the rate of 10 cenlts per line. Special rates toe longer time, and extra lines tarnished b~y applying at 4 the DAILY 015icc.] Itave you plated your subscription for Detroit or Chicago papers? Go to F. Stoffiet, Opera House Block, where you get prompt and careful attention. "The Gathlering of tile Clans," one the favorites withl Gormunus' Minstrels, is the most initricate marching act ever conceived. Student wanted as agent for our house; junior preferred. Address L. Dreka, Stationary Engraving House, I121 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. VATTE.-Single room, moderate size, including bath, within five blocks of the University. Address. stating price, X. Y. Z., U. of M. DAILY. Students' clocks-every one war- ranted. Watts' Jewelry Store, 10 S. Main-st. A look through out line will convince you that we are the hlouse to purchase your Clothing, Furnishing Goods and tats of. Call and see them. The Two Sums. Ask last year's studensts where they trade. All will say, at thle Two Sams. We have the novelties for you. The Two Sams. All the large cities endorse the en- tertainment presented by Germans' Minstrels. John, James and George Gormanl are recognized the world over as the greatest minstrel producers. We call students' attention to the liberal offer of Mr. Stoffiet, at the Opera House News Depot. All sub- scribers and customers of his have the free use of other papers, of which he handles a great variety. Hot Slid cold baths 10 cents, at Post Office Barber Shop. Mr. Marshall Please, who has been eonsdiing a large and deedadly sc- cessful class. in voice culture sinc o April 1st, Will continue his Work thi- ghtheemff gyear. A satara a d orctmto o rdlei and hg te Vice S'tidi Wih CII naaig am o,'I ,M *A Skta9.5 aaere all particulars may be obti4. lyoliee. tried free of charge. fr on. Call f or At0Ol,- .M. A A. .itln 8111 5 tl 3 11 6 I 0 ja fine fittinsg -WETAD suilt. - hi N'tb STATIONS. Dote Chi. Lin Evoi ShresPue. MasI 19 a. MAIN ST. No. 19 _ Eup lasp Esp hap.'tim Eu. Ace. ANN ARBOR. MICH. S. Mlain Street. Buffalo,.A... 1O630 945 340 I250600 A. .AM. P M. P. M. P. M. eM. P. W. DetuitL.. 021t 7 1 1 07415 925 9514 45 Wuynesunc 900.... 5106 .. 9SM54519 Ypsilanti.928 10 106 847 . - 10 15 5410 ANY AlM 11 95 8ass 21918510i10I3Us5 l2 Delhi Mills 943. ..915 .. 1 BDter ..s56... ...9 25 ..6047 Jet Chelsea .1 0.. 2 ......418i Jackon..-1100 015 263 41025 11 151141 655 LEAVE YOUR ORDERS Chicago, Ar. I'M 356 9Mls650 460 sos6iA1s -AT- tDaly. *Sunday excepted. ~O. .tRUGLES, H. W. HA YS, Fe O NET ST.ND 0. P. & T. A. Chicago. Ag't Asn Arbsr Newspapers.,SMaainea. Periodicals, ine Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Confections, Cigars and Tobacco. Michigan Railway. Time Table going Int o ect September 13, 181. r ~Arrival o ruins 01 Ann Arbor. AP ~~No. 2. Through Nail and Napress... 7 40 a. m.. irlu(TO GRNo.4. Ann Arbor &' Toledo Aceom. .11 50 a. m. PIO O R P No. 0.Clare Passenger....... .1505p.mi. NO. 12 W. HURON ST. 00IN0 SOUTH. _______ ____-- Es 1. Clare and Toledo Accom ,...1130 a.m. GRAND O ERA HO SE No.. Through Maill,.. . ..920 p.m. No. 5.. Ann Arbor a Toleds Aceom.. 720H. n. GRAND OPERAsHGUaT d 5 run;between Ann Arboransa Monday Evening, October 12. W5. H.J3IONNETT. R. S. GREENWOOD, Ge.PasNAet. LcaLget THIF _