THE U. of M. DAIL.. . . '1' '. V~tt Germian" b)y Raymond Weeks. The ,- wittiest antI brightest thling that has foundtlits way into the College ,anbishedt Daily (gsedays excepted) during apesi aymnh S" the Coiece )tear, bypaesimaym ttss'On Consequncie of C'o-Education," -a THE Ui. Of M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION brace of triolets fresh front the in- HE geniouss trains of ''Ted'' Smith. Ar- _. thur HI. I1Iolmes conitributes another Go1JepjeI+ FOR THlE SECOND SEMESTER +Greek, Latin, French, German, mndlMMtthienmatical T ext j Bottks, New and Sieconslhtand at + B k University Baooaselers, - - State Street. The TEtitttrs do ctno titdtemnselres respon- sieiforttheiopininsitrtsitmntii oflt cotrres'- ponts,napearing in te tt.AT XVc wish to extend cotngratulationis and thanks to Prof. Staisley for tile inag nilicent cuincert of last evening' Nti cxc IFriday evenigthere still be gisven it the Opera Houtse aniin- ioor athletic isiectitig. The objects of this tn-cuing are in'ofolid, to oh- tain isiiotiey to send the ball team can) anti to enconrage in-tdtor atil- letics at the 1.7niversity. 'The tiesniht are condunctig the tmeet ig repiort mnty entries among wlioii are soime of the test kinoivn athiletes its the Ujniversity, the fooit- ball teanm being esp~eceally well rep- resented. 'To prepare snch ati en- tertainment retquires mu tch wcork, tot on the part of the imainagetmeitl aind the cttnmpetitors, atid the slt- deists onghit to showe appreciationt of tine efforts of the msanatgement hr tutruing out inifullI ftrce. '[le fac- slty hate shotswn their ititerest bty re- mtoving the long standting restrictittn againist boxinig. Let every patriotic sitdentturint otiniext Friday to help the ball teami anid enconrage athletics at our I'ii- versti. The February Inlander. The Inlander is out this itorning n-it one of the best numbers yet. 'lhe leading article, "Detroit in the Revolution,'' by('. 1IdBusrtoit '74 law, presents a picture of the qitaintt population of Detroit at te out- btreak of thse Revoltiotnary XXar. 'The article is one of great geineral interest, anti is rendered all the itore attractive by three fitne photo eingrav'ings. Stome of the niaterial ioi this article is entire ness. 'The mtaps of D)etroit biefore atnd after the Retvolutiitn hare isever beftore been publishsed. Itn revieswing ''Leswis ('ass" for the Novemsber hIlander, MNfr. Henry A. ('haney imadle soite statemeints concerinig the ftoreign policy of Cans to which the author tf the took takes exception in aix article entitledl "rise Rights of Nat- stralized Citizens'' Fred F. Briggs 'g; is the author of a wcell writtens "Fable for Critics"" The Week of tlse Isabelle'' is a sketch fall of vigor and. draniatic movement from the v gf le pen of J. R. Effinger, jr.,,tt9i. One of 'the best stories of the. year .is..'f rn Exaaiiuatiorn in of the slialect pieces for wvhichi le is' sit well kinit. is latest lprodutc- tioti cauled1 "DIe Nosy 'reaclier'' is atn excellenst piece of hitinoros wvritiing. 'Tle February number of the Iulander contalins a great deal of creditable verse. "'To JPhryne"' is the title of a poem front the ntis- chilevous petn(If E. L. \IMiller 'coo. J. R. Friedman is the author of ans excelleint poeni,''Her Lisle.'' Michi- igain Verse conttains a great variety of shorn poemst. It is eticouragitig to note that the ne dergraduiates are begining tin take greater interest itn literary trork. Nearly all the con- trilbutionstisotseInlatnder so far hiave cosmse fromsithe Alumntii, but the pnresenst ntutber shiows conrltusiv'ely that tie neditergracluates of the L'. of ML are etitirely capable of dloitng good literary trorkin isboth prose atnd verse. Atlpha Nu Literary Society Election. ''Antytmeisber wvho shall not save pail all cites afin les implosed by the Society, and iwto shall not hsave takets part at least once duritng the seniester, prorided lie be asked by tine proper comsmittees, shall forfeit the right to vote. ''-Front the Con- stitution. WX. H. M~ERERc, PuRS. Yale-Harvard Debate. One if the speakers to represeint Yale at the comsing Harvard-Yale debnate tell be chosen at a competi- tive debate, twhere the question will be the otne decided upion for the its- tercollegiate debate. 'Three prizes twill bse offered its the competitive debate, the first bneing thne histor of represeisting the univiersity, the sec- ond $12 and the third 1$9. The lKenst Club will select another of the speakers and the President ttf the Yale Union trill appinlt the third. 'I'his last acioin is taken to insure Sthe participations of 'Mr. M ullay iu the intercollegiate debate, He is a nietuber of the senior class, a Keys mats, a "1L11t' editor, and is trying "for the Totwnend Prize, His tuany Sduties tvill not permit hsisi to enter rithe competitive dlebate, but the 1Faculty desire that be should be one of the three tmets to represent Yale. As previously stated, Chauncey Nt. Depsetw will preside, and it is 1possible that the date hitherto se- clected may be changed to sit Iis fconvenience. 'There will be many Y ale alumni on. he stage, ansd it is proposed,;to invite Coy. Bolkley, 'Lieut. Goy. Merwin, Judge Morris, M Aayor Sargent, ex-Govs. Ingersoll iand -Harrtson, ex-inrister Phelps, m Fouititdepartmrents-Commteercial.tsr text-bini, it mitnuseitpt work- &ngttst, Sthorthand ani - ienmtanshi. Flegaictbuidiag, targeeit - -- - tcadane ttiittrinstructtos, ork thot- exalisnicexpensrsnetrmelylis,V25t $25per sweek; studentsaasnitei topositios. Foe catalogue, address P. K.itt ASS President. FULL LINE PHOTOitsP- NO. 12 W. HURON ST. 'S rn U. HAE?-EPR Suitinqs, Repairing a specialty. SOUTHnMIttST Ann Arbor Savings BankPatlos > Ants Arbor Mich. Capital toc , es,,000sso, Sureplas, $100,000. Organizedunader nbceOGtieraltBnunamg cans !A[nd1 - efthi uascale. Receives Deosita, says and ( aella exchange en uhe principat cities stfte - United States. Dtsnashe uon proper idniiatin. OfficPrs CHdInTIcANnMAPrest' W. tD. HAsasnan, Vice Pres, Fa c CHAS. S. HISCOCtKt Cashier. 14 and the Rev. J oseph Ttvwitchel Of Vestingrs THartfordl. A large delegation is expnectedh froms Harrardl, and nsoney FROMt E:NcLAxis ANtI Suvt1. SNI) is beitng collected by subhscriptionis to propserly entertain the visitors. JA ' BUSINESS LOCALS. * LVI, Y ±. i'.LUILL INotices inserted ins this cetamnas tterate Nto. hut Southltin~s Street. ot 10 cents per lisr. Special races teertlonger( time, and extra linaes tarnished sty applyiag atI. te DAILY of ee.t Sesoo Wstce~n, -TheGoletu Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Eagle Clotinig Companly, sof Detroit,', Michigan Railway. will be reltresented by Mr. Rosengar-i tenu, at te('ookHtoutse, 'ITuesday, Feb. Tme tuard in affec Janttarey 4, 1i2. 16h, nwiths theircomplete line of Spritig Arrcral at trains at Ants Arboro ny. (lothts for Suits, Spring Overcats anst Tr-ottsers. They are still ming aettGOtNGNO TH.ys leather of ftull tress scits of fine itti- No. 1 Mailt ad Express ........ a n - ported wiorsted, mtude itt the best style No. 3. Passgr, Ants Arbor Accent .120t to0t' at $3.'Te best tof city references No. 5. Mail Passenger -0........ 55 p. i. giveni. By leavisng youtr atddress at te ttOIsNSOTH.a office of Clue Conk Htouse, Mr. Rloseti- No.21. Mail Passentger .......11 . t it" gtsrters willeuall ott yoit. No. 4. Sail Express- - -s....... a.s pt. - Ne. 6. Passenger, Telede Acc. 7 ,00 S-op-Go and seeXWil's tewsptrttng Trais aid S cutsbetwecen AnntArbtruan'd susititngs. Fifteets orsders takens Thiurs- Toledoaonly.- daFeti 11. Central Standard Tine. day, Alt Trains Dily except Sunsday.'t'-A biluek pansy Scarf pits set w H nSNNETT, R. S. GRENWdOO, wnithi diamtndtlits centre. Retcurnito 914 Gn Ps.Agn. oa Aet S. State, tand receive r-ewtsrd. Oe.Ps.Aet, LctAei_ Assesstlie of Neckwear just received atud tno better styles nill be found ittD towsnts Yost till say they are onse-hualf V~ar the priee you pay for thuem elsewhsere. Q~u 4 ( Mack & Schmnid. is\ Ladies of the U. of M'. will find it greatly to their advantage to call on us- whuen inu teed of Cloaks, D~ress Goods oFacDrGod.Mc&Scmdor e L adies' Makintoshues in beautifnl varieties, juxt received at Mack & C A Schmid's. I~ to $4.50, nmarked $1.95 at Mack & EEOMO Sebmid's. J P SISO p S~~ Hot and cld bathus tO cents, at Post Tu.D .ISN. .X OS Office Barber Sfhop., Stato Street Grocers. Full line stew style collars, 4 ply, 15 e Students patronage especially solicited. or 2 for 4'5' Mack & Schumid. 24 S. STATE STREET. t ' E r I