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October 10, 1891 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1891-10-10

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A Complete List of the Entering
Class of the Literary Depart-
Alcott, Mary E., 21 N. Ingalls.
Aldrich, William I., 93 E. Univer-
sity ave.
Anderson, Raynor K., 26 Fifth ave.
Andserson, Elsie G., 46 Madison.
Atwood, Agnes C., 35 S. Twelfth.
Abbot, Charles S.
Ammon Von, F. E., 46 Thompson.
Austin, Walter M., 117 W. Huron.
Adams, Frank, 38 E. Liberty.
Anderson, Hannah M.
Bourland, P. D., Alpha Delta Phi
Blaess, A.
Bliven, H. O., Beta Theta Pi House.
Bodecker, 11. W. C., 79 S. State.
Barnard, Florence E., 9 E. Univer-
sity ave.
Ballon, Isabelle A., 21 E. University
Bristol, Geo. F., 31 University ave.
Bloomfield, Arthur C., 85 S. State.
Baker, Harry, 48 Thompson.
Briggs, Annie M., 35 E. Liberty.
Bullard, Ella M., 1 Elm.
Baner, Charles D., 20 Thompson.
Baur, Wm. G., 24 Thompsoi.
Beales, Lester 31., 45 E. Univ. ave.
Babcock, Johns N.
Briscol, Frank, 26 Lawrence.
Bridyman, Isrry L., Jefferson.
Beckwith, Charles G.
Bush, Platt R., 1 Elm.
Bayer, Anna R., 9 S. Thayer.
Baker, Burgoyne, 21 Geddes.
BrennemanJos. 20 Maynard.
Biloch, Edmunid, 02 E. Washington.
Brewster, Belle L., 33 Division.
Batavia, Eugenie, 16 Fifth.
Brooks, John B., 121 University ave.
Batchetcher, Estelle, 53 Washington.
Baird, Charles, 29 N. State.
Bleyker den, Sarah, 48 Thompson.
Beister, Alice, 21 N. State.
Britzel, Leo M., 21 Packard.-
Bruce, Hortense V., 76 S. State.
Crossman, E., 28 S. Fourth.
Cheney, 1, W., 38 S. Twelfth.
Curtiss, M. H., 30 East Liberty.
Curtis, John B., 11 Willard.
Cox, Howard M., 35 E. Liberty.
Christopher, K. M., 30 N. Division.
Crane,Winifred R., 21 Thompson.
Clute. Robert, 43 S. Division.
Condon, John C., 24 S. Univ. ave.
Conrad, Charles 1., 21 Monroe.
Cummins, Charles A., 23 S. Division.
Copley, Clarafred C., 17 S. Thayer.
Culber, Halbert E., 10 S. Thayer.
Cressman, Alice, 32 Thompson.
Crooker, Wm. E., 26 Thompson.
Crozier, Hubert R.
Cragan, Henry B. -
Carroll, Geo. B., 5 Willard.
Cheeney, Olion H., 46 Univ. ave.
Caswell, Emma M., Thompson.
Cooley, May;B., 76 S. State.
Chiering Wallaee W., 79 S. State.
Crampton, Fiust F., 15 S.. th yer,..
Doughty, R. (.,46 E. Univ. . e
Dunn, R-W.,ifTWiliait' >

Dasef, J. W., 49 S. Ingalls.
Dancer,lHerbert A., 46 E. Univ. ave.
Dunbar, James H., 90 E. Washing-
Day, Edna D., Washtenaw.
Davis, Calvin O., 80 E. Huron.
Dawight, Lewis D., 19 N. Univ. ave.
Dunbar, Miram, 9 E. Uuiv. ave.
Diltman, Lydia A., 48 S. Fourth.
Davis, Joseph M., 25 W. Liberty.
Donaldson, Belle, 22 S. Fith ave.
DeWolf, Charles E., 33 Thompson.
Dunbar, Jesse M., 27 S. Division.
Doty, Nina M., 67 E. Ann,
Dumont, Arthur S., 20 S. Twelfth.
Duncan Charles 11., 76 Miller ave.
Davies, Nettie, 32 S. Ingalls.
Dunster, Annie, 23 S. Division.
Doran, Margaret, Liberty.
Doran, Julia V-, Liberty.
Day, Mary A., 52 S. Fourth.
Dougherty, Mabel, 48 E. Liberty.
Daniels, Francis D., 17 Volland.
Evans, Lizzie M.
Escott, Edward B., 31 Ingalls.
Evans, Evan L., 20 S. Twelfth.
Eames, Lucy N., 24 S. State.
Eddy, Charles M., 54 5, State.
Eames, Mrs. C. 3., 24 5. State.
Eddy, James B., 54 S. State.
Felger, A. 1., 13 Lawrence,
Flintermann, R. F., 87 S. State.
Foreman, Orvile, 29 N. Univ. ave.
Freemain, Emma C.
Foley, Mary E. 39 N. State.
Fritze, Walter.
Foote, George F., 34 N. State.
Fitch, Elen V., 44 Washington.
Forge La, Adrian, 34 S. Thayer.
Fushee, Edward G., 19 Univ. ave.
Foster, Chias. W., 20 Forest ave.
Farmer, Virginia D., 48 S. Fourth.
Forsyth, Wm. M., 55 Washtenaw.
Friedman, L. V., 11 S. State.
Gray, Chas. H., 26 Madison.
Greene, Albert E., 37 Williams.
Goodykoontz, W. W., 37 S. Thayer.
Garrett, E. 31., 84 S. State.
Galbraith, W. J., 30 Miller ave.
Goldwaite, Nellie E., 9 Lawrence.
George, Ransome G., Alpha Delta
Gaylord, Augustine, 21 N. State.
LeGavone,- Daniel, 90 E. Washing-
Goodiich, Thomas E., 13 Lawrence.
Grimes, Edna E., 30 E. Liberty.
Goodenough, L. W., 11 Maynard.
Goodspeed, Clara L.
Gallow, Eugene H., 45 Williams.
Gale, Mabel C., 44 S. Division.
Grinton, Albert, 26 Williams.
Guthree, William J., 10 Lawrence.
Gandern, Abigal S., 48 Catherine.
Grosh, Lawrence C., 27 N. Univer-
Hibbard, Mary F., 10 S. Thayer..
HillFlora E., 46 Thompson.
Holden, W. M..
Hoadley, J. S., 9 S. State.
Hyatt, C. C., Zeta Psi House.
JHenges, Anna B.
Ilutcjits, W., Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Hbuse: -.
'Dorton, Bryson <D., 56 .Washhngtun.
(Continued on supplement.)

S. C. A. Social. OF YOUR -:-Y-.-
The Students'. Christian Associa- OUR SOCIETY BALGE
tion have reason to be well pleased WILB
with the success of their first social
SMaled to You -:- :
held last evening in Newberry Hall. -:- :- Through Your
Judging by the large number pres- NEWH
ent, the hail is to be a popular re- (' H A P T B 1t
sort for students. After a time - _-- _-
spent in getting acquainted, the Upon;- :PPLICATION.
company adjourned to the hall
where a short program was enjoyed,j I -
consisting of two selections by theI I GHT}l1,K & v
Alfaretta Quartette, readings by LIST
Prof. Trueblood, and singing of the Manufacturers of Finest Plain
and Jewelled Society Badges.
"Yellow and Blue.'Professor DETROIT, - - MICH.
D'Ooge spoke briefly of the success
and good prospects of the associa- E
tion, and General Secretary Nichols
briefly outlined its future policy.
Legal Directory of '91 Laws.
H. D. Jewell, historian of the '9z
law class, has compiled a very neat H
and tasty Legal Directory of last
year's law class. It is a small cloth- wen you wantithe Latest MetropolitanStrles
year la clss.It i a mal clth-in Sihoes as 50c tis$1in psirless-than AnnssArbor
bound book, printed on excellent prices, send for catalogue to
paper, and contains the names andH
present addresses of all the members . H. FYFE & .,
of the '91 law class. Mr. Jewell is DETROIT MICH.
to be congratulated on his successful
effort to supply something out of the
ordinary. The Directory is the first Cphas $peller & .
book of its kind printed in the U. University Outfitters,
of M. and will fill a long felt want. 201 SoUTH STATE ST., ANN ARBOR.
The Directory will be published an- N
nually in September of each year, N ckwear,
and will no doubt meet with well- Dress Shirts, Gloves,
merited patronage. Underwear,
New Foot-Bali Men. GENTS' FURNISHINGS,os
The following men have been on
the campus training for the 'Varsity "EOO1TBi1L iGOOD ,
eleven. The list is in addition to English Mackintoshes,
those already published: Carson,Atltic ad
Sullivan, Ayers, Warner, Mowrey,. Gymnasium Goods
Bentley, Berry, Sherman, Tupper, iF EVYESCRIPTION.
Pearson, McMorran, Kreit, Reid,
MacPherran, Wisner and Loomis. YE TIME AND MONEY
Glee Club.
13y Buying your
Thirty candidates tried for the
vacant places on the Glee Club. On
next Wednesday evening another
trial will be held. The trial for the of us while we are here.
Banjo Club has not yet been an-
nounced. CALLAGHAN&Co.
The course of lectures at Hobart
Hall on the Slocum foundation will PUBLIsHER
be delivered during Lent by-Rev.
Dr. John Fulton, of .New York. 1-4 Monroe St., Chicago.
The subject wi,ll be 'Evidences of
Christianity.' 50 S. State St., Ann Arbor.

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