c . of ,. li Vol'. IL-No,.. (,s. Coral Union Concert. ITe foloinig"isthe program : iord an_- ---- --.- _--- ---" I ll Lullaiby." iiii '-- --- -- -- -- i"in into iEgypt." (.ounocl~~~------- ---- -"Glilia -.'1 This iptogriami calls tocrsioie ex- tt, 1 lditio1t011thanii ha s yet heedi chxa is xwilliaipeitii i fll]caiuks.,iwili 1w assistieilbyiartists olfluighlest irep- iiilon, isd ill lie 5suppor5ttil byia lark 'iiiiil fit'i ti tii' esra 1 x \lc is byliaxBri Iiisiaiiiisiical rleofLii1 111 li iowliiiltolestiiry tIt isilvpo tie iiidis ttesWoil UNIVERSITY OF MIlCHIGAN, FIDAY, FEBI3JAIIY 12 i 189. Iossilile.'.\as.IBruichiis aigrea t spieeches iwere miadeb.essrs5 ttt. m caster o(inistrumtental colir nditlHariey, O as-is, Gornmley, an111'rur- the atmuosphere ot this woiril is is iiipseed. A special meetinig will be 0 i S entirely tilstinct from t th it ii iii liel the 2,tlu, at swhichi all demuo- 1i the "Fair Elleii as tielt sii ts ts cratic stuiiieiits are rellquesteud tuo le awidly s-eparaited. \t I \fisx illeseiit.NEW I ;,iiiitli issuite of thixvirs ftws Junior Class Committees. xxxil arti ists ishoiiis a thuorough ixlls-___ icia a it tiit. samet ime , iiid his I 'iiipiresidetxt fiithe jiuniior laws thritt sot's siung tu s xx' 1111c1mttl la s's has ainxutedl the fiilloiig'iiigBICL panii tltwsill lit asrevel-itioni ii ofiimmitttes tuocoi-opieratie iwithi sei- at i i s ouioti i istiorsitreptoox-esdn spireld sllor it:of te 11most exlte- ty- " (oini ttx iof x ii ranlyeiests--) Ju5 aiiilis acostat il xx' i ou litom 1 iiasoni, M.i1,:. iarnhlart, iM. 1.. gi01111 oenc. I ltis opr-DvsE.A ik iiiiic til Iishioir twort: C sou t Isias ciiiii Rec eptixnix ( i x ttt ii11 A binued charactris tistwhsiiihi we 1rirte-'tttReese, S \i 'ii duxi U l_ l iiidltoe'thier i intn illrt iwirk, iiisi Decotio nit Commt isui ttee-S. \e- t'tcliui'x at the eiiii lhpeals to the (any perisi- his caii ceiiiai xnn- Robserts, I . 'iToy, WIt. I-' iickley. I ihiluuxe ixii''-ei oit oit ti Iilolcti ii o1f the11tm0ean ig 11o15 ii.- s~eie E c Jhs ton R. sA. xxii te liry iote is xx iou lit xiiito x iitliil i lt ii-iix i ii11 lt it ixxsxx 7 x ilxxsiasxiu lxx tl il ctete c liiiina- 1'a enini is enitiety- tile prograuimmie 'Shi~ipI.'I. Siss Wx1. oro . . poiusnceiiplc s tha t ttetswllh lynAn Adeloski Senate. a l't' c lor i x iuiizeiid asith icsgxiaiieslliocuu''x' ixs it xxix x'xti !x iida isth ad i tly as to~uu ghiit ,lii is- si ic1 I . ssto enth iin K.cl is btclxxni at eIxi forlxi contestxxxiii tire xioint(rebs tef I: itistiiweit g i n p s i iten siui, xxxix ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o cet ththteisee s ii sx sii incsti ll-xiiatitntmil of it eitwend il iti alitntiWes teii s i h « ilr iia es Sc ltihisDaeseeiiicis h ea oisinieesi the lo(-ses oishet i s h d l ii h s as uuix iiiwo111. It afitrts Ilieotu gea seritycesit u i .~ Siae 1 1 t iclsxs n i xxxiii s iins cr is is exiilishit srtlii g"l sxiorkissM ris.u still liii oosite> lur damiiaict so Toistci-Iwsliari ' aequhrcu atDee.ltc \ criioedyto itesurntobeaioptexi.u'to oe i~ciien hlyuxeui tud od. ' 't idf[est sliatax alr2eady txad x ine stdaei itl, t11oc ck xciit eare onetthebetcrouigt- take the tocirtsociszittlirganiineaRootat0 ly ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h etwyuilritcFot scie~ st l epeive. a,.royal wlcomet the tes Ancerca ilcniposes silhisi' Te eocticSoietymak Therl Fstial ofsDas. Icxthkxfarethirasti abroas , antistill(, lrccealkfont the clerits''Tha s lec- Seednnatctc tcil i iia e " as. 1 o its m,- eh, e. o. ,n 151l ii i iuhcx i RH SPEC]~ PIZicE, Ton Hix+. F.i'xsr"1s. (OF YOUR SOCOIETY BAPDGE I Mailed to You-- Throtigh Your CHIAPTEIP Upon .APPLICATION. it itii ll iuit lies ox i niest l'l xsin DETROIT, - - MICH. i-iathe Ixultc'ticsixtr uliiiits-let I. FYFE & li)i 1111)11 t hlt i 1AL SAbB! ut-cit'E, ll hg ,at gretyic ic- diiccd prices, thieir chioice, line of Necksweai', Unler- svicat'anti till Funishing Gods. - Cooi and instil goocds andurl1icesi. I T Iertomted several timces its Londoni, ithti great success. It s a very dratmatic ssork antI calls tor first- (lass choral and orchsestral wsork. 'islosing thilt conies a stork for sicle chiorns anti haritonce solo, bly Ed. Gtreig, a composer who sworthily reptresents the Scandinatian element its miusic. His nmnsic has a chiarac- teristic northern flavor, and his work, "D~iscovery," may stand as a good illustration of his groins. Max hrich- is again represented icy a lotely 'setting of the- "Flight into Egypt," for female chorus and en- pirano solo. In this nunsber we find sone of the dramatic orchestration tIiistaslicttleetouig)t. iiiereastclecitire thusastc metin inthelaw ect st ill icoldt a fair or 1Fetival of Days rooiii list esening. Conidxiering theI in Htarris hall, ev'ery- afterinoon ainiu pressure (if the examiinaiioncs theevngtrii-b.31to2thi- meeting wa svery swell attendredi. , vnn fo A.2d o20 letter stas read fromtiMr. lauirence lse. A eitraniutsllb Gardlner, annotincin g that the (tent- furnishced every evetning consisting ocraic sciet - - of stereopticancsuests, dutser and be plcd oflice rhllof theasfan drills, fancy dances, a Itarasol beenplaed oi te rll o 11r drill tinder lice directioni of Prof. National Association of tdeimocratic dle Pont, aicdsine or two nmusical clubs. Mr. Loeb, as chairman of eeig. 'h tmsiu ilh the committee which was apipointedonye nenn. ts. Refrshentsillat to consult a like committee fronc the -ronablten rces.Rersmnua republican club, regarding the form- ation of a mock: Congress, -reported PrfsoPakdoflow hs that the scheme had' tallens through, -Pemrloedr acmemrdof thewnmpa- owig t th mok Cngrss f oherrial Society of Natural History and parties. Eloquent and- stirring. Anthropology at Mfoscow. i i Chap. Speller & E . S. STAIE STIIEET- 9,IQhmond Straight Qeit. No.1 CIGARETTES. - - - Cigarette Smeokers whit are wilinag to piayailittle m ' or e thoe the prie chargedi soitthe ordnry trado Cigareties,wiii eins STis BRsAND superior ts U - The Richmond Straight Cua No.1I Cigarettes are matte from ste bright- eat, moat delecately Ca tired and highest cse asld Leaf grows in Yirginia. This is the Old and Original Brand of' Straight Cat Cigarettes, aed was brought out hy us ins the year lo7s. Bseare or imiltatios, and observe that the nrm sate as beiow is as svery package. The ALLEN & InSTimi Branch Of the Americas Tbasso Ce. Manufactursers, . ~tts.Virginia. J. A. POLHEMUS, ALSO 3 BU9 1# U$ F 1 s BAAS(5A61C LH4(E Nsartlh Ma t~t:eeie.