THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PE OPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAIN COMPANY, iNew \areromilil,.Corner of Alig nilndLiberty Streeits. I will "Open the Ball" by placing a fline stock of Guitars, Banijos, etc. PR ICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YOU. Find N 7iiZ TT s mSvc srromm, 25i South Fourth Avne, City. HJATS ONLY $].Z9 i Si cre Pure 'ALBANY LAW SCHOOL. 1Wil l-ie ndow I~isplas. .ON One-Ralf Piie. Fresh COUtiSif, one year. Three full termls ~ required. Teritlegin, Selpteinlier, (12lean Januttiryi!111d1101 h. ENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. (OA) T- - - Drugs. u1 t o a tr aniidltheriliiiigsullly good, Degree ofL L. B. Cornferred. For HIGH CLASS TAILORING. AT ~ Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. Il~e has t LEI AlNG, 51 Iit_;AND iZi l NU GOODS iCSitsi ng ju- iu-U 1iiia Silk 'ei si t i~ii . Full iu-Siiigs aSpecialty. Pleaseclluuandsexiiine, C ALKINS P7HALRMACY. Addreoss the Dean or Secretary, ALBANY, N. V. No. 2 FEast Washington St:,rneair Main. RSE J LLY. 0. 51) AlII Leuive Ordiers foral ATHLETIC +;GOODS. 'I17+", WRITING. All kinds oi Woek ieafie ii r iiiiiirat reasoablie eS J. 6, MIDDLE.COFF,5 :tiSouiiith oivresii Ave YOU CIAN GET 110 Ii l saul. iii! Cu i'-io ll Ii -hliC, i BIUO\VN'S I)RUG STORE-. Chemical Physical Apparatus e rrIalsu cruscop ca upuoesiu 'ISItII[ACIL & SON. S tIIAE. ~t) i~lAN * 0 YOiRii-RADtE OONJDAi"TJIL +-OJL- SliliUI)v-S iii AiiQ1 AIITOIS. fiens., takeis ci r iii lith ci d ieuni Htel Illan.I: N-eO~lou diner S ndays. Spectial 71 Fort St., West. -- Detroit. MICtlu. LEAVE YOUR ORDERS -AT- P. 0. NEWS STAND Newsppees, Magazines, Fereelicais,-n Cntee-tioss Cigars and Tobacco. CIGARS BY THE BOX. I littsiurIi stogies, liii)ill lBox, - - - -II ii Proi gyv If 110 ll ling tiller, I1ll00 iin o, -. - $- liii lIe"S ill&iiSiiiBouquet.-i- 'reen 0 lumps. I3. 1 44 Main Street, South. DEAN & COMPANY. iBILLIAERP PAL0 l iegantiii reitued (luiriiig tue patn u mmer.0ii I Niiieluichi eounteiir inionetn BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, STATE STIIEET, ANN AliliBoR I --tTH E A R GUS, Q- I IN jO1 fNsf ;INC - ATLI Oc PICErS. THE CAMPUS. S-e veral teocers lae i t eiiliIthe FIRST NATIONAL B3ANK T'he rehuearsal of. the tliiraxit_ pon ,icnuCst iof lebirua ry ii)qill'ANN ARBOiR. laist veiiifsg i eis ery r omiiiising- . here wiilli tn f t e I uliili. 10iiiiiiii. uSiii di sili'riiiiiu, 3of)". \l iss NI abel Stimisiiii will sing at I eniiiiratilc society i ite ll c riiexuuu-iiii ouud, settersiiii crdl it roeiri fori-travelesradiii. tie i elisic r Siiciet, tis ev-eiigi , tiire riiiiim, i iiiii-inorow e iiii - C. It. Ii('I 1ii\li, li-es. 7 5 '. -1, \ 5'-( i ,'is ushate I )ipp, '92 lit, iasliben TeTeliuiu ei-riiiiiii i i out Ofi rollege forrniar] -ly twoi aeels 1lie Chicago Lt i i csit5 lhas vxleieil dd ,imuofiahhtas- oil ai-countiif illnsess. a icill to Rev . Pilip IiS. I isiii. . CI. R T he lov t to gress has a djo r ed I., iif B ousto n. iiO iiiiil ?elu. 29, ii orderthat all mighlt Prof. IDewes- has annuiincieid toi1 hear Paderewski anidlClevelaond.- his class in lPolitical lPhilostpytPeietAgluwl xmn i htth etwitnqi il v ieOO 1Uon ilass in Intlernational Laii- next lectuires 6 to 13 liclusive. A iiiw 1111n1f101recetiof i iii is Tuesday at thuc reguilar lecture hur. 'Ile Michigau w oiiali u Prot. Ilernil promises 10 examniue to-day.- Copies muay lie haul at iany oni elio bolts his Chiauer class Selulceiles or Walrs ionState StI onice mo ire beore the enii of thie or at Wateir's. on NI lait. semlester.[lie Taibleaui Vwasshas bieii I- hr.Whte swill give a special lei- liostpionedI, oin g 1 eliiIia agii-r & Cii. , I li-elianil ii lure o ii ie ' Methoio l c-h ingun -iv ersity Hall hail leein eigaged) irs,tareiifhbiuug Nf0stmti 1)11tt-rns, I Lnguage,"- to-niorrose at 57iii lii l lreviously for oilier iturposes. - Ile o llrpc fs-ieii iii ini Room 21. Prof. ielaalis class in ii Iieren- Professor Adams siill examinie his tial Calcuilus finishedl the siilijer-i'?,2 s.0Ottoii5i 111flr- 1"2 . ill class u ine Principles of the Sc-iencve ryesterday, aiidlto-dcay- beiuiext silllleijibll5.A- of fnuance, Friuday-afternooniuifromii semester's is-urk iiilItegral Cali-ulus. to .1 o'clock. P~rof. D~ewey isill examine his class 1,5( pallternis of Triinstrios. lihe Blesides the 1).2. . tBlanijo Club, ini 'Ihe Miosenient iof Thoughit in the reglar Jirice of orlileli is frioil there swill be a Dhetroit msandlolins Nineteenthb Century-, oii lectures 13; clib at the big base-ball entertain- ti 17 incltusive, to-miorrow morninag $7 .10 ho $9.00, foir $6.00 aI pair. ruent on March ;. at tiac rcguiarleetvre holur. Tiley- lre also offeruig soinie die- M-rs. H-. E. IDavis read an inte- T[he Union Leagule Club of Clii- jioibralsi ev tdr resting paper before the Bliological cago will hold thleir atnual banq~uet tddbran nHaeEdr society last night, on 'The Naples in the Auditorium on the ev'enling of wear. All inspection ocf gooids Zoological Station." Feb. aa. Addresses will be made anid prices is invitetl. 'rho zoological laboratory will be by representatives fronm the differ- closed to students all next wveek. ent colleges, and Mr. W. C. Quarles, 'The botanical laboratory keeps open '92 lit, representing Michigan, will until Wednesday night. deliver lihn principal speech.