It Will Pay You
One II anreod Fine Overcoats R~eduiedu.
A so) Forte Prince Alb~ert (oats andis Vests.
liat war an theriace at Clothing, Hats, Caps, Underwear, Gloves, Mittens, Hosiery,
TRUNKS, VALISES, Fine Shirts, Collars, Cnf5S, Overalls and Jackets.
We are goineg tor let lheepublic loose among thirty-eighrt lousand dlrllars { ;,o.oo)
ewortleoat erctanedisP far twenty days, wshich wiiii le till Febtrtavy q, at onre-qurarter fa}
off nearked pise. We lease nerttpickeedtlat a frw goeoda and mrarkedl themrtdown, burt offer
Remenmber wvtleeare sayinrg: ONE-QUART ER allftlhe tsricerfeseryteiengadvery-
theieng inveer Dl~ecvStore. Not aore lollar to gee ore the books;every diolvr must elacasth.
Wa aught tleeotee eO NE THOUiJSAND) IllLIARS' worthe eefigeoeds vey day atteea
Teehone J.
v ES
The J. T. Jacobs Company,
Hlaeauartes feer lees seateien efCther State Iir i'etd gane
SN. B.-Couneeerydeleres will doesll to coeeteien, and assort epepivr staocks at thevsepaces.
Wl ro t fqy!G O G .M O E M-oeScesrt ae)ORK CALLED FOR and DELIVERED. !FOR HARD AND SOFT COAL. A Foil Linteeo lC oleeet o lrae, ineuinetg factted Meedicai l Bos,.hy the nc
sALe on Cheespaee r Vo~at'eeaMo elf an Founltin Peainnthe iy. llrersette'eretveien. 'l(aon
SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTS. 1:_ = eti l friends. I eee0W iree rycetire steeckentcey stoe o n NO. 6S...tIAINW'
Ofilo, - 23 South Fourth Ave. N0. 11 WI Vs ASeeeGN(, ill' tiCli 3ok'.2'COI
1)() N
Vt) WN,
1'a"its t e ''iiit'll a feel lietosf till Se'scondslSeletee' I'i'xt-Kootka. lii ?t)i IIILc a CS 0'CCT 'S
I~'itieil''s fse tetii ele It(Itl Stbietois tteLIVERYi, llIs K ANDItBAGG~tAG L IiNi:
.Il11duarer to- G rm n a d fenc lnblc lio~ . Sol ordirvters ortreaens. prties, ct'eeir etcr- ti.,
tiO"e et'\' O'ii , "+ ee ti a t''y uu efss t Ear' ' S'IA I.eitaset' l'rv tsi!- attedtottst e.
an ri fr1Vlitll' Fn Sato er a d ei$el & Ese ( S'r , FI'l'. 'Telephnefs.. 21 N.StMaitnSt., O fcie.
C elebra'tids'v icl \ ilseesi' il Ieeteiesetei s. Sr~stineg (icelo . - - - -
4 1leitik Bootks.' ]lit A.Sitee', TlE 1 X IJSOM i
a j 2g Iaoi a alege ~ n 5l teiia ttese1l ee itet , steelis pe
teesh stee i ndIncorpoated.)eec
-NOTES) tfor'itsb'PRPlA lOtW11IC'Rts/i;. Pepires sstuenrtts ver antyrcole scien
ifcsh o intees''stteete.
Fo its tCOLtdGE tiCOURSES. P'r'earvvesr tie er' eesa r~assetireessat tie'b restaestuturreesn
tie'moetst tpratcetialresulits.
Forv it,, NsslOI A NDJT''ACHER',' Il i1'NG est iRIICL-"L''. Specialvttienrtiontegitvec
serear tioveer examceinaeetests stee teec hinge.
Feveits MICi' .A'DOFINE AR1111' tRi'.~TA'iTSSecondet;ie te etie i'stetisci tei
""rvets COstMAIERIi'AJ. .1 Ni) Siitili'iAA'I)IE J R'I'T S, the leads itng sool or biness.
r' r te trreel'yssmoderrvatesese tee studrets att'eding~.'Ter sexpen evsesco otea teeeOs'-
tiredloertw~ittiets a atetiny-otiher seedctoaloi isti tnetisseeits tiehetutry,* andtiat tier
'"'te' timeee lie 1%eltc andicomforeetabl-e.ts v. ethig urised
tperseveso vcrneoutirsectsteeeel s etorensot s. -
\v1 :'0 Eevst ileecee s. A FI. ('01V0',iT. ts tetic.
- - -- 0.M. MARTIN,
FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, Cloth Caskets, Metallic
30 E= sac rrSteetRINSEY & SEABOLT,
T~l} stBakr'esanel einc
SHORTHAND 7j. Groceries, ProvisionsFlour and Feed,
IT WILL PAY TOUl. Shortiend Schooli, Nie lae5E.tnhcgseSn
1-- .,c ....,r ... urI. YFERFEX, Prenidesut. Ilieeiidng,ti0 Sestir Stein Street.
Tableaux Vivants. NetsitF-i:. termateenitorie t19, NTEee'.. llilosojebsivcl lDepart- OU'VEPII '~SPOOPS
'leech's ERmanttic lDrama.s IOit.netfneant. 'riof. Deawey asks Ithat all Tisitrsig-netimnth olwn eioswl eslctdwodsreo'aeteSmnr
wheiche sits anneounrced foer 'T'hursday for liuonedhestr corse. ioredayi Couerse in Ethics ('hell. I, ) ire thee ARNOLD' - 36 Main St.
ecvenineg, levisbeatsindefinitely posti- 8:15 c -9:I;sr 'leesa, a-,,.SecondsiSemeester giv- eimerr ,,
Enteown oth mosiiiy Rerm I. Sit. cuse = "i1.11eraees at once. lDaringeg iaSecncet el or a ~ d -6Ifl l wrIV n
Nortshreei eiti 1vSemester ire Phyvsioliogic'al I syt-heol
ofc urin hnleersity' Ilaii for thea IepEtle. i(15ir cee S s id rosi ts , h ,00ie.
sesierleeg ~~ Romea a'.51oeenct inte France.vogy theare will be givers twothirer ' Otieen'tilessegiceeee.P-se-
itae date namredl. Arrareietis Work basestti teo i l t siledsltext i ltiles coteries, ael iiroatier-l -8toil cen c erill eepov-sits. I-evaseedetyc
clay lee meade leer lbs presenstatinconjuneeionse iithe realirees fromreendeel ('li -2a) tand tesan avedl(Plb-. viE ltli e>'.t F.Box e r ob
etariretheeyea. discuessiones otees eschool of l ierr,- 2) coterie. leer Cores 2a (ourse' l1aheeie e atertbaee nng.e~,
. _ history iii Franea. I Tvsda-y set - i s sere si- 's 1d tiy.ire
Wodrff te al fotbal la- 'lersilay, 9 ,,o-5030. RoonitMSI lvcnurse stuentes are admieidilat the 0. K. BARBER SHOP
bNoi lte l' oe alpey Its. 'Ie i t i cdsiscreine oseth1e' Inestructor, )elr - btch I e~se lc outerensir'etlt'I
yr ane xcas tain of tire Sale trae, N eriv- (IIcan ate is sir ' shNeai. 'lie ('nurse Its Itritisbe Stincer tits oltl~i tlcai''
leas bean secuedco sac-h the foeot- laele]I'ene tr vieaie theirs (1r151] ;ea}cwi legiv s ee in
a heSecondilSaemester. 'leoatlis J .IOOAO~a
ba~ll teameeandelcrvevwset thee t- tiversity hand lee thevir nees atne
tel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ctoeuc s ei.I I'ie's s ~t -v riasesents wheo lave itaken the'Ot Itd WasintoSteb.. tte ie testyr. M'elte-leeett.
Geneeral 'syrchology xileebetaI-
_~. r .._Necree :.--All ishing ti nt est eeiteviatthte irstreetor's h'loneee& s c-lre e eiig the fieltis-
Ness c:. ('iCoerse 21e:c .1 svlreeirenthee iopinsg vaesd wrestlingse rc trg f11 iisheinteI n teer ibis'class acer e g ;slylui'le llow sec nere le icbuttones.
Cotrneday-Stueants intenading to taketuret ltise leelid heb.1, ill viiptlease teuestedeto indmineethseir ceaeres. ,
theis Cucrse shouelid let nee knnw v ateldteir naees in tihe conmeeeer ' lnserlnsitsigt tk'te
ocer, siatireg whetber 1e e; to 12 ,1/ at once.- Farrandt, Wa'gneer 'SteeCo'se leI1e"isshealg(I'rl.I'let t. ie-
woualelsent thremeeas wivlas izp . . Robinsonreansi Griftier, c omitt 1ev )aerdsatdtasee leiI'es7-.
Thle.reg'92. m\ thlas . forevort: .kAspeeriilexamiteinedeamteas. Ileethis ccurse theere wvill z<t
Ne--i'. '~eraoa nnhayfr stuenerts condeitined eein altnprnbably be onlyoseesertine(Set.~
meetieng of thee.'athletic ilnard llii will be healvdire RonneIR,on iIeday, I, Tel, IV,', 1, y e re), bertSteu-
Iler held Saturday teninelg at o en blruieay 19, at 2 p, . e. hies is theenarts wsihing In take thecorse o
orcncckire Alphea Net Hall. last examineatioaneforcoendltons. and r/izbeto/ rteg-, scii1NzlF.Teewl ea'me-FANI .ImsY hol osl'test/sr9uctrc/er
leeg of thee emocratic Society Nei'TI'v.-Alevendidates for 11ev
''hrsnday evening at 7 :30 inhelaw 93 nae salclub are iraqatecteel tn, Nctrrc---All canedidates for '94; Sentio pe~peich cicereceipt of pcee.
letrItm. S V URIS andl erathceir names at once., base-ball leant hand their names to! ItO M SN
Acting President. It1. A. FIEteMtsc MasnaIer. rthea manager, :Ray 7cGtirren.. 1 &eSoitMih