THE U. OF M. DAILY, 'Zl. of 1U .T etif to decline the offers of Vale and + F RTEE SECONDP SEMESTE? l JUI ZJ/ ° H~~larvardl for daes in the early part C le e + OT EI.L11'I EE of the fol lowing week, it woldl seem+ ltbise a l Pnas xest uig~Greek, Latin, Frech German antIahematielt slit Coic catsit tha if serossota as ive at ll, ~ +Books New and Secondhand at the te sould hare been extended ,-," + THE U. OF M INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION) htteetv uieste ol l e played. If permlissioni an be Suseresijtiiiniprice ti50 pee year, iv aiably JJ - ' +QkUiestyBosles ; dasneits-s itsnlcossnn ets. osastle at seruresd tor oie day more, i. e. the +UiesyBosle, - - -State Street. neettiansandsi Pots Oliese,es stiseitats1:: Friday prcding the first game, the n eiek,nn,,oiiStflistittinaayte Itt at il o c hec tice at the Dtair, Opesa Hiiise eek, atnoewllbeaetopysvn iheeh a~i tsttit'sor1111,sni of atthe gales, the number played last year. ____ ents. ., - , P) tattilin iiiihicrteltci- The 1Virlly passeid a rule oills o'clock t. i they anecto ppear he et \liiiisay night, whiich, hosever, i say. Addrtess it 1matter itendliedl for pbae- ione to lhe Mntagig Editor. All naness 5101 lii take effect sintil text fal. communiattioiinslihniilahle sent toi le lst No layer wiii be granted leave o , tententetior-er. basae-lall, football a - -Pt spttis i itoi 5 it THlE U. of I. DALY, Farbsence for asir 1a."0 taf ic Anal Arbor, Mittsglee-cliir uther trli,svlo has on_ aucr iokSg; 'aul dt or attre coinitionsotr whose wxorkiscghvr(Ins 'lmyci .5 EDITORS. rankesi ansad hybssosf the rofes- 1' 5.0pertwee; students ssisted to poitoensilisr den .iE aPrit t . 55 itnint ns .92, Maniting so:P111111. soe. ']his rule is an iniciationa of I. L,. ossnx 0 sss.Msals tiisr 11ti Ii O 'xes Assst. Mngn dtr ~ 1iNen Ast. Mangisg- Sditosr. tiii'temapler sf OlinFaculty aithelv-~Tj' ,f LP IN E I Tirt isin,92, tussiniss Manoager. tnie the bse-al llpei l s fin ally S. 1 1ti. 91 in Aslt s sais seus is inae.- W c. ltrP, '93. '94 Assist. oi N(Il stssr. actei 1131. - iiiE- F..l. 35s-r wnni itI e.Stians, r. Feha lssCmite. NO 12 W. HURON ST. S rn Itl-lt)itxtr r a.12 9L( ltnannss iris.1, r. 51. . ~va isen 1. lic9-iiillite Caiuisilex re . H A. L L E R St as Ifollus. ssEUrEZw r, n fl Jns, ann an -/os utli//iCluss. G. Ialmer, S.epirig a spooaty. 4S OTMill sr1 lh Eitresiin notl ihletielsrra - chair msats lVist . VNeuimias, Le- Pa ntIa-sloons--a-- llrsiissaritset i srre-rnV C. comasis(Cas. ilrlarraud, Ann Arbor Savings Banik k1OLtkJ531 soetstapipear-usa-nit he DIs.Y. Atn Arbor Mic. Catittl Stitch$,o 150 010, _u uls Robt. IctneF. 1. R ihardson, OSrpla, 00.00 A en I. thil O souterteeneplitskiLsosul f W:pbihto-dayitie sbnltiice hny sllItItiIi ont. cOOesDeost byonn A dexalation on the prinis 'alttien CSotth of Ci corrspondnce btweenthe A c. cCmsnllcsa, Cited Stite. Dratsxaned po proper'11... sif he orrelinusliacebetveei th Ii i/Oil/ .1 .idetifctio. Officrs:an basae-biallmansagie sibfiCirnaelli vi- cirainaLester . Stanley, H I I. Ce ITI na, re., n~n nemsity- andstol sUtniverity oich91li_ Cheey-, Rohl.tClte, FK A. HiisavsCsAS. F. Hscc, Cashie. J gal. The positions takeni Ott- 91clii iaani, I. I). Tonrlans, (axe,- gas's tiaage asilhisao ils is(Zeta Pi) C. P lrie, Chas. IT Sixty per cent of the '92 editos V siq refusing to grant Cornell's deimansl Gray.oiclegparstYle civl sill be approvedi livthe tudoents. Io-sent.lelscl I. aais atilantaialfao-ila c lsMEx.i oa ii5 is x 1Michigan casanuot afford to offer highs Chairmna; Wi. -M. orsythse, Ter- ccei.natlarvrd.a guratestinyar iilaas maipy nasBlurr LeonardlNelson. Tubbs,> IThe University ofltesaxyviaigarateeItis ear lthinept traayWhegaane fee oX. G. Salter. comes fortha in the list of Americasa Corell11a yer i tnreeasnabe Coistiittees to olicit subcrip- untiversitis Iis year ina their nuimt- No. 11 Sitth Mit Sret. thtan offered heretofore, ansI there is ions of 50 cetts per capita for tmain- beo sarchts nocainivieoftebs-altainasace of base base-ball teanm: R.- - Toledo, Ann Arbor and North scores of the last tn-s years, tnt offer WV. Manley, R. 9. Ieidetamat, 0. BUSINESS LOCALS. ( Michigan Railway. a premium for thy' alleged risviege J.- Larson, IR..R. Lymnt, J. X. iiere isthscaulaa i rt- car hd ha elc Jnu iiay 44, t8r2 iii playinig Cortsell.- Nuh, Miss C. GC. Noble, H1iss H. 01rilents per lha. Spieil rates foe longr Asta o at t te 1''n is - 9 tmer and eaten lines eurished Sy aplyig at M.tAnderson, XHis V. . Craine, thrDAtnntlite.1 orovH Ins. ustion. of the Facuty isalin- 9Miss J . Vork, 91iss N. Mi. Doy. 1cm aTn-A Gosltwtchlattdtctain itt oNi. . Mail ad Eatres .- -3;I, .m isitge ~streets of AtntsArbor. Owner all No. ;t.Passgr, n ArorAerass -125 0iiiol tie Easterni trip of the isle to atNTrgus ofice atd 1st-ve property No. 5. MaisPassetter........4;pm ive college slayssas n0otexpected. LoST--Feb. 7(1, onitEast Washings o. - comaaripasseger . .IIa The tudntswil notaccpt he ~acrss n sate is o b tred tidol street, a eerry-htandled,, elf-elo- Noii4..Malaxtpasssige..- Si tos.ina l'hs ststlist sy~l ot ccet tle -acrss siaskaex Is he tiet atitg tumbrells. ithi a lotgickeled fe No. i. 5asseger, Tledo Aom se.. ;th a. m. tecree of Ite Facusly very gracious- Lehigh. rle. Tinder rtur to E. M. Cotrad, itisanosd 0ilntswetoiens AnsAbonsand h, proabhly, bt it is arsy Iece- A IDebating Unionlhasbeels or- CenEtXsllstatll stdSecivnrdtard -Ttnntb0 Timne. S t sa wht he tudntLsr-Two five dollar bills tbetweeti All Tras Daiy except Snsdy. nayts a tslatth eYn siiet ganizcil at Browin. tte post sufice anthte University. Re- w. H BENNETT, S. S. GREEsNWOO, thinknoboit it wvould not hae a 0Ata athletic associationais bing trtS to IT of M. DILYt~ office attd re - en. Pass. Aet. tua Aet. controllitag itnuice wthl the Facul- formed at Bostota College. ceit e sirl.__________just_____received_____ ty. It is learnedo that the trilp tas Keefe coaches the Andover pitch- atdto better styles ill be founttd itt litmited to five ays for too reasotas. rs every Saturday afternoon. totut You will say tiey sureote-af j tie pice you pay for ttetellsenhere. Q~ ~ /~ First, isa order ts avoid too lotig atn AmshersItill hold a twitter al- Macin & Setmid. absenuce rout studies. Secoind, be- retictmeeing ots February trq, Ladies of tie of M. swill fltd it canune thsere is a very trotsg feeling h nvriyo ~xoss a greatly to tieirfsidoakttag to cl o ts1 g 'ro Uiverityof iscosinhaswien itt teed of (loaks, Dress Goods amotig thsetuenmbers of the F1aculty revised its entire course systen. or Fancy Dry Goods. Mtck & Sbmid. tial since Michigan teetat East last C. 1. Flack, one of the victimts Ladies Mackintoshes in beatifui varieties, just received at Mack G y ~~ year it is the tuin of the eastern injured by the collapsing of the Setmids. ' colleges o Smeet '9ichigan. Tlse gratnd-stansd during te Yae-Trince- $.95-800 silk nmbrellas worth $.0 ive days leaveef absence tas given ton foot-bal ganme on Nov. 27, 1T0o, Sc$45tmids. d$1.T -tnack with thse idea that hut one .leek has sued te oswners of the ground Hlot atd old baths 10 cetsts at Post t. L. TI ON & OTS sould be consumed, but sipee this 'and te ale andu Princeton teams Office Barber Shop.- State Street Grocers. limied us~ teii frcethe issage for$t~ooo orFol line new style colars, 4 ply, i-XeI Students patronage epecially solie. liiedtmewl fre h angr o 17i00 r2 for 25. Mack & Schid. 24 s. STATE STREET.