THE U. OF M. DAILY. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. ANN ARBOR ORGAN5~ COMPANY, tt Vareit s ti, (Clitt(r1of Nlali and Liberts Streets. 1 swill1 "Open thel"1111''by placing 5 ite stoclk oft Guitars, a Injosetc PRICES THAT WILL ASTONISH YO ATUOLY$]7 1 ind 'TThxis 's Mv~c Sio mT , 2i South Fourth Aenue City. _ e h okce cntio. IALBANY LAW SCHOOL. Window lisplti.N One-Half Prie. Pure -: Fresh OtISE,eineeyeair. Three full terms . j, ] T ~ J /lean.January and March. ClanENTRANCE AT ANY TERM. G O - -Drugs. cull aorps ofOIn-t11tors7and Lo.turo s anid otherthitntgs equatlly geoiI Degree o1 LL B. Conerred. For HIGH CLASS TAILORING ATl Fall Term of 1892 Begins Sept. 13. It, hasto II AII\( 51.1 AD CSMME GODSit Sitig,Ftto.cittss , ~~Sik etit gs iiilie city.Dll Dress Sutitig" a Secly. Placall adcxine C ALKINS PHARMACY. Address the Da or Secretry, ALBUANYN. i% No. 2 East Washington St., near Main. R. . JLLY C 0., IT LEADS THE CR~9WD. -; ji BILLIARD 1£ARLOZS OSLO Elg.nty refittd during te jast sma r Washuirin, Cirosy&(i.'sSutperlaieC lititesetts Spruig Whett Nice tutcti otte i oiccttttt. ]"]our will Tnae Mire Brectdl inid Better Brea tati anv BUTTS & HAZLEWOOD, sNoL xluriihe e ht ol t6.5pr b.STATE STRIEET, ANN AllBltil tudanft' ,uppllas, l s i h Mskt cdtt$i.~~srbl THE ARUS,-' icee Orders orto tll ATHLETIC + GOODS. 44 MINt S T.. SOUTH11. ~'.FINe JOZ F5If'4IN@, AT .tiCC PRICES, TYPE W 1RI'NOi. THE CAMPUS. Schoiarly Yale Athletes. Attttlitfcikit ortie pc. 1li~ai ioIFIRST NATIONAL BANK J .MDOEOF IjoaanR .Da'siso)te nothe f irst twent chioctltrs OF ,ANN ARBiOR. Tr1-thUi vrsityrt t A,. si lthl. in thierjunioirclass asXPal t ric are C taQ ,roeo t iurl tsttand itotitesit tY U A ( . I. 51uar it I or i, is sVisitintg titer iirttier of te etiteersitit= rew i"It cocitisitee outiti, ierofitt cttitt citettet Y(_ (A GI teItanaus1. aictitite mseisber of te lass crrrw, C.iItiiicnfiiNii rto 1P. hAt ii 5 let Phl' i~a, /t eu teilt tet i Iii siaiiclcliatdn thlii iersiwto atve relrseittli tmi/iiisee t his rlasses. ieplacers iii athletics. IthCie whioe 11U \VN'S DRUG STORE. ~,Ci. i. Amitts, 't2 lat, has returirned ttumberr citi27 appoiintmnts there GR N E ' Chemical Physical Apparatus ti gradut e siths Iis class. are i9 woihave places in the seeral r. I Citrzc perormledItwol iaiplttit-.crews and trais. Of the ninenten, S HOl I . t 111 \ILi i SC. P.a t ines iintelhomseoipathic oittail tio are oti tie univCersity crew, ne U.IIUUcas irocoiclUuplestystrdy.olIheclsscrwtoeintheiUt ug. itac H c&so cScpp. es estrlay. nysy,.fi.D, 9,is tNolascetnceowIlef ot- enieafor receptioin of 1Pupi1s EBELBACI & ON. ouuut'Ihelsse, 31 Ii, 91 ICball ean,onie onithIe base-ball tean, illtoats I r essIseishiriticig 5 fvencthe alhletic team, and onie is SHVE >earneeas Ntew ;Mexico. S INIAII. Th a representaive of the unierity on H EPUTAION [leclass itt iissectiotn sas givenicthe teistis curt.'T'here arc nue 0 rtuseit -etaite utexatnititaioui isisthe Ibraiti, M.\I o -ppoitmlteint tmetn swho re "'it slavaftrisota.athletics. That is o say, h/i per AE Sle &sn The lectures ideliveretd beSI~r. centt.otatthe msembers of te class lagiei &(' 11 bY1 ~ Slice before te classes its ted15. swho are disinguished lits athletics ior, toe offerinlg iis. lpa)i t S a1. acesaa .Bogy are attractiingnmuchtentio 0 GLD 1I1F L :I oT'e h juior lain sas sects atithet ?I n 7 lttin itfrsitlthe regutlar price of liili is fromtu gallslectulire itiustriously eateiy$soing I $2fS,.0025iii rt STI ui NTS tilAtlQURTiRleS. peanuitseandl trowoing the shucks oil Gymnaiush orkothas eeti tate i iaoy, if1t artue toolitntit otreany itf s-tur utned I) frt ls. A s iricud ,ea ctsoihalir ihe cuidental 1usd the floor. ITis is ote of Iis faver coitpulsory for the Fresicmtan classsttiileitfrtcas.At uilfie or tn minuties. Youi till suelctsee ton ieicocloe inilue, Sodays. speeiltitie pastinmes. at Willas. 1501)aptrtTs eof Touseings, the Prof. Stanley has received ana i- The Univrsity of M'siiiesota hasrguir~reof hih sfut latol frols 1c Wolds airMtsi Iadpted a new plan of selecting calirectors to transport the Cho- speakers or commenscemnit. There $700 to $9.0, for $600 a pai. toIltUnion to Chicago, aind there to will be a series of oratorical con liTey are also offering some de- tike part in the great musical festi- tests during the year, to ascertain 'cdedba 71Fr t. et Dtot val, to be held in 1393 the oratorical merits of the senior cid agains in Heavy Under- 71 ortSt. Wst.- etrit,1yiEI+. Grover Cleveland is expected to class. The ten members standing' wear. An iispectioni of goods LEAVE YOUR ORDERS.. address the law students at Ann Ar- highest in these contests will repre n rcs sivtd -AT- br on Washington's Birthday-if sent the class as ortors on the corn P.1. 0. NIJW'S ST.1{D he.s denats 3ave not at that time mencement stage. Honor men will -ii- - ena pnddfrterrcn not appear unless they be numbered Newspapers Maigaine, ieriedieaU, onhe enrectiones Cigars asdT~h 1rnksi"-Cincinnati Enquirer. among the ten.