l e . of iu . mlail I. Viii.. II.-No. 'I" UNIV'ERSITY OF .MICHIGAiN, TUESI)AY, F'EBRUARY 9, i1892. PESO ' Tnuor CFNTS. THE MUSICAL OUTLOOK. Communication. IStaool. Th 'rooitos o " I O. YU S The Prospects For Good Music Editors si rrt: ;tmacagers to coasts and exenmpt Never More Encouraging. The idea of forming a wtestern hitchers from batting still receive no UR k CIE i APLGE te as forra'ts sit nttercol legiate athletic association, att ention, huttthe restrictiosns against N1,,IK reered1oin th cdirtaton y bal1ilyicg will lie sesere. (Malied to You -- racnet aloc- m tsic'ltl ies eetei to i tecntnc atn- h Yu in Sturdy'simint iscerci l Catceswl efrbdeiopaeTroughY u las eqalledi asd siurpassedi thatt of itrtysD s scrany Nlcsiilh it iiht ua E W sworthtls uf careful ciosideratioin. hats or ttasks osit hel base line to N W eli ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A unt net. I sg tfii' Xiimportant factor, swhich sdies ostusict slitters, aaiss rlstill ite sunt astoniisigtot tirte the rapiid t se ohv en eonzd s frasmsest to lirevett ats ns frt ti pioiti wh' tlichist tr hastsnsIssav benreogirimaidsetiitgandirlitI Upon -: r'plillsiy trIIalco 51 s~Ithe tnescChsicangos Visiersity swhichlswign hi as inifsosttfitthe PR! CF PLCA IN ospeciisycbctile Oratoioisoiety.catcher tor interfere wsiths 5tssni S itile iserr fur years asgis whei lcin is lesr-bsfesss Iali. Nosisy coiuclsits' is tos le abl-l ,iil O Pro tiii' n Icy look: the chasir (if issici 'e seetona.eatpifso s s, ail tllcetts r51t55silk ill~~~~~~~~ ilVitsislsst t5 lssrt on Iloisst issakes it certtainistisat the tic uailowieid tsoIquestsion therumpirs'ss s'';s ithiteS isis ir isvs ersity is tos lie recogiziesd decisions. Probbly s thesr sir is- i~escslleuliSocietytlBadges. va tso it aciser girr ii Issiessisest i ass slsscti'sssl prlasst recomndaii~tisss will lie sore IDETROIT, - - MICH. i alndiiia5icssoncefet5issltrvensrisIbstrtrls o rrdcth n umbes srkrsfsi!balls to ni rest 1 istrsirdente ofith5firstsask.11Il5sf t ls ehts es bst rtenit tiistst ti liilcr most sisrin-ls It ill1- thsreefrt rs m litnlietrikesoanis blsr'A cii sisil's ~srsist cisiiss if fivo etiii t herc t heX X t 's"intrstso trssiii iii h~issasirence ofletssshte tssl. srherfIseas n itis is tiI alr littlstredlisrtern ifd ssissa ich tr s o ihebts ei b t s emintaii ha thri ody ~iest ali's11tcs illlssssrssl it esot1 rtrs ti eassttiulrrappoinatentioftA.eA.rustggssstsrI-tuhetssfest iicli'rbentotssInStilee leached lnd ats grrandsistchoarus'eoIf'ttwyr t e n m e fbssalb ls st hlss tls ian ri ttysmembersrendrt tlf phsclcltr E r et a ste ba e ition.i u'sstdiditionalie es uisAsi i'll ill Ili tse lr i s oSt mtstsr ical it st siisl sbine fitsdites i o als wba rkli-ill tle stieiti'i assaisthaes hsivlssiessthe sss- c tbaSnt.--eDlrilsr nw i etis" it ssseti Presr s is l ball Attn Asleqislsyssitisteinnttitir ceitila nthionasiepi tatgion.si s4lrs *nIlls -Sy' csilhscceeton owanItottiee"sleassose tsatroporlristoanP gI J.1iAb I a nathse tsiatie re stls he a tr ai isnd st lstl svsLtaisiittyea rtay Bat'ss ec ssn'sPet itsits t's yonslietithoesV of roi t' $(it arlss tn l & AnlAb, lenientbcot'sflrheircenttotsehsicttfrot, ifrtcseasondesforsy tte factilto ''T akit g thishntotcoisfitst ttoit. Ilad it The commirctsteelughitcgihstssbecc miladtte eryr; fu ri ~ e sa briof atser d s paingof Therai- peu ticalbSociety lMe eti. 1 © thcpolct fstre hg -gadetses en btre leaib ion sintllas Nlonayiunici tlit thellViii rk tersty oui atrcity,~OIlM 1, lil th seitasi fr issrsitio's in tatr troisestayeatelinfer that porttic asticetytl okw act ith e vr atculttlly"rilll till lie si ctstty isonor t rao tt ersiloiisidernts o t til tgi the tneaeeiawaos'tr ouuiists t rostre iso u c ess. h vetuetnlgr A.lat iht. etal e m ch allor SP CI" AL S Ar L tofdth makaig ns sbtn- ui es effortltoucceetdhein gnri nt Ibaroes astre adnassive est-iooolsi t ooh hiuurr conmsdently exlsectswthatyt deyin thessrestemsndatsociats Stil ofmanterssItat eossoidwitsh hte hs i oo o teeacun i ae ofpiois-ii!pirs Chas ofhiltos tl go' noagitt scrash toe g .pobahlity't adbyta thg 'ee i l effectsSpelepro-Co peruuscalcoeie ntici thet tisuhetr u e s y allncuthisg ieo olie tlok sc, b i sa n's ei ae i C a r e eg a r ea&ly re wiiligano till tproititoeso ioti rtioinotpri o ilolsle t t i- ,r'r'S R' leerhthelast ffcir wonhsetheahis-ctotion fyT' raour!thea Soietyoeti ang. mi~yaist!hthatoifcitftueeredoighitdtlesieabtehetirchoese cii~~~~~~~~hg Visionsemhas beeisy fIaibue rreso blas pe ,~mn Srih c IwteUnvrit t u ia itssyto r ra s ge ga e anvit impIroablrherguatmeiorf ' hea ln o e Ns.er U dr crt h esdegmfandtsfoirstrncctionwh i Ylseoa e snfeasrh te - s entedca vcery ro kabe lpras tle -w r ad al F rihn tis le o nst rd ayeism r thn.-pneitt nak inrgiu t cii eutho evterapnioticaslaof ratrigialCG RE T 'y's etetinehi vt eon fbie r wNestcHasiderciitonah onieserh g le- tnhacGoodsi.aeil~~~ iy il thur l fiet of isrkiis s gven.he fo Iot -. A.sihedealkdinelra eve in a engaeinrttoiet uualtlreen! he metnisanensgdetrrh snI, I~ ycnidelyexopeyarctrspssblyananrutlmeen orni byn a ll.s, 'ndheadti eesf te' ndisec od curt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i onhhe wbeteronethaaThsotchiondStrigh tsht of %st ye ar Atorcstraim Wh oinrtmis vaye betiveenot, s-ee xtgacnietogsvicaenouncedsolater.nd hrices a founationwill gow int a grcat ' i certanly aettng rasabiieyitha (lyythaavdug.dTandvihigfectsptoat tona ne wihte epe ~ e hl ost nn brabeartg d cedapan itas anbanset incr nClhLap.rwSpin llirgii.Tis& tel Fsor h etastilacoumn htineChos ChnpurinthiBas-BalaRles thaeetmetttioo, ndfhacyemhatth 4ndTheatAfLEN b& GougTt dsBrabnch rhAllvrs o rfoodt mi s c ond beolumietda vrcofUivsty ofapeMasche-fr aNeshowaseer ak.1 scesent. It is salewe aid hee suwihen110 radclgomi.e-4~te mrcno C. takes changesinettrerbase-allerules th s ulProf Jov0e lamts oWhoie, lofA ET ES lirls i'twr nd Welesly tlk fpende, n t ate our onte fares tao- ~ asrcie-o ie t " 2 .A O M S orgaenzrinmnenter-clleiateath-bwillge aoreoHastrucondoftioeawon erd- chg oTul heare ofate Grees1un-V areinorYaltt ALS BU MCK NDBRAGGAGuerir t aeti asoi o.E.lgsomthatoint miaybe teaynoders- dpatoeo o Th e ain Street. 1 l